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         Bronte Emily Jane:     more detail
  1. The Brontës: Three Great Novels: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Brontes) by Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, et all 1994-04-07
  2. The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Bronte by Emily Bronte, 1995-04-15
  3. The Bronte Sisters: Three Novels: Jane Eyre; Wuthering Heights; and Agnes Grey (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, et all 2009-12-29
  4. The Bronte Sisters: Selected Poems (Fyfield Books) by Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, et all 2002-04-12
  5. Jane Eyre (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism) by Charlotte Bronte, 1996-05
  6. Bronte Transformaitons: The Cultural Dissemination of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre by Patsy Stoneman, 1996-07-11
  7. Wuthering Heights (Literature Made Easy Series) by Jane Easton, 1999-08
  8. The Genesis of Wuthering Heights: Third Edition by Mary Visick, 1980-01-01

81. BUBL LINK: English Literature 1801-1870
Resource type documents; Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights Full text of theclassic English novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (18181848).
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  • Anne Bronte (1820-1849) Anne Bronte: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle Charles Dickens Novels ... Wilkie Collins: Woman in White
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    Anne Bronte (1820-1849)
    Biography, selected poems and bibliography of English writer Anne Bronte.
    Author: Ockerbloom, Mary Mark
    Subjects: english literature 1801-1870
    Resource type: documents, poems
    Anne Bronte: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    Full text of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Bronte (1820-1849)
    Author: Bronte, Ann
    Subjects: english literature 1801-1870
    Resource type: fiction ebook
    Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle
    Full text of The Voyage of the Beagle, describing Charles Darwin's voyage from St. Jago and the Cape de Verd Islands to Mauritius and back to England.
    Author: Darwin, Charles
    Subjects: english literature 1801-1870, evolution DeweyClass: Resource type: non-fiction ebook
    Charles Dickens Novels
    A selection of full text novels written by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) during the Victorian era, including Great Expectations, Dombey and Son, The Pickwick Papers, Martin Chuzzlewit, Nicholas Nickleby, and A Tale of Two Cities.

    82. BUBL LINK: Internet Resources By Type
    DeweyClass 813.54; Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights Full text of the classicEnglish novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (18181848).
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  • Adventures of Pinnochio Anne Bronte: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Arthur Conan Doyle Novels Awakening And Selected Short Stories, The ... Wilkie Collins: Woman in White
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    Adventures of Pinnochio
    Full text of the children's book Pinnochio, by Italian author Carlo Lorenzini, (1826-1890), who wrote under the pseudoname Carlo Collodi.
    Author: Collodi, Carlo
    Subjects: children's literature, italian literature
    Anne Bronte: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
    Full text of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Bronte (1820-1849)
    Author: Bronte, Ann
    Subjects: english literature 1801-1870
    Arthur Conan Doyle Novels
    A collection of novels by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), including Captain of the Polestar, The Lost World, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Poison Belt, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, The Stark Munro Letters, A Study in Scarlet, and Tales of Terror and Mystery.
    Author: Doyle, Arthur Conan

    83. Emily Bronte
    Translate this page Emily Bronte (Gran Bretaña, 1818-1848), Bronte La primera que se publicó fueJane Eyre (1847), de Charlotte, que tuvo un éxito inmediato.

    Charlotte (18161855), Emily (1818-1848), Anne (1820-1849) Charlotte andEmily Brontë A Narrative Analysis of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.
    Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), Anne (1820-1849) Internet Resources: Nineteenth-Century Literature BAER Jane Eyre to Rebecca Lighting Dimensions BAZIN, Claire. . Toulouse: PU du Mirail, 1995. [ Ideologies dans le Monde Anglo-Saxon
    BRITTON GGI Jane Eyre : A Contrast with The Old Manor House GGI GGII Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights Victorian Ghosts in the Noontide . Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1996.
    Jane Eyre GGII GRIESINGER GGII Victorian Literature: Modern Essays in Criticism GGI , eds. Diane Hoeveler, Beth Lau. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1993. Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights The Female Gothic GGII Villette GGI Wuthering Heights GGI Gothic Fictions: Prohibition/ Transgression GGII Jane Eyre GGI SCHONBERGER-SCHLEICHER, Esther. . Berne, Frankfort: Peter Lang, 1999.
    SOYA, Michiko. " Villette : Gothic Literature and the Homely Web of Truth."
    Gothic Writers: A Critical and Bibliographical Guide , eds. Douglass H. Thomson, Jack G. Voller and Frederick S. Frank. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002. Villette and Bleak House GGII Jane Eyre Caliban 33 (1996): 29-42. [Complexity and ambivalence of Gothic space in

