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Brisbane Arthur: more detail | |||||
81. Honorary Degrees Index - Alphabetical List Allyn, Arthur Merrill, Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, 1958 Cadman, S.Parkes (18641936), Honorary Doctor of Laws, 1926 http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/h/honorarydegrees/ | |
82. Margaret Cousins Papers, Index Of Correspondents Brisbane, Arthur, 1864193632-3 Bristol, Lee Hastings, Jr.25-5 Broadley,Margaret E. (S)25-5 Brock, Constance25-5 Brodsky, Bernard (S)25-5 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/cousins.corr.html | |
83. Search Results For Herald - Encyclopædia Britannica Brisbane, Arthur Arthur Brisbane.(18641936). US newspaper editor andwriter, born in Buffalo, NY; known as the master of the http://encyclopediabritannica.com/search?ct=ebi&query=herald |
84. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Ashburner, Walter (18641936) Professor of Jurisprudence Oxford (2) Helps,Sir Arthur (1813-1875) Knight Author Clerk of the Privy Council (15) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=233 |
85. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: B] Arthur Brisbane, American newspaper editor and writer (1864 1936) Jean PierreBrissot de Warville, French Girondist leader and political writer (1754 http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathb.htm | |
86. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons 290 BC); Auwers, Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von (18381915); Auzout, Ellison, Frederick Archdall (1864-1936); Elsasser, Walter M. (1904-1991); Elwin, http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
87. Australien - Bedeutung, Definition, Erklärung Translate this page Ew.), Melbourne (3,4 Mio. Ew.), Brisbane (1,4 Mio. Ew.), Perth (1,2 Mio. Januar1788, der Ankunft Captain Arthur Phillip und der Ersten Flotte. http://www.calsky.com/lexikon/de/txt/a/au/australien.php | |
88. Australien - Netlexikon Translate this page Siedlern und Verurteilten unter der Führung von Kapitän Arthur Phillip in WeitereStädte entstanden Hobart (1803), Brisbane (1824), Perth (1829), Melbourne http://www.lexikon-definition.de/Australien.html | |
89. Arthur Douglas Ord & Elsie Martha Bunzli (1857 1925). Margaret Brisbane Wylie (1867 - 1933), Rosina Kubler (1864 - 1936).m. 26 Sep 1917. Arthur Douglas Ord, Elsie Martha Bunzli http://www.go-strategies.com.au/fam/wc01/wc01_014.html | |
90. Interessante Artikel: DIE SIMS BRECHEN AUS LÖSUNG & Mehr Gesucht? Translate this page 1910-1936, George V. Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha/Windsor, 1864-1936. 1936, Edward VIII . Januar 1788, der Ankunft Captain Arthur Phillip und der Ersten Flotte. http://www.ranking-check.de/de/NECKERMANN/_2476.html | |
91. RA Forum > Brisbane, Lehning, Arthur (Utrech, Pays-Bas 23/10/1899-Lys Saint George, Indre, http://raforum.apinc.org/whoiswho.php3 | |
92. Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Ew.), Brisbane (1,4 Mio. Ew.), Perth (1,2 Mio. Ew.) und Adelaide (1,1 Mio. Ew.) . Januar 1788, der Ankunft Captain Arthur Phillip und der Ersten Flotte. http://lexikon.golem.de/Australien |
93. Margaret Cousins: An Inventory Of Her Papers At The Harry Ransom Humanities Rese Brisbane, Arthur, 1864193632-3. Bristol, Lee Hastings, Jr.25-5. Broadley,Margaret E. (S)25-5. Brock, Constance25-5. Brodsky, Bernard (S)25-5 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00027/hrc-00027.html | |
94. Res Anon - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors In Memory Of MGFB Mary GF Brinley (anon) p 1919 Arthur Brisbane {US} (M 1864 (F 1864 1936) Pageant (anon) n 1915 Arnold Damon K MARCHAND {US? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/1.htm | |
95. People Spain, 1864 1936, writer philosopher invented many animal constructions and He was educated in Kelvin Grove Teachers Training College in Brisbane. http://www.geocities.com/paper_folding/people.html | |
96. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Harraden, Beatrice (18641936) Novelist and Suffragist (7) Ware, Sir FabianArthur Goulstone (1869-1949) Knight Editor and War Graves Commissioner (8) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=206 |
97. Pleasants County, WV Genealogy Page Letha Ellen (Verdin) 11/9/44 age 86 Brisbane, Leah - 12/28/1993 Britton, Victor W. 1877 - 1964 Seckman, Armilla 1864 - 1936 Seckman, http://www.rootsweb.com/~wvpleasa/cemetery/ioof.htm | |
98. KAIGHIN FAMILY PAGES The Following List Has Been Downloaded From Das _ 8bit text (with 1778-1842 Brieux Eugene Damaged Goods 1858-1932 BrisbaneArthur Editorials From The Hearst Newspapers 1864-1936 Bronte Anne Agnes Grey http://www.kaighinfamily.iofm.net/AUTHORS.TXT |
99. Wisconsin Local History And Biography Articles Suydam, John V. Lenroot, Sen. Irvine L. 18691949. Brisbane, Journalist Arthur1864-1936. Stout, Mr. Senator James H. 1848-1910. Harkness, Mrs. Anna M. http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/WLHBA/articleView.asp?pg=2&id=7521&hdl=&np=&adv= |
100. Australien - Wikipedia http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australien_(Staat) | |
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