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Blackwood Algernon: more detail | |||||||||
21. Dept. Of Literature - Algernon Blackwood Bio Algernon Blackwood (18691951) was a prolific fantasy and horror writer whosetotal production consists of more than 200 short stories, 12 novels, http://miskatonicuniversitypress.com/miskatonic/dliterature/authors/blackwood/bi | |
22. Algernon Blackwood Translate this page Algernon Blackwood (Gran Bretaña, 1869-1951), Blackwood. Escritor de novelasfantásticas nacido en Inglaterra. A pesar de que su apellido coincidía con el http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=1474 |
23. Algernon Blackwood Algernon Blackwood. Life (18691951). Titles. The Damned The Extra Day The Garden of Survival The Human Chord The Man Whom the Trees Loved http://manybooks.net/authors/blackwoo.html | |
24. Incredible Adventures By Algernon Blackwood - Hippocampus Press Algernon Blackwood (18691951) was author of one of the richest bodies of weirdfiction in all literary history. HP Lovecraft regarded Blackwood as perhaps http://www.hippocampuspress.com/lovecrafts_library/incredible_adventures.html | |
25. Blackwood, Algernon (Norwegian Writers' Web) Norwegian Writers Center Norwegian Association of Literary Translators.Blackwood, Algernon 18691951. E-text Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/blackwood.algernon.asp?lang=gb&type= |
26. Blackwood, Algernon (Litteraturnettet) Forbund Norsk Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM.Blackwood, Algernon 18691951. E-tekst Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/blackwood.algernon.asp?lang=&type= |
27. Algernon Henry Blackwood (1869-1951), Author Algernon Henry Blackwood (18691951), Author Sitter in 6 portraits Page1 of 1. NPG x2990 Algernon Henry Blackwood by Howard Coster http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp50241 |
28. Records For Blackwood, Algernon, 1869-1951. (in MARION) Blackwood, Algernon, 18691951. Record 1 of 1. Ashley, Michael. Algernon Blackwood an extraordinary life / Mike Ashley. New York Carroll Graf, 2001. http://cofc.edu/MARION/@BUSINESS/69d110002100/0 |
29. JAMES,MR Blackwood, Algernon (18691951) (pp. 25-27). In The Handbook to Gothic Literature,ed. Marie Mulvey-Roberts. New York New York University Press, 1998. http://www.pagedepot.com/thesicklytaper/OTHEREG.HTM | |
30. Algernon Blackwood Op De Boekenplank Blackwood, Algernon. GrootBrittannië, 1869-1951. Bibliografie. Bundels. KAMER TEHUUR. 1966, JM Meulenhoff, Meesters der Fantastische Vertelkunst 12, http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/b/blackwood_a.htm | |
31. Shop For More: Shop Stories of Algernon Blackwood, Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood from Dover Blackwood (18691951), who must rank as one of the greatest English language http://www.animalshed.com/shop/type_browse/mode_5763/ | |
32. Booklist And Syllabus Blackwood, Algernon (18691951 ). The Transfer, The Wendigo, The Willows. Faulkner, William (1897-1962). A Rose for Emily. Jacobs, WW (1863-1943). http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/gothic/booksyll.html | |
33. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) Blackwood, Algernon (Blackwood, Algernon Henry ). 18691951. We hope to completethis entry soon. Blackwood, William (Blackwood, William ). 1776-1834 http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=250&golist=true&init=B |
34. Índice En Orden "cronológico Por Autor" - Ciudad Seva - Luis López Nieves Gorki, Máximo, Rusia 1868-1936; Blackwood, Algernon, Inglaterra 1869-1951 http://www.ciudadseva.com/bdcs/2cuencro.htm | |
35. 1869 1951 Algernon Blackwood An Extraordinary Life. Published 09 January, 2002 Está interesado/a en 1869 1951? manténgase informado permanentemente y entérese http://1869-1951.idoneos.com/ |
36. LEFTFIELD-PSI Famous Ghost Hunters Blackwood, Algernon (18691951). Blackwood.jpg (27453 bytes) Algernon Blackwoodis recalled by countless fans as The Ghost Man for his extensive career http://www.leftfield-psi.net/ghosts/famousghosthunters1.html | |
37. Literature UK Blackwood Algernon (18691951) Novelist. Born kent. Blake George (1893-1961)Novelist. Born Scotland. Blake William (1757-1827) Artist and Poet. http://www.britisharts.co.uk/literature.htm | |
38. Postscript Books By Mail - New & Remainder Books Algernon Blackwood (18691951) was a mysterious character, despite his fame bothas a writer of supernatural fiction and as one of the earliest stars of http://psbooks.co.uk/BookDetails.asp?Code=29124&pg=Biography&ur=Biography_Title. |
39. Antiquarian Books Catalogue No dust wrapper. UC10628 \4,000. Blackwood, Algernon (1869-1951)70 ASHLEY, M. Algernon Blackwood. A Bio-Bibliography. http://kitazawa.co.jp/ANTIQU/406/C02001E.htm |
40. COLOMBO & COMPANY - Front List They were written by Algernon Blackwood (18691951), the master of English horrorfiction, and are based on his experiences in Muskoka region of Ontario, http://www.colombo.ca/front.htm | |
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