    85. Sisters_Bronte
    Translate this page Emily Jane Bronte (1818 - 1848). Pseudonym Ellis Bell Englische Dichterin.Anne Bronte (1820 - 1849). Pseudonym Acton Bell. Englische Dichterin
    Emily Jane Bronte (1818 - 1848) Pseudonym: Ellis Bell
    Englische Dichterin
    Anne Bronte (1820 - 1849) Pseudonym: Acton Bell Englische Dichterin
    So hopeless is the world without;
    The world within I doubly prize;
    Thy world, where guile, and hate, and doubt,
    And cold suspicion never rise;
    Where thou, and I, and Liberty,
    Have undisputed sovereignty.
    Aus: "to Imagination", Ellis Bell
    Eine Kindheit umschattet von Tod und Isolation Die Familie Bronte, Patrick Bronte, Maria Bronte und ihre sechs Kinder lebten zunächst in Thornton, Yorkshire. Patrick Bronte, ein geistlicher von irischer Abstammung übersiedelte 1820 mit seiner Familie nach Haworth, um das dortige Pfarramt zu übernehmen. Durch diese Stellung Art war ihm und seinen Angehörigen neben einem minimalen Einkommen das Wohnrecht im Pfarrhaus garantiert. Die Mutter, Maria Bronte, eine Kaufmannstochter aus bürgerlichem Milieu, verkraftete den Umzug in den düsteren Ort in der Moorlandschaft schlecht. Die Dorfbewohner waren eigenbrötlerisch und abweisend. Die alten Kontakte zu Freunden verebbten aufgrund der Entfernung zum ehemaligen Heimatort. Als sie im Herbst 1821 erkrankte und starb, bedeutete das für den Vater, den seine Aufgaben als Pfarrer voll beanspruchten, eine Katastrophe. In dieser verzweifelten Situation zog Elisabeth Branwell, die ältere Schwester seiner Frau in das Pfarrhaus und übernahm die Verantwortung für ihre fünf Nichten und ihren Neffen. Patrick Bronte sorgte sich um die Zukunft seiner Töchter, die im Falle seines frühen Ablebens keinen Anspruch auf die Wohnung im Pfarrhaus gehabt hätten und für die er von seinem geringen Einkommen auch keine Mitgift ansparen konnte. Sein Ziel war es, den Töchtern einen Schulbesuch zu ermöglichen damit sie später ihren eigenen Lebensunterhalt als Gouvernanten bestreiten konnten. Seit ihrer Ankunft im Pfarrhaus hatte Elisabeth Branwell begonnen, die Kinder in alltäglichen Fertigkeiten zu unterrichten. Zusätzlich las sie den Kindern auch Artikel aus Frauenmagazinen und Zeitungen vor und diskutierte mit ihnen über Ereignisse, die der Vater aus seiner Gemeindearbeit berichtete. Diese unsystematische Art des Unterrichts förderte die Neugier auf Unbekanntes und die Fähigkeit sich mit Themen auseinander zusetzen, konnte jedoch auf Dauer keinen Schulunterricht ersetzen.

    86. Etext Conversion Project - The Bronte Sisters Collection - Nalanda Digital Libra
    Charlotte Bronte (Currer Bell), Emily Bronte (Ellis Bell), Anne Bronte (Acton Bell).Two Short Pieces Jane Emily Brontë (Ellis Bell ) (1818 1848)
    Bronte Sisters As a part of E-text Conversion Project(ECP) , Nalanda Digital Library has collected and converted some of the popular writings of Bronte Systers to easy readable / portable format for easy reading on the terminals. The converted titles into PDF format are below. Charlotte Bronte (Currer Bell) Emily Bronte (Ellis Bell) Anne Bronte (Acton Bell) Two Short Pieces ...
    WUTHERING HEIGHTS (1847), a story of the doomed love and revenge. The sisters also published jointly a volume of verse, POEMS BY CURRER, ELLIS AND ACTON BELL , but only two copies of the book was sold.
    'Heatcliff had knelt on one knee to embrace her; he attempted to rise, but she seized his hair, and kept him down.
    "I wish I could hold you," she continued bitterly, "till we were both death! I shouldn't care what you suffered. I care nothing for your sufferings. Why shouldn't you suffer? I do! Will you forget me? Will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you say twenty years hence, 'That's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw. I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her; but it is past. I've loved many others since: my children are dearer to me than she was; and at death, I shall not rejoice that I am going to her: I shall be sorry that I must leave them! Will you say so, Heatcliff?"

