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Browne Charles Farrar: more detail |
81. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Chaucer. Ward, Artemus, 18341867 AKA Browne, Charles Farrar, 1834-1867 CompleteWorks of Artemus Ward, The Part 1 Essays, Sketches, and Letters; http://globusz.com/authors_w.html | |
82. ¬d¸ß: [Browne] - ½u¤W^º~¦r¨å (English-Chinese Dictionary) Browne /br n/ ?1 ?Browne ?() showman (18341867) syn {Charles Farrar Browne}, {Artemus Ward} http://cdict.giga.net.tw/q/Browne | |
83. Dictionary Browne of Dickens novels (18151882) 2. Browne, Charles Farrar Browne, Artemus Ward United States writer of humorous tales of an itinerant showman (1834-1867). http://www.dictionarydefinition.net/Browne.html | |
84. Artemus (Charles Farrar Browne) Ward. 1834-1867. John Bartlett, Comp. 1919. Fami Artemus (Charles Farrar Browne) Ward. 18341867. John Bartlett, comp. 1919.Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. http://www.bartleby.com/100/571.html | |
85. Project Gutenberg Bibliographic Record Author Ward, Artemus. Author Alias Browne, Charles Farrar, 18341867. LanguageEnglish. LoC Class Language and Literatures American literature. http://demo1.globule.org/gutenberg/browse/BIBREC/BR3273.HTM |
86. Anglophone and Anglophonee more quaintness and drollery Henry Wheeler Shaw (18181885)and Charles Farrar Browne (1834-1867), known as Josh Billings and Artemus http://discover.bpa.nu/anglophone/ |
87. Ireland Information Guide , Irish, Counties, Facts, Statistics, Tourism, Culture California 2003. edit. Browne. Browne, Charles Farrar, (1834-1867), (ArtemusWard); Browne, Christy, author of My Left Foot; Browne http://www.irelandinformationguide.com/List_of_people_by_name:_Bro | |
88. Art/Books By/about Artemus WARD - McLean Arts & Books Authors Artemus WARD 18341867 (American). Charles Farrar Browne, American humoristBorn in Maine, he worked as a reporter on the Cleveland Plain Dealer http://www.mcleanbooks.com/gallery/artistinfo.php?artist=1597&retlist=writerlist |
89. Algarve Riding Club - Newsletter June He s the wuss speller I know of (Charles Farrar Browne 18341867) Artemus Wardin London Ch.4 At the Tomb of Shakespeare. http://www.arc.west-algarve.net/newsletter062002.htm | |
90. E-lawstudent.com Online Thesaurus - Browned (back to top). 1. Artemus Ward, Browne, Charles Farrar Browne (United Stateswriter of humorous tales of an itinerant showman (18341867)). http://lexicon.e-lawstudent.com/?lemma=browned |
91. Chronological Author List "1830 To 1834" Compiled By GIGA Artemus Ward (pseudonym of Charles Farrar Browne), American humorist (1834 1867) - READ QUOTES (6) BUY AMAZON BOOK Charles Henry Webb, American http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay1830.htm | |
92. Artemus Ward - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Author Details Artemus Ward (1834 1867). Full Name,Browne, Charles Farrar (pseud. Artemus Ward). Biography, US humorist http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Artemus Ward |
93. American Writer Quotes Charles Farrar Browne Quotes, 1834 1867. Lois McMaster Bujold Quotes, 1949 -.William S. Burroughs Quotes, 1914 - 1997. Octavia Butler Quotes, 1947 - http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/category/american_writer.html | |
94. Business Success - Business Success Small Entrepreneurs Home Managing Stories Ha Artemus Ward) * Charles Farrar Browne (pseud. Artemus Ward) (1834 1867), US humorist Dik Browne, Browne, Dik * Dik Browne (1917 - 1989), US cartoonist http://www.bt-finance.net/business-success.htm | |
95. Thoughts_and_Quotes Artemus Ward = Charles Farrar Browne 1834,1867 - american humorist Samuel TaylorColeridge - 1772,1834 - english poet George Eliot, pseud. of Mary Ann http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Arc/2859/thoughts_and_quotes.html | |
96. Product Listing - Americana Browne, Charles Farrar. 1834 1867. Hingston, EP - Editor. Edited by EPHingston, The Companion and Agent of Artemus Ward Whilst On the Rampage. http://www.tavbooks.com/bookstore/index.cgi?product=Americana&keywords=&pid=&nam |
97. Definition For Browne Browne Audio pronunciation of Browne ( P ) Pronunciation Key (broun), CharlesFarrar. Pen name Artemus Ward (wôrd) 18341867. http://www.betterdictionary.com/word/browne.html |
98. WIST - A Collection Of Quotations :: W Artemus Ward (18341867) American humorist, editor, lecturer pseud. of CharlesFarrar Browne. Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just http://www.wist.info/authors/w.html | |
99. WIST - A Collection Of Quotations :: Authors 1; Artemus Ward (18341867) American humorist, editor, lecturer pseud. of CharlesFarrar Browne 2; Ron Ward (Contemporary) . http://www.wist.info/authors.html | |
100. Links In The Chain On August 2, 1948, a bust of Artemus Ward (18341867), pen name of Charles FarrarBrowne, noted lecturer and humorist, and in 1859 a member of the Cleveland | |
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