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Browne Thomas Alexander: more detail | |||||
61. SETIS Digital Resources: Table Of Contents Script Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne (18261915). Download a PDF eBook of this text. http//setis.library.usyd.edu.au/ozlit http://purl.library.usyd.edu.au/setis/id/p00040 | |
62. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915 AKA Browne, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1915 Bompas, Charlotte Selina, 1830-1917 Hueso, Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin), 1916- http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
63. SALIM.de:Songtexte, SMS Sprüche, Witze, Zitate, Gedichte, Kochrezepte, Chat Thomas Alexander Browne (1826-1915) (1). 46.Thomas Alva Edison (1). 47.Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) (11) http://www.salim.de/testpage/index.php?bereich=datenbanken&db=sprueche&CMD=show& |
64. USL: Rare Books And Special Collections Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne (18261915). Robbery Under Arms. Brennan, Christopher (1870-1932). A Chant Of Doom and Other Verses http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/libraries/rare/7digmat.html | |
65. Pictures Catalogue - Barnett, H. Walter, 1862-1934. Portrait Of Rolf Boldrewood Ltd., Rolf Boldrewood (Thomas Alexander Browne) From a photo by H. Walter Portrait of Rolf Boldrewood (Thomas. To cite the image with description use http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-an23251768 | |
66. Chronological Author List "1825 To 1829" Compiled By GIGA Rolf Boldrewood (pseudonym of Thomas Alexander Browne), Australian (Englishborn) novelist (1826 - 1915) - READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay1825.htm | |
67. Famous Australians Our Australian Guru Offers This Tip On Thomas Alexander Browne. Browne, Thomas Alexander, pseud. Rolf Boldrewood , 18261915, Australian author. http://australian.lifetips.com/TipSC.asp__Q__id__E__64789 | |
68. Australian Culture Authentic Australian Products Aboriginal Artifacts His collected poems were published in 1912. 18. Thomas Alexander Browne. Browne, Thomas Alexander, pseud. Rolf Boldrewood , 18261915, Australian author. http://australian.lifetips.com/faq.asp__Q__SiteID__E__404__A__QuestionID__E__577 | |
69. Femail - Encyclopaedia / B / Bro / Browne, Thomas Alexander. Browne, Thomas Alexander,. pseud. Rolf Boldrewood rof bôldrwd, rôlf. , 18261915, Australian author. http://www.femail.com.au/Enc/B/Bro/BrowneTA.html | |
70. A BIT ABOUT WORDS Boldrewood (Thomas Alexander Browne, 1826 1915) was the first Australian author to capture faithfully the emerging Australian variant of the English http://www.users.bigpond.com/burnside/Bushrangers.htm |
71. Walton Cemetery, Delaware County NY Hilda E Kiltz 1907 Alverson Thomas Alexander 18_1 1929 w, NY Eng. w, Elida 1851 1904 Downe Henry 1847 - 1911 w, Christina Browne 1851 - 1928 http://www.dcnyhistory.org/joyce/cemwalt1.html | |
72. Index David Alexander (18261915). . . Narrative David F. (1835- ). . . Narrative Clyde Thomas Michael Alexander (1879-1945). . . Narrative Cyrus (1855-1920). http://home.adelphia.net/~ricblake/names.html | |
73. Search Results Boldrewood (Thomas Alexander Browne, 1826 1915) was the first Australian author to capture faithfully the emerging Australian variant http://www.acn.net.au/search/category//state//audience//qt/australian colloquial | |
74. Dickinson College Alumni > 1826-1850 Browne, Charles Henry (c1825c1857), Penrose, Richard Alexander Fullerton (1827-1908) Biddle, Thomas Montgomery (1829-1864), Lyon, Alexander Parker http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/a/alumni/alumni3.html | |
75. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Lacey, Thomas Alexander (18531931) Canon of Worcester Ecclesiologist and Controversialist (4) Moorhouse, James (1826-1915) Bishop of Manchester (3) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=109 |
76. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Browne, Sir William (fl 15941611) Knight Lieutenant Governor of Flushing (1). Bruce, Thomas Nevill, William (1826-1915) 1st Marquess of Abergavenny (2) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=51 |
77. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1779 1843) ALTSHELER, Joseph Alexander (1862 - 1919 1930) BOLDREWOOD, Rolf (1826 - 1915) BOLINGBROKE, (1678 Wells (1816 - 1884) Browne, Thomas (1605 - 1682 http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
78. This Is Project Gutenberg Spurious and doubtful works Alexander s Bridge, by Cather, Willa Sibert, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend, by Browne, Thomas, Sir, http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm | |
79. List Of Knights And Ladies Of The Garter - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu, c. 15281592 1555 Thomas Radclyffe Alexander III, Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias 1845-1894 1881 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Knights_and_Ladies_of_the_Garter |
80. Project Gutenberg Titles Spurious and doubtful works Alexander s Bridge, by Cather, Willa Sibert, by Browne, Thomas, Sir, 16051682 Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, The, http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
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