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61. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876 Bruce, Mary Grant, 1878-1958 Bryant, SaraCone, 1873- Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922 Buchan, John, 1875-1940 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
62. UW Libraries - Database Search Author, Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876 (2) ProQuest Information and LearningCompany (3397). Keywords, 1803 (11), 1876 (25), Augustus (5), http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=68160 |
63. Recent Acquisitions In History Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. Philosophers United States Biography.B945.M2984 N49 2005. Marcuse, Herbert, 1898- The New Left and the 1960s. http://library.osu.edu/sites/history/his505.htm | |
64. Virginia Tech Libraries New Book List Title The early works of Orestes A. Brownson / edited by Patrick W. Carey. AuthorBrownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. Publisher Milwaukee, Wis. http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/February2001/B.html |
65. University Libraries, Virginia Tech Title, The early works of Orestes A. Brownson / edited by Patrick W. Carey.Author, Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. Publisher, Milwaukee, Wis. http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/February2001/B.php | |
66. English Classics 3000 Scutcheon Dramatic Lyrics Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876) The AmericanRepublic Constitution, Tendencies and Destiny Bryant http://book.nku.cn/book/english/b.html |
67. Kirchenlexikon Brownson, Orestes Augustus(1803-1876); Bruaire, Claude (1932-1986); Brubach, Clais (15. http://bbkl.de/b/r.shtml | |
68. Download E-books At Diesel Ebooks and travel, Bird, Henry Edward (1830-1906)......USA, Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876), American Republic, The. DS,Tibet (China) http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freetitle |
69. Download E-books At Diesel Ebooks USA, Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876), American Republic, The. BN,Mythology - Charlemagne, 742-814, Bulfinch, Thomas (1796-1867), Bulfinchs Mythology http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freeauthor |
70. LoomeBooks.com Detroit HF Brownson, , 1898. Brownson, Orestes Augustus (c. 18031876) 3Volumes 1, (4) + 556 pp; 2, (8) + 645 pp; 3, (6) + 629 pp. http://www.loomebooks.com/Store2.cfm?Ste=76&Cat=78 |
71. Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876, Gregory Butler, Amer Nat Bio, Appleton sCycl Amer Bio, Cambridge Dict Amer Bio, Comp Amer Thought, Dict Amer Bio, Dict | |
72. CCHA, Report, 29 (1962), 25-40 Brownson And The Common Schools Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) has exercised little influence upon theformation of the pattern which US historians have chosen for the narration of http://www.umanitoba.ca/colleges/st_pauls/ccha/Back Issues/CCHA1962/Farge.htm | |
73. Encyclopedia: Transcendentalism Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a New England intellectual and activist,preacher and labor organizer. Amos Bronson Alcott (November 29, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Transcendentalism | |
74. NYPL Digital Gallery | Browse Subjects Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876 Brownson, Willard H. (Willard Herbert),1845-1935 Brownstone buildings Brownsville (New York, NY) http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgsubjectbrowseresult.cfm?alphaPos=B |
75. Conceptual Timeline I The Divine Augustus, The Lives of the Caesars. c.100c.175. Ptolemy. Almagest 1803-1876. Brownson, Orestes. The American Republic, The Convert http://home.comcast.net/~reillyjones/timeline1.html | |
76. Cleveland-Marshall College Of Law Library Monthly Acquisitions List Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. Religion and the public schools in 19thcentury America the contribution of Orestes A. Brownson / Edward J. Power. http://www.law.csuohio.edu/lawlibrary/info_services/acquisitions/acq-0505.html | |
77. New Acquisitions Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. The early works of Orestes A. Brownson.Online. Economic survey of Europe. Online. Ptak, Carol A. http://www.lawrence.edu/library/newacqw2.htm | |
78. Orestes Brownson (1803-1876) Orestes Brownson (180376) is not, at first sight, a philosopher of liberty but,rather, one who is concerned with ordered liberty itself ordained towards a http://www.acton.org/publicat/randl/liberal.php?id=69 |
79. Books By Author Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1803 - 1876 Session History. A Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1803 1876) Books by AuthorBrownson, Orestes Augustus (1803 - 1876). Found 1 books http://eb2.learningtogo.com/books.search.php?t=author&q=85 |
80. Orestes Brownson Orestes Brownson 18031876 Web Site Orestes Brownson Society. Presents manyarticles, emphasizing the later Catholic publications. http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/brownson/ | |
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