    87. Emily Bronte Poems, Biography And Picture
    Emily Jane Bronte Nationality English Lifespan 1818 - 1848 Family - Father wasReverend Patrick Bronte Education - Roe Head English Boarding School
    Page Back Poems Index
    Biography, poems and picture
    Emily Bronte
    This page is dedicated to this great poet together with a biography, picture and most famous poems Concise Biography and Picture Emily Jane Bronte
    Nationality - English
    Lifespan 1818 - 1848
    Family - Father was Reverend Patrick Bronte
    Education - Roe Head English Boarding School
    Career - Poet and school teacher
    Famous book by Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights Famous Poems
    Emily Jane Bronte Love and Friendship a poem by Emily Jane Bronte
    No Coward Soul Is Mine a poem by Emily Jane Bronte

    Oh, Thy Bright Eyes Must Answer Now a poem by Emily Jane Bronte
    Remembrance a poem by Emily Jane Bronte ... Poems Index Biography, poems and picture Emily Jane Bronte
    This page is dedicated to this great poet together with a biography, picture and most famous poems

    88. The SAC LitWeb Brontës' Page
    Emily Jane Brontë ( 18181848 ). Wuthering Heights ( 1847 ). On Line; AnotherOn-Line Text. See also Norton (3rd) Critical Edition, Richard J. Dunn, Editor.
    Original in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
    Major Works
    'Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell', Poems On Line
    Jane Eyre On Line See also Norton (2nd) Critical Edition, Richard J. Dunn, Editor. Norton, 1987.
    Shirley On Line
    Villette On Line
    The Professor ( 1857 ). Written and rejected in 1847, so her first novel. On Line
    Wuthering Heights On Line Another On-Line Text . See also Norton (3rd) Critical Edition, Richard J. Dunn, Editor. Norton, 1990.
    Agnes Grey On Line
    The Tenant of Wildfell Hall On Line
    Available in Oxford World's Classics and Penguin editions. Edward Chitham, . Blackwell, 1987. Rebecca Fraser, . Ballantine, 1987. Elizabeth Gaskell, . Originally published in 1857.Reprint edited by Angus Easson. Oxford, 1996. Also available on line. (HTML in Japan) . Oxford, 1978. Felicia Gordon, . Longman, 1989. Arthur Pollard, . With photographs by Simon McBride. Grange Books, 1992. A good book for sense of place. Margot Peters, . Atheneum, 1986. from U. Penn. Haworth - West Yorkshire Charlotte Emily Anne from The Victorian Web. from Mitsuharu Matsuoka (Japan).

    89. Emily Brontë @ Catharton Authors
    Emily Jane Brontë (real name). aka Ellis Bell. 1818 1848 Websites.Emily Brontë Emily Brontë The Bronte Archives
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    all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors B : Brontë, Emily Emily Jane Brontë (real name) aka Ellis Bell Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: Emily Brontë [] Emily Brontë [] The Bronte Archives Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: BRONTE Wuthering Heights Haunted Love Love Those Brontes Chat Rooms: BRONTE Wuthering Heights Haunted Love Love Those Brontes Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for Emily Brontë List of Works:
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    90. Emily Bronte Biography
    Emily Jane Brontë (1818 1848) - Biography. Emily Jane Brontë was born 20thAugust 1818 as the daughter of Patrick Brontë, the perpetual curate of Haworth,
    Wuthering Heights Links Back to Overview Emily Jane Bront - Biography Emily Jane Brontë was born 20th August 1818 as the daughter of Patrick Brontë, the perpetual curate of Haworth, Yorkshire. Patrick Brontë (1777-1861), who came from Ireland and was a cleric of the Irish Church of England, had changed his name from Prunty/ Brunty to Brontë. The Brontës were married in 1812, had six children, Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte (1816-1855), Patrick Branwell (1817-1848), Emily Jane and Anne (1820-1848), however the mother died in 1822. The two elder sisters, Maria and Elizabeth died in infancy. After their mother’s death, their aunt Elizabeth Branwell cared for the children. The very intelligent Patrick Branwell died at an early age in 1848 as a result of his drug addiction. The Brontë children were mainly educated by their father, but the three sisters also attended the subsidized Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge, which always remained as a very negative experience in their memory. Because of their father’s poverty, the Brontë sisters had to earn their living as governess’ or school teachers, which was the only way to support themselves for girls of their station. However, all three felt that this occupation did not agree with their natures and abilities. Writing became for them an outlet for their feeling of oppression and dissatisfaction with their social circumstances. In 1846 they published a volume of poems under the pseudonyms of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell, however without success.

