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Brand Max: more detail | |||||||
81. Krajská Knihovna Karlovy Vary - Katalog LANius dotaz Autor zacíná Brand,Max,18921944, pocet záznamu 23 Sign, Autor, Název, Cást. DO M, Brand,Max,1892-1944, Cerný Jack, http://www.knihovna.kvary.cz/LANIUS/l.dll?kfh~A=Brand,Max,1892-1944 |
82. VÝSLEDKY VYHLEDÁNÍ - Mìstská Knihovna Prachatice - Katalog Clavius Vyhledávat ve vech dokumentech, dotaz Autor rovno Brand, Max, 18921944 , pocet záznamu 25 KN, Brand, Max, 1892-1944, Alcatraz, 2000, 1. http://online.knih-pt.cz/LANius/l.dll?h~A=Brand, Max, 1892-1944 |
83. Mìstská Knihovna Horaïovice - Katalog LANius dotaz Autor zacíná Brand,Max,18921944, pocet záznamu 20 Sign, Autor, Název, Cást. M/II, Brand,Max,1892-1944, Alcatraz, http://www2.knihovna.horazdovice.cz/LANius/l.dll?kfh~A=Brand,Max,1892-1944 |
84. Bøker For Voksne På Bulgarsk 2000 Norsktittel De vises sten. Orig.tit. Seraphita 0535967 BUL Bra Brand, Max, 1892-1944 Tig ra ot Rio Grande / Max Brand. - Sofia Evrika-avi, 1992. http://nyhuus.deich.folkebibl.no/deichman/dfb/bulv2000.htm |
85. Componisten Geboren Tussen 1850-1900 - Klassiekemuziekgids.net Translate this page Wehrli, Werner 1892-1944 Lourié, Arthur Vincent 1892-1966 Brand, Max 1896-1980 Labroca, Mario 1896-1973 Gerhard, Roberto 1896-1970 http://www.klassiekemuziekgids.net/compindex_gebjaar_1850.htm | |
86. Recent Acquisitions For August Brand, Max, 18921944. fic B8164 bad. Waterville, Me. Five Star, 2005. Check Availability. The Tiara Club Brandt, Beverly. fic B82112 ti. http://www.slcpl.lib.ut.us/orders/fic.html | |
87. Mìstská Knihovna Veleín - Katalog Clavius dotaz Autor zacíná Brand,Max,18921944, pocet záznamu 5 Sign, Autor, Název, Cást. M, Brand,Max,1892-1944, Bílý Cejen, http://knihovna.muvelesin.cz/LANius/l.dll?kfh~A=Brand,Max,1892-1944 |
88. Stories, Listed By Author Wolff, John Kulka Natalie Danford, Harvest Books 2000. Brand, Max; pseudonym of Frederick Faust, (18921944) * Battles End, (na http://ghost.rider.movielinks.be/out.php?site=http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/an |
89. Max Brand Bibliography A bibliography of Max Brand s books and short stories, with book covers and links to related Max Brand (Frederick Schiller Faust) USA (1892 1944) http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Max_Brand.htm | |
90. Max Brand - Wikiquote Max Brand. Born Frederick Schiller Faust (1892 1944) American author of western fiction. There has to be a woman, but not much of a one. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Max_Brand | |
91. Max Brand Max Brand. Alias Frederick Schiller Faust. Life 1892 1944. Titles. Alcatraz Bull Hunter Harrigan The Night Horseman The Rangeland Avenger http://manybooks.net/authors/brandmax.html | |
92. Max Brand, Western Writer Max Brand (Frederick Schiller Faust). 1892 1944. Other Pseudonyms George Owen Baxter, John Frederick, David Manning. Novels. Brand, Max, http://www.hycyber.com/WEST/brand_max.html | |
93. Internet Book List :: Author Information: Max Brand Author Information Max Brand 1892 1944. Collections. Westeryear Stories About the West, Past and Present (1988) Roger Caras Treasury of Great http://www.iblist.com/author2767.htm | |
94. Library Catalogue Search Library Catalogue Search Results. You searched for author Brand Max 1892 1944 25 records were found. The abandoned outlaw / Brand, Max,. 1997. |
95. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors James (1694 1744) Brand, John (1744 - 1806) Brand, Max (1892 - 1944) BRASSEY, Annie (Allnutt) (1839 - 1887) BRATHWAITE, Richard (1588? http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
96. The Black Rider And Other Stories - University Of Nebraska Press Max Brand was the favorite pseudonym of Frederick Schiller Faust (18921944), whose works have been reprinted again and again, translated into every http://unp.unl.edu/bookinfo/3074.html | |
97. Luck - University Of Nebraska Press Max Brand was the favorite pseudonym of Frederick Schiller Faust (18921944), creator of Dr. Kildare, Destry, and many other fictional characters popular http://unp.unl.edu/bookinfo/3293.html | |
98. Principaux Auteurs Américains (Fenimore Cooper, James Oliver Curwood, Lester De http://www.roman-daventures.info/auteurs/americains/americains.html | |
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