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Bonnell Jerry: more books (24) | |||||||||||||||
42. Science Tools Checkout 2 Jerry Bonnell is replacing Jay Norris this time, and Dave Davis will move from General tools to Likelihood analysis. David Smith may work on pulsar analysis http://www-glast.slac.stanford.edu/sciencetools/reviews/checkout2/ | |
43. About APOD Please write to Robert Nemiroff at nemiroff@mtu.edu or Jerry Bonnell at Bonnell@grossc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Thank you for sharing the APOD experience! http://www.phy.mtu.edu/apod/lib/about_apod.html | |
44. Bonnell Colloquium Jerry Bonnell. NASA Goddard. Gamma Ray Bursts, Supernovae, GLAST. The Gammaray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) is scheduled for launch by NASA in March http://www.phy.mtu.edu/colloquiums/bonnell.html | |
45. Totse.com | The Number E [ Natural Log To 1 Million Places] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and Jerry Bonnell (Universities Space Robert Nemiroff or Jerry Bonnell Code 668.1 Code 668.1 http://www.totse.com/en/technology/science_technology/ee710.html | |
46. CNN.com - A Book As Big As The Universe - Nov. 21, 2003 Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell, authors of The Universe 365 Days, are selfprofessed mild and lazy guys, but they have nonetheless created perhaps the http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/11/21/book.apod/ | |
47. Please Take A Look At The Important Information In This Header. We and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and Jerry Bonnell (Universities Space concerning these digits to Robert Nemiroff or Jerry Bonnell Code 668.1 http://text.staticfree.info/ee710.txt |
48. IMSA Astrophysics: Distance Ladder Nemiroff, Robert J., and Bonnell, Jerry T., 1995. The Universe and the Curtis Shapley Debate Lecture Prepared for the 1995 75th Anniversary http://staff.imsa.edu/science/astro/astrometry/ | |
49. Search Keyword Author Last Name Title No Flash Or Wrong Flash THE UNIVERSE 365 DAYS Robert J. Nemiroff, Jerry T. Bonnell THE UNIVERSE 365 DAYS. by Robert J. Nemiroff, Jerry T. Bonnell. Member s $33.53 http://www.scientificamericanbookclub.ca/ | |
50. BUBL LINK: Cosmology Author Nemiroff, Robert Bonnell, Jerry Subjects astronomy research, cosmology DeweyClass 520 Resource type documents; High Energy Astrophysics Science http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/cosmology.htm | |
51. BUBL LINK: Astronomy Research Author Nemiroff, Robert Bonnell, Jerry Subjects astronomy research, cosmology DeweyClass 520 Resource type documents; Green Flash Page Information on http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/astronomyresearch.htm | |
52. Take-off Into Space The pictures used in this WebQuest come from Nemiroff, Robert Bonnell, Jerry. Astronomy Picture of the Day. Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics. http://www.ats.edu.mx/personales/space/ | |
53. Volunteers Mary Sue Pollett, Bruce Bonnell, Clara Oser, Jerry and Sue Vomish. Contact Pearl Bonnell at 989257-3583, or Email pBonnell@mlswa.org http://www.mlswa.org/volunteers.htm | |
54. Astronomy Today - Space Science - Quantum Gravity Drs. Jay Norris and Jerry Bonnell of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center did the math. The two observational astronomers said that only time will tell if GLAST http://www.astronomytoday.com/cosmology/quantumgrav.html | |
55. Ohio ANREP Dec 04 Meeting Minutes Attending Robert McCall, Nathan Watermeier, Dana Oleskiewicz, Anne Baird, Joe Bonnell, Jerry Iles, Gary Comer, Dave Apsley and JP Lieser (Not in attendance http://ohioanrep.osu.edu/MinutesDEC04.htm | |
56. What Follows Are The First 100000 Digits Of The Number E. These Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell e = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966 http://www.mu.org/~doug/exp/100000.html | |
57. Photoshop For Astrophotographers The Universe 365 Days, Robert J. Nemroff and Jerry T. Bonnell, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Splendors of the Universe by Terrence Dickinson, Firefly Books http://www.astropix.com/PFA/ABOUT.HTM | |
58. The Universe 365 Days : Books : Thames & Hudson The Universe. 365 Days Robert J. Nemiroff Jerry T. Bonnell He cocreated Astronomy Picture of the Day with Jerry T. Bonnell in collaboration with NASA http://www.thamesandhudson.com/books/The_Universe/0500511217.mxs/33/0/ | |
59. The Math Forum - Math Library - Ratnl/Irratnl Nums. RJN s More Digits of Irrational Numbers Page Nemiroff, Bonnell All digits accessible here were computed by Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/rat_numbers/ | |
60. About "RJN's More Digits Of Irrational Numbers Page" , All digits accessible here were computed by Robert Nemiroff and Jerry Bonnell. The Digit Warehouse e, sqrts of 2,......Author, Nemiroff, Bonnell. http://mathforum.org/library/view/2791.html | |
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