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         Booth William:     more detail
  1. Biography - Booth, William (1829-1912): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  2. The Life and Ministry of William Booth: 1829-1912 - Christian Hall of Fame Series No. 6 by Ed Reese, 1975
  3. William and Catherine Booth: Founders of the Salvation Army (Heroes of the Faith) by Helen Kooiman Hosier, 2005-06-01
  4. The Life and Ministry of William Booth: Founder of The Salvation Army by Roger Green, 2006-02
  5. William Booth (Men of Faith) by David Malcolm Bennett, 1994-01
  6. Blood and Fire: The Story of William and Catherine Booth and the Salvation Army by Roy Hattersley, 2000-05
  7. Kidnapped by River Rats: William and Catherine Booth (Trailblazer Books #1) by Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson, 1991-09-01
  8. William and Catherine: The Life and Legacy of the Booths: Founders of the Salvation Army by Trevor Yaxley, 2003-04-01
  9. Catherine Booth: A Biography of the Cofounder of the Salvation Army by Roger Joseph Green, 1996-12

101. "Christians In Touch" -- Great Men Of God (William Booth)
(William Booth) 1829 1912 GO FOR SOULS, and go for the worst! was the constantcry of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army.
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102. EVENE - William Booth
Vacances pas chères ? Les contemporains de William Booth (1829 - 1912)
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> samedi 10 septembre
Général, fondateur de l'Armée du Salut
Né à Nottingham le 10 avril 1829
Décédé à le 20 août 1912 Faites découvrir WILLIAM BOOTH à un ami TOUT WILLIAM BOOTH SUR... ET VOUS?... Si vous aviez eu l'occasion de lui parler ou de lui écrire... que lui auriez-vous dit ? Ecrire un message SES CITATIONS > On n’annonce pas l'Evangile à un homme qui a les pieds mouillés. Les citations de William Booth dans Citations du Monde Besoin d'argent ? Investir ? Assurances aux meilleurs prix ? Offrez des fleurs ! ... Vacances pas chères ? Les contemporains de WILLIAM BOOTH (1829 - 1912) : Toutes les célébrités de la catégorie SPIRITUALITÉ ET RELIGION Invitez un ami à découvrir la biographie de WILLIAM BOOTH EVENE BOUTIQUE LES CADEAUX CULTURE Cadre porte-bonheur Trèfle à 4 feuilles Jeu de mémoire Molière Comédie française LIENS UTILES Besoin d'argent ?

103. William Booth - Wikiquote
William Booth (1829 1912). Så länge kvinnor måste lida och gråta, - VILL JAGKÄMPA. Så länge barn och ungdom saknar skydd och vård, - VILL JAG KÄMPA.
William Booth
Fr¥n Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
William Booth (1829 - 1912)
  • "S¥ l¤nge kvinnor m¥ste lida och gr¥ta, - VILL JAG K„MPA.
S¥ l¤nge barn och ungdom saknar skydd och v¥rd, - VILL JAG K„MPA.
S¥ l¤nge v¥ra f¤ngelser ¤r fyllda - VILL JAG K„MPA.
S¥ l¤nge det finns en drinkare kvar, s¥ l¤nge det finns en vilsef¶rd flicka p¥ v¥ra gator, s¥ l¤nge det finns en sj¤l utan Guds ljus, - VILL JAG K„MPA.
Jag vill k¤mpa ¤nda till slutet!"
  • "Varf¶r skall dj¤vulen ha den b¤sta musiken?" ("Why should the devil have all the best tunes?")

Svenska Wikipedia
har en artikel om: William Booth H¤mtad fr¥n " Views Personliga verktyg Navigation S¶k Verktygsl¥da Andra spr¥k

104. BoothW
William Booth, 1829 1912. An Inventory of Spoken Word Audio Recordings in An address by the late General William Booth founder of the Salvation Army.
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105. BOOTH, William
Translate this page Booth, William, Gründer und erster General der Heilsarmee, * 10.4. 1829 inNottingham (Mittelengland) als Sohn eines Bauunternehmers, † 20.8.
Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
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Band I (1990) Spalten 701-702 Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz Werke: In Darkest England and the Way Out, 1890. Lit.: Peter Adolf Clasen, Der Salutismus, 1913; - Hedwig v. Redern, W. B., 1913; - M. Duff, Catherine B., 1914; - Harold Begbie, Life of General W. B., 2 Bde., New York 1920 (dt. v. Franz v. Tavel, Feldzug der Liebe. General W. B. Gründer der Heilsarmee, Zürich 1929; eingel. u. neu gestaltet v. Erich Beyreuther, verkürzt 1963 ); - W. H. Nelson, Blood and Fire: General W. B., 1929; - H. Redwood, God in the Slums, London 1932; - St. John Ervine, God's soldier: General W. B., ebd. 1934; - Julie de Mestral Combremont, Katharina Booth Clibborn, »die Marschallin«. Dt. Übers. v. Anna Aebi Bern 1942 (1953

106. Women's Relief Corp. Home Cemetery - Oxford, NY
Mary 1847 1915 Blockley, William Hospital Steward 4th NY Infantry Booth, Annie 1849 - 1916 Taylor, Helen 1829 - 1912 Taylor, Jason NY Vol.
Women's Relief Corp Home Cemetery
New York State Veteran's Home Cemetery
at Oxford, NY
Contributed by Christine Gillette?
File prepared by Mary G. Hafler, June 2003 You are our visitor since 10 Jul 2003 thanks for stopping by! Last updated: 10 Jul 2003 Chenango Co, NY Page

107. ?(William Booth1829-1912?)(?,?)

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