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Brisbane Arthur: more detail | |||||
61. Intersections: Chiba Kameo: The Making Of Modern Japanese Women 17 Arthur Brisbane (18641936) was managing editor of the New York Journal andthe highest paid journalist in the United States, but in terms of http://wwwsshe.murdoch.edu.au/intersections/issue11/claremont.html | |
62. NYPL Digital Gallery | Browse Subjects Brisbane, AH (Abbott Hall), 18041861 Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 Brisson,Adolphe, 1860-1925 Brisson, Fr©d©ric, 1821-? Brisson, Henri, 1835-1912 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgsubjectbrowseresult.cfm?alphaPos=B |
63. Hors-jeu: Sports Moins Arthur Brisbane, par exemple. Brisbane(1864-1936) fut dirigeant de journaux et chroniqueur, et on lui attribue http://www.ledevoir.com/2004/05/06/53867.html?338 |
64. Hors-jeu: Sports Moins Arthur Brisbane, par exemple.Brisbane (1864-1936) fut dirigeant de journaux et chroniqueur, et on lui attribue http://www.ledevoir.com/2004/05/06/53867.html | |
65. !*Australien*! Die Wichtigsten Info's Zu Australien Translate this page Ew.), Brisbane (1,4 Mio Januar 1788, der Ankunft Captain Arthur Phillip und der ErstenFlotte Coburg 1841-1910 1910-1936 George V. Windsor 1864-1936 1936 Edward http://australien.knowbe.de/Australien_29326.html | |
66. Cuba En Noticias (EL IMPERIO DEL SILENCIO) - La Primera Piedra Translate this page que están fuera no quieren entrar. Arthur Brisbane (1864-1936), escritory periodista estadounidense. El lunes 30 de octubre de http://cubahora2.co.cu/dossiers/sociedad/imp_silencio/articulos/19-primera_piedr | |
67. Cartoon Drawings Subjects 14 Bridles19501960. Briefcases1960-1970. Briggs Brisbane, Arthur,1864-1936.Bristow Bristow amendment Britain Britannia1940-1950. http://star1.loc.gov/pp/cdSubjects14.html |
68. Search Results Cartoon Drawings Subject IndexBrisbane, Arthur,18641936. Bristow Bristow amendment Britain Britannia1940-1950. British-American relations Broadcasting http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/S?pp/ils:@FILREQ(@field(SUBJ @od1(Brisbane, |
69. Ca. 2800 Englischsprachige Werke Translate this page Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers, by Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 Educationof Henry Adams, The, by Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Education of the Child, The, http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/barock/198/5742.htm |
70. Listing By AUTHOR - B - Brieux, Eugene, 18581932 Damaged Goods. Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 EditorialsFrom The Hearst Newspapers. Bronte, Anne, 1820-1849 http://www.speakwise.com/Listing_Author/AL[B].htm |
71. IHX Manuscripts AC correspondence in this collection, primarily between Brisbane and his family, includesthat of his second wife, Redelia Bates, and his son, Arthur (18641936). http://www.edseek.org/cgi-bin/s.cgi?cs=&q=English grammar&ch=http://www.library. |
72. TITLES Louis, 18501894 Edison, His Life and Inventions, by Dyer, Frank Lewis, 1870-1941Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers, by Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 BACK TO http://www.avalondigitalpress.com/titles.htm | |
73. Why Try Britannica Online? Brisbane, Arthur Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Brisbane, Arthur ArthurBrisbane. © Hulton Getty/Stone. (18641936). US newspaper http://www.britannica.com/ebi/print?tocId=9318066&fullArticle=true |
74. Encyclopædia Britannica His brilliant use of language endows his poetry with an almost , Brisbane,Arthur (18641936). US newspaper editor and writer http://www.britannica.com/eb/print_toc?tocId=9009695 |
75. Arthur Brisbane Quotations Compiled By GIGA quotes, excerpts, proverbs, maxims and aphorisms by Arthur Brisbane. Arthur Brisbane. American newspaper editor and writer (1864 1936) http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautbrisbanearthurx001.htm | |
76. Chronological Author List "1860 To 1864" Compiled By GIGA Arthur Brisbane, American newspaper editor and writer (1864 1936) - READQUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK Samuel Parks Cadman, American (English-born) http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay1860.htm | |
77. Oasis: Living once owned by Arthur Brisbane. Editor of the New York Evening Journal and otherpapers owned by William Randolph Hearst, Brisbane (18641936) was notorious http://www.vvdailypress.com/living/faces/ | |
78. Albert Brisbane: Information From Answers.com repr. 1969). His son, Arthur Brisbane (18641936), was editor of the NewYork Evening Journal and other Hearst papers. The Columbia http://www.answers.com/topic/brisbane-albert | |
79. This Is Project Gutenberg by Dyer, Frank Lewis, 18701941 Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers, byBrisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 Education of Henry Adams, The, by Adams, Henry, http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm |
80. Project Gutenberg Titles by Dyer, Frank Lewis, 18701941 Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers, byBrisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 Education of Henry Adams, The, by Adams, Henry, http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html |
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