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Brownson Orestes Augustus: more books (18) | |||||
21. MSN Encarta - Brownson, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876), American author and clergyman, best knownfor his many writings about his varied religious experiences . http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_762511080/Brownson_Orestes_Augustus.html | |
22. BrothersJudd.com - Books By Orestes Brownson Reviewed Orestes Augustus Brownson (Acton Institute for the Study of Religion -Chapter4 Early Nineteenth Century Orestes Augustus Brownson (1803-1876) (PAL http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/1092 |
23. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Orestes Brownson's The American Republic: Constitut Author Info. Orestes Augustus Brownson 09/16/18031876. THE REPUBLICAN OrestesBrownson and the Truth About America (Peter Augustine Lawler, December 2002 http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/1305/Ame | |
24. Orestes Augustus Brownson spacer, Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) Religiousphilosopher. A Vermont Calvinist, Orestes Brownson spent his seventy-three http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/brush/orest.htm | |
25. Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876). Back to Biography. http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/brush/bigbrown.htm | |
26. New Catholic Dictionary: Brownson, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Orestes Augustus. (18031876) Philosopher, essayist, and reviewer,born Stockbridge, Vermont; died Detroit, Michigan. He http://www.catholicforum.com/saints/ncd01470.htm | |
27. Orestes Brownson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a New England intellectual and activist,preacher and labor organizer. Brownson is best remembered for his http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orestes_Brownson | |
28. Walker, James. Correspondence While Working For American Unitarian Association A bMS 478/1 (10) Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. Letter, 1834 August 6.bMS 478/1 (11) Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 1803-1876. Letter, 1836 February 17. http://www.hds.harvard.edu/library/bms/bms00478.html | |
29. Public Art In The Bronx...Fordham University bust atop a high granite pedestal of Orestes A. Brownson (18031876). Orestes Augustus Brownson Memorial. Brownson is best known today as a New http://bronxart.lehman.cuny.edu/pa/fordham_u.htm | |
30. Public Art In The Bronx...College Campuses With Public Art On Display Orestes Augustus Brownson Memorial, 1910. Hostos Community College colossalbronze bust atop a high granite pedestal of Orestes A. Brownson (18031876). http://bronxart.lehman.cuny.edu/pa/colleges.htm | |
31. Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Gregory Pappas. Brownson, Orestes Augustus. 18031876. Gregory Butler. Brumbaugh,Robert Sherrick. 1918-1992. John Shook. Brunswik, Egon. 1903-1955 http://www.thoemmes.com/american/dmap_entry.htm | |
32. A Most Unclubbable Man - Books & Culture - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com The curious and instructive pilgrimage of Orestes Augustus Brownson. history have not known what to do with Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876). http://www.christianitytoday.com/bc/2005/003/23.33.html | |
33. Orestes Brownson And The American Republic Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876. 01/1971 vii, 308 pages cloth ISBN0-8132-0508-5 Price $ 0.00 Book Code MAOB STATUS University Microfilms. http://cuapress.cua.edu/BOOKS/viewbook.cfm?Book=MAOB |
34. Author Index Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876 Bryant, Sara Cone, 1873- Bryce, James Bryce,Viscount, 1838-1922 Buchan, John, 1875-1940 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
35. Fishpond.co.nz Orestes Augustus Brownson (18031876) was a philosopher, essayist, and ministerwhose broad-ranging ideas both reflected and influenced the social and http://www.fishpond.co.nz/Books/Religion/Unitarian_Universalism/product_info.php |
36. Names In Dictionary Of American Religious Biography Brown, William Adams (18651943). Brownson, Orestes Augustus (1803-1876).Carus, Paul (1852-1919). Case, Shirley Jackson (1872-1947). http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/dictionary_religious_biography.htm | |
37. Dictionary Of Early American Philosophers Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 18031876, Independent theologian, philosopher, andauthor. Amer Nat Bio. Buchanan, Joseph Rodes, 1814-1899, American scientist, http://www.pragmatism.org/deap/ | |
38. Roman Catholicism & American Utopianism The names Orestes A. Brownson (18031876) and Isaac T. Hecker (1819-1888), Orestes Augustus Brownson was born in Stockbridge, VT, on Sept. http://www.sspx.ca/Angelus/1999_August/Roman_Catholicism_and_American_Utopianism | |
39. PHILTAR - Compendium Of Philosophers/B Brownson, Orestes Augustus (18031876). An introduction to his thought. Bruce,John (1744-1826). The Scottish Philosophy. Bruni, Leonardo (1369-1444) http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/compendium_of_philosophers/b/ | |
40. Browse Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Authors B Barrett, 18061861; Browning, Robert, 1812-1889; Brownson, Orestes Augustus,1803-1876; Bruce, Mary Grant, 1878-1958; Bruno Schulz; Bryant http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
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