    91. Books For Girls -- Fiction
    Bronte, Emily, 18181848. TITLE, Wuthering Heights / Emily Bronte ; edited byHilda Marsden and Ian Jack. PUBLISHER, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1976.
    A sample of books written between 1800 and 1930, available at University of New Mexico or LIBROS consortium libraries. Not included: picture books, school books, folk tales, Bible stories, poetry, very brief works. Compiled by Virginia Seiser.
    Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888.
    TITLE The inheritance / Louisa May Alcott ; with an afterword by the editors Joel Myerson and Daniel Shealy. 1st ed. PUBLISHER New York : Dutton Books, c1997. CALL NUMBER ZIM PS1017 I54 1997
    TITLE Jack and Jill : a village story / by Louisa M. Alcott. PUBLISHER Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1920,1922. CALL NUMBER ZIM PS1017 J3 1922
    TITLE Little women or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy / Louisa May Alcott; with illustrations by M.E. Gray. PUBLISHER New York : A.A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, c1994. CALL NUMBER ZIM PZ7 A335 Li 1994 copies 1-2 OTHER EDITIONS ZIM PS1017 L5 1962; ZIM PS1017 L5 1995
    TITLE Little women and Good wives / Louisa M. Alcott ; introduction by Ann Thwaite. PUBLISHER London : J.M. Dent ; Rutland, Vt. : C.E. Tuttle, 1992. NOTE The four March sisters as they grow into young ladies and marry CALL NUMBER ZIM PS1017 L5 1992
    TITLE An old-fashioned girl / by Louisa M. Alcott.

    92. Famous English Quotes By Bronte - ThinkExist Quotations
    Emily Bronte quotes (English Novelist, Poet and Author of Wuthering Charlotte Bronte quotes (English novelist, noted for Jane Eyre (1847), 18161855)
    Advanced Search My Account Help Add the "Dynamic Daily Quotation" to Your Site or Blog - it's Easy! ... More...
    Famous english quotes by Bronte
    Showing top results. For more precise results use top quotes filters below. " I am always easy of belief when the creed pleases me. " Charlotte Bronte quotes (English novelist, noted for Jane Eyre (1847), 1816-1855) Add to my book show_bar(361417,null,'i-am-always-easy-of-belief-when-the-creed-pleases') " Better to be without logic than without feeling. " Charlotte Bronte quotes (English novelist, noted for Jane Eyre (1847), 1816-1855) Add to my book show_bar(360617,null,'better-to-be-without-logic-than-without-feeling') " Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. " Emily Bronte quotes (English Novelist, Poet and Author of 'Wuthering Heights', 1818-1848) Similar Quotes Add to my book show_bar(204519,null,'whatever_our_souls_are_made_of-his_and_mine_are') " I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will . . . " Charlotte Bronte quotes (English novelist, noted for Jane Eyre (1847), 1816-1855)

    93. Words Of Women Emily Brontë
    Emily Brontë. (18181848) Emily Bronte Selected Poems (Bloomsbury ClassicPoetry Series) by Emily Bronte Bronte Poems (Everyman s Library Pocket
    Emily Brontë
    lilip's photography
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    Elizabeth Akers Allen

    Jane Austen
    Page One
    The Night
    The Sun Has Set
    No Coward Soul is Mine
    The Old Stoic
    Shall Earth no more inspire thee If grief for grief can touch thee 'Tis moonlight High waving heather 'neath stormy blasts bending Come hither, child Mild the mist upon the hill My Comforter Stars Need a book on Emily Bronte? Emily Bronte : Selected Poems (Bloomsbury Classic Poetry Series) by Emily Bronte Bronte : Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets) by Emily Bronte

    94. More Info About The Poet: Emily Jane Brontë - References Bibliography
    Free Poetry EBook 59 poems of Emily Jane Brontë Author Picture. Emily JaneBrontë. (1818 - 1848). I am the only being whose doomë/resources/poet-3155/page-1/

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    Poem Hunter .com 9/9/2005 11:34:15 PM Home Poets Poems Lyrics ... Contact Us Emily Jane Brontë
    Free Poetry E-Book: 59 poems of Emily Jane Brontë
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    To download the eBook right-Click on the title and select "Save Target As". Biography Poems Comments More Info ... Stats Web pages / more info about Emily Jane Brontë
    Bront, Bronte, Cathy, Tod, Heathcliff, Yorkshire Emily Bront«

