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41. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Brown, Charles Brockden, 17711810 Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Browne, ThomasAlexander, 1826-1915 AKA Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
42. UGRR Primer TITLE Narrative of William W. Brown, a fugitive slave. Boston, Anti slaveryOffice, 1847. SUBJECT Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 http://www.albany.edu/~dlafonde/Africana/UGRRBooks.htm | |
43. BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 (in MARION) Brown William Wells 1815 1884. Records 1 to 2 of 2. Brown, William Wells,18151884. Clotel, or, The president s daughter a narrative http://library.cerritos.edu/MARION?A=BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 |
44. BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 CLOTEL (in MARION) Brown William Wells 1815 1884 CLOTEL. Record 1 of 1. Brown, William Wells,18151884. Clotel, or, The president s daughter a narrative http://library.cerritos.edu/MARION?S=BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 CLOTEL |
45. BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 (in MARION) Brown William Wells 1815 1884. Brown, William Wells, 18151884. (13 titles); Brown,William Wells, 1815-1884. 1991. (1 title); Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. http://pblib.utpb.edu/MARION?A=BROWN WILLIAM WELLS 1815 1884 |
46. African American Literature Collection, Non-literature Subjects Brown, John, 18001859 Brown, William J., b. 1814 Brown, William Wells,1815-1884 Browne, Martha Griffith, d. 1906 Bruce, Blanche Kelso, 1841-1898 http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/speccoll/SpecCollNonLitSub.htm | |
47. African American Literature Collection, Non-literature Subjects Brown, William Wells, 18141884 Browne, Martha Griffith, d. 1906 Swisshelm,Jane Grey Cannon, 1815-1884 Taulbert, Clifton L. http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/speccoll/SpecCollNonLitSub.html | |
48. Error NOTES Interest level 710. SUBJECT Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. SUBJECTSlavesUnited StatesBiography. ADDED ENTRY Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. http://cja.cj.cnd.pvt.k12.oh.us/wx/s.dll?d=s6&k1=60382&k2=22324 |
49. Title Information 1880. SUBJECT Brown, William Wells, 18151884. SUBJECT Chesnutt, CharlesWaddell, 1858-1932. SUBJECT African AmericansBiography. http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/wx/s.dll?d=s6&k1=46456&k2=17674 |
50. Subject Hitlist Wells. Subject. Book, Brown, William Wells, 18151884. 2, Browning, ElizabethBarrett. 2, Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861. Book, http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/wx/s.dll?d=s7&s1=Brown, William Wells |
51. English Classics 3000 Brockden (17711810) Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist Wieland, or TheTransformation Brown, William Wells (1815-1884) Clotelle or The http://book.nku.cn/book/english/b.html |
52. List Of Ebook Authors Streeter, 18461902 Brooks, Noah, 1830-1903 Brown, Arthur Judson, 1856-1963 Brown,Charles Brockden, 1771-1810 Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Browne, Charles http://www.irqpa.org/lphs/1948/library/AUTHORS.HTM | |
53. Literature And Life: The Givens Collection Author Brown, William Wells, 18151884. Title Clotel, or, The President sdaughter a narrative of slave life in the United States / with an introduction http://www.pbs.org/ktca/litandlife/studyguide/main.html | |
54. What Is A "White Nigger" Anyway? William Wells Brown 18151884, Clotelle (1864) In this novel , the term whitenigger is used to describe the daughter of generations of slave concubines http://hnn.us/articles/1220.html | |
55. BiblioMan.Com - The Great Literary Works Streeter, 18461902 Brooks, Noah, 1830-1903 Brown, Arthur Judson, 1856-1963 Brown,Charles Brockden, 1771-1810 Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Browne, Thomas http://www.biblioman.com/authors.htm | |
56. Name-key For Spiritualists Brown, WH, Gainesville OH Brown, William Wells, 18151884 Brown, Zenas J., 1812-Brown Heath, Mary AC married to Benjamin Heath, 1813- http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
57. 1815-1884 - Amazon Search Results Clotel, Or, the President s Daughter, related searches 17431826 African Americanfamilies African American women Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884 Children of http://www.hudsonscripting.com/shop/books/1815-1884/ |
58. Project Gutenberg Titles Clotel; or, The President s Daughter, by Brown, William Wells, 18151884. ClotelleA Tale of the Southern States, by Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
59. Project Gutenberg Brown, Charles Brockden, 17711810. Brown, William Wells, 1815-1884. Browne,Charles Farrar, 1834-1867 AKA Ward, Artemus, 1834-1867. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
60. The Page Cannot Be Displayed Brown, William Wells, 18151884. The Negro in the American rebellion, his heroismand his fidelity microform. http//name.umdl.umich.edu/ABY0202 ;See the http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x6781.xml | |
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