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81. Appendix A - Appendix C. Appendix A Appendix C. by Isabella L. Bird Bishop (1831-1904) From The Golden Chersonese And The Way Thither by Isabella L. Bird Bishop (1831-1904) New http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bird/chersonese/chersonese-5.html | |
82. A Celebration Of Women Writers: 1801 - 1900 Arms, Mary L. aka Mary L. Day (1836) Bing Xin (1900-); Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte (1800-1868); Bird, Isabella Lucy aka Isabella Bishop (1831-1904) http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/1801-1900.html | |
83. American Notes: Travels In America, 1750-1920: Authors: 1 Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 18311904. Birket, James. Blane, William N. (William Newnham), 1800-1825. Boardman, James, 19th cent. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/lhtnhtml/lhbtnbibAuthors01.html | |
84. Rechercher Sur Lycos Shopping - Comparison De Prix,aperçu Des Produits,acheter Translate this page Rien ne prédisposait Isabella L. Bird (1831-1904) à voyager. Cette fille de pasteur anglais était de santé fragile et traînait sa neurasthénie de fauteuil http://shopping.lycos.fr/2489fr9782228898218.html | |
85. This Is Project Gutenberg The, by Saki, 18701916 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, by Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904 Uncle Josh s Punkin Centre Stories, by Stewart, Cal, http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm | |
86. A-1 Women's Discount Bookstore: Featured Books Isabella L. Bird. Our Price $7.95. In one of nine popular accounts of her adventures Isabella Lucy Bird (18311904) here recounts her rugged passage. http://www.a1wdb.com/cgi-bin/women/ftd.html | |
87. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subject Index Bird seye views1970-1980. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),1831-1904Homes Haunts. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),1831-1904Journeys. http://rs5.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects55.html | |
88. Isabella L. Bird Isabella L. Bird. Alias Mrs. Bishop. Life 1831 1904. Titles. Among the Tibetans The Golden Chