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Bonnell Jerry: more books (24) | |||||||||||||||
81. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Robert Nemiroff (an associate professor at Michigan Technological University) and Jerry Bonnell (a scientist at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center). http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?term1=Robert Goddard&limit=0 |
82. NET ADVANCE ... Astronomy Picture of the Day by Robert Nemiroff George Mason University and Jerry Bonnell Universities Space Research Association http://web.mit.edu/redingtn/www/netadv/comets.html | |
83. Related Resources - Science Astronomy Picture of the Day Robert Nemiroff - Michigan Technological University, Houghton; Jerry Bonnell - Universities Space Research Association; http://www.mcrel.org/lesson-plans/science/science.asp | |
84. Alibris: Robert Nemiroff by Nemiroff, Robert J, and Bonnell, Jerry T Photographs of outer spaceproduced by earthbound and space telescopes and planetroving satelliteshave http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Nemiroff, Robert | |
85. ALA | Internet Resources: Astronomy An outreach service provided through the NASA Web site, this page is maintained by Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell. Containing the largest collection of http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2001/december2/astronomyr | |
86. Exclaim! Canada's Music Authority Columbus, Ohio pop band Moviola is made up of Ted Hattemer, Scotty Tabachnick, Jake Housh, Greg Bonnell and Jerry Dannemiller. Their latest CD is called http://www.exclaim.ca/index.asp?layid=22&csid=6&csid1=798 |
87. Kosmologika - Stjärnorna - Referenser & Litteratur Leonard, Peter JT Bonnell, Jerry T. Gammaray Bursts of Doom , Sky Telescope, Februari 1998, s. 29-34. Artikel om gammastrålningsutbrottens natur och http://www.kosmologika.net/Stars/Referenser_och_Litteratur.html | |
88. D-Lib Featured Collection November 2004: Astronomy Picture Of The Day in 1995 and edited by Robert Nemiroff, Michigan Technological University, and Jerry Bonnell, NASA/Goddard and Universities Space Research Association. http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november04/11featured-collection.html | |
89. AAVSO: Spring 2000 HEA Workshop - Attendee List Jerry Bonnell, NASA/GSFC. Daniel Brannen, Aaronsburg, PA. Michael Briggs, BATSE/Compton Observatory Team. Eric Broens, Mol, Belgium http://www.aavso.org/aavso/meetings/00heaattendee.shtml | |
90. NET PICS -- 280 (5362): 351 -- Science It s a bit of everything, says Jerry Bonnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who launched APOD with colleague Robert Nemiroff http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/280/5362/351c | |
91. Kvarkadabra - èasopis Za Tolmaèenje Znanosti Marsikateri bralec teh vrstic gotovo pozna sedaj e znamenito spletno stran, ki jo urejata Robert Nemiroff (na sliki levo) in Jerry Bonnell (desno). http://www.kvarkadabra.net/ | |
92. Redshift / Buch-Tipps - Bildbände - Das Universum, Tag Für Tag Translate this page Der Astrophysiker Jerry T. Bonnell arbeitet seit 1988 für die NASA. Im Auftrag der NASA konzipierte er 1995 gemeinsam mit Jerry T. Bonnell die Website http://www.astroinfo.com/de/h/h0206/3-89660-166-0.htm | |
93. Jerry T Bonnell Robert J Nemiroff Das Universum Tag Für Tag Translate this page Jerry T Bonnell Robert J Nemiroff Das Universum Tag für Tag. http://www.wildprojects.de/Das-Universum-Tag-fuer-Tag-000001289861.html | |
94. Communicating Astronomy To The Public Conference Jerry Bonnell, USRA Goddard Space Flight Center. Bonnie Bracey, Consultant Video Games and New Media. David Brand, Cornell University News Service http://www.nrao.edu/ccap/conf_registrants.shtml | |
95. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 111 Nemiroff, Robert J.; Bonnell, Jerry T. 1999PASP..111..288T The IRIS FarInfrared Galaxy Survey Expected Number Count, Redshift, and Perspective. http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/bib/PASP/111-3.html | |
96. Citebase - Pulses, Spectral Lags, Durations, And Hardness Ratios In Long GRBs Authors Norris, Jay P ; Scargle, Jeffrey D ; Bonnell, Jerry T Norris, JP, Marani, GF, and Bonnell, JT, ÒConnection between Spectral Lags and Peak http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:astro-ph/0105052 |
97. APOD En Català - Imatge Astronòmica Del Dia - Informació La Imatge Astronòmica Diària (APOD) és alimentada, escrita, coordinada, i editada des de 1995 per Robert Nemiroff i Jerry Bonnell. http://www.ishango.org/apod/about_apod.htm |
98. Site Du Jour Of The Day - April 1999 Jerry Bonnell Universities Space Research Association Washington, District of Columbia, USA. Hosted by the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics http://members.tripod.com/~SdJotD/1999/9904.htm | |
99. Knesebeck Verlag - Das Universum - Tag Für Tag Translate this page Im Auftrag der NASA konzipierte er 1995 gemeinsam mit Jerry T. Bonnell die Website Der Astrophysiker Jerry T. Bonnell arbeitet seit 1988 für die NASA. http://www.knesebeck-verlag.de/detail.asp?PID=140 |
100. 5th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium Bonnell , Jerry, GP01. GRB Time-Dilation Measurements CalibratedFor Noise Bias, Redshift, and Trigger Bias. HTML Postscript http://www.batse.msfc.nasa.gov/events/5hgrbs/program/byname.html | |
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