    Emily Bront« Emily Jane Bront « (* 30. Juli 1818 in Thornton, Yorkshire ; †19. Dezember 1848 in Haworth, Yorkshire) war eine britische Schriftstellerin.
    • site info
    Esta categor­a en otros idiomas

    Esta categor­a en otros idiomas: Alem¡n (1), Ingl©s (26). El mundo de Emily Jane Bront « - Biograf­a de la autora de "Cumbres Borrascosas".,_Emily_Jane/
    • site info Connecticut College - 2005-2007 Course Catalog ENGLISH 493E, 494E THE BRONT‹S A study of Charlotte Bront«â€™s novels and Emily Jane Bront «â€™s novel and poems, with particular attention to their

    95. About Emily Bronte - Emily Brontë
    Emily Bronte. Robert Barnard, 2000. Young Adult. The Complete Poems of Emily JaneBrontë. Emily Brontë; CW Hatfield, editor, 1995. Wuthering Heights.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Women's History Art, Music. Writing. Media ... Women Writers 1801-1900 About Emily Bronte - Emily Brontë Homework Help Women's History Essentials Biographies of Notable Women ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Search Women's History Emily Brontë July 30 December 19
    Emily Bronte (pen name: Ellis Bell) Emily Brontë was the middle of the three famous Brontë sisters who were novelists and poets. She wrote under the name Ellis Bell. Emily Brontë is credited as one of the major sources of inspiration for Emily Dickinson poetry (the other was Ralph Waldo Emerson). Her major work, Wuthering Heights , and her only known novel, was often treated in the 19th century as a work of immorality, too much passion. Critics do not know when Wuthering Heights was written nor how long it took to write. Some critics have argued that Branson Brontë, brother to the three sisters, wrote this book, but most critics disagree. Emily Brontë on this site Emily Brontë on the Web

    96. Emily Brontë
    Emily Brontë (1818 1848) - pseudonym Ellis Bell a story-within-a-story,did not gain immediate success as Charlotte s Jane Eyre, but it has acclaimed
    Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
    B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback - pseudonym Ellis Bell Charlotte , Emily and Anne 'Heatcliff had knelt on one knee to embrace her; he attempted to rise, but she seized his hair, and kept him down.
    "I wish I could hold you," she continued bitterly, "till we were both death! I shouldn't care what you suffered. I care nothing for your sufferings. Why shouldn't you suffer? I do! Will you forget me? Will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you say twenty years hence, 'That's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw. I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her; but it is past. I've loved many others since: my children are dearer to me than she was; and at death, I shall not rejoice that I am going to her: I shall be sorry that I must leave them! Will you say so, Heatcliff?"
    "Don't torture me till I am as mad as yourself," cried he, wrenching his head free, and grinding his teeth."'

    (from Wuthering Heights created imaginary worlds - perhaps inspired by Jonathan Swift 's Gulliver's Travels (1726). Emily and Anne created their own Gondal saga, and Bramwell and Charlotte recorded their stories about the kingdom of Angria in minute notebooks. After failing as a paiter and writer, Branwell took to drink and opium, worked then as a tutor and assistant clerk to a railway company. In 1842 he was dismissed and joined his sister Anne at Thorp Green Hall as a tutor. His affair with his employer's wife ended disastrously. He returned to Haworth in 1845, where he rapidly declined and died three years later.

    97. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
    Online Literary Criticism Collection. Emily Bronte (1818 1848) JaneEyre , Shirley , Villette , Wuthering Heights , and Emily Brontë¹s poems.

    98. The Brontë Sisters - Cecilia Falk
    Emily Brontë, 1818 1848. Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell 1846 Emily Brontë The great home of Emily Jane Brontë Lots of pictures here.
    Denna sida på svenska
    The Brontë Sisters

    99. Charlotte & Emily Bronte
    Emily Bronte Biography PageWise, Inc. Point form biography. Emily JaneBrontë (1818 - 1848) - Jana Kühnel, Daniela Metzger and Stephan Schöps -
    HCT Electronic Library
    C ontact: HCT Sharjah Colleges Libraries

    100. Bronte, Emily --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Bronte, Emily English novelist and poet who produced but one novel, Emily Brontë (1818 1848) Profile of this English novelist known for her work
    Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Life. Wuthering Heights. Additional Reading Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products
     Encyclopædia Britannica Article Page 1 of 4
    born July 30, 1818, Thornton, Yorkshire, Eng.
    died Dec. 19, 1848, Haworth, Yorkshire
    The Granger Collection, New York City pseudonym Ellis Bell English novelist and poet who produced but one novel, Wuthering Heights
    (75 of 1035 words)
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