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21. Authors Listed Alphabetically: Free Web Books, Online Boldrewood, Rolf (18261915) Borrow, George (1803-1881) Boswell, James (1740-1795) Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) Bronte, Anne (1820-1849) http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/aut/ | |
22. Rolf Boldrewood Rolf Boldrewood (18261915). Read ebooks by Rolf Boldrewood. At the beginning of this novel the narrator, Dick Marsden, is awaiting execution for crimes http://gutenberg.net.au/pages/boldrewood.html | |
23. Dictionary Of Australian Biography Br-By BROWNE, THOMAS ALEXANDER, Rolf Boldrewood (18261915), book of reminiscences of the eighteen-forties was published at Melbourne, by Rolf Boldrewood, http://gutenberg.net.au/dictbiog/0-dict-biogBr-By.html | |
24. Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915. Letters To Various Correspondents: Guide. No Frames Version. http://oasis.harvard.edu:10080/oasis/deliver/deepLink?_collection=oasis&uniqueId |
25. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Boldrewood, Rolf, 1826-1915 Etexts by Author. Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915 AKA Browne, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1915 B Index Main Index Robbery Under Arms http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/boldrewood_rolf_.html | |
26. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - R AUTHOR Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915 AKA Browne, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1915 LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Frontier and pioneer life Australia Fiction http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_r11.html | |
27. SETIS Page Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne (18261915) Shearing in the Riverina. Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne (1826-1915) Romance of Canvas http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/oztexts/ozlitbrowseB.html | |
28. SETIS Page Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne (18261915) The Miner s Right A Tale of the Australian Goldfields. Boldrewood, Rolf Thomas Alexander Browne http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/oztexts/austlittexts.html | |
29. Author Rolf Boldrewood, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive I was from Australia, and I lived from 18261915. Rolf Boldrewood (TA Browne) was one of the best-known novelists of nineteenth-century Australia. http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Rolf Boldrewood | |
30. OzLit@Vicnet - E-text Of Robbery Under Arms (Rolf Boldrewood) (Etext) Robbery Under Arms by Rolf Boldrewood Entered twice and compared by Alan 1826-1915. (Some obvious errors have been corrected, as noted below) http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/text0012.html | |
31. OzLit@Vicnet Australian Authors Index:- B JANET (nd; BOLAND, THOMAS PATRICK (nd; Boldrewood, Rolf (Thomas Alexander Browne) (18261915); BOLTON, ELEC (nd; BOLTON, GC (Geoffrey Curgenven) (1931- http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/ozlitb.html | |
32. AUSTRALIAN Literature (including POETRY) (e-Book, E-Books, EBooks) Boldrewood, Rolf (18261915), Robbery Under Arms Australian Gold Rush, 1898 Boldrewood, Rolf (1826-1915), The Miner s Right A Tale of the Australian http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010litaustraliana.asp | |
33. DigitalBookIndex: AUSTRALA / New Zealand (History EBooks, ETexts, EDocuments, On Boldrewood, Rolf (18261915), Shearing In The Riverina, New South Wales, 1871, PDF, n/c, USydney(Aus). Bowden, Tim, The Silence Calling Australians in http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010hstaustraliana.asp | |
34. Pictures Catalogue - Barnett, H. Walter, 1862-1934. Portrait Of Rolf Boldrewood Subjects Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915 Portraits. Portrait of Rolf Boldrewood (Thomas. To cite the image with description use http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-an23251768 | |
35. Pictures Catalogue - Marony, Patrick William. Starlight's Hold-up At The Dance H Bushrangers New South Wales. Dance parties. Picture Oil. Names Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915. Robbery under arms. Call Number PIC PIC R4397 Con2111.* http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-an2292697-1 | |
36. Author Index Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915 AKA Browne, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1915 Bone, Jesse F. (Jesse Franklin), 1916- Bonnin, Gertrude (Zitkala-Sa) AKA Zitkala-Sa, http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
37. Boldrewood, Rolf (Litteraturnettet) Norske Dramatikeres Forbund Norsk Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Boldrewood, Rolf 18261915. E-tekst Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/boldrewood.rolf.asp?lang=&type= |
38. Boldrewood, Rolf (Le Réseau D'écrivains Norvégiens) Translate this page Boldrewood, Rolf 1826-1915. E-texte Project Gutenberg Texte. http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/boldrewood.rolf.asp?lang=fr&type= |
39. The Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Boldrewood, Rolf, 18261915 AKA Browne, Thomas Alexander, 1826-1915 Bonnin, Gertrude (Zitkala-Sa) AKA Zitkala-Sa, 1876-1938 Booth, William, 1829-1912 http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm |
40. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) Boldrewood, Rolf (Boldrewood, Rolf ). 18261915. We hope to complete this entry soon. Bolster, Stephanie (Bolster, Stephanie ). 1969-Present http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=300&golist=true&init=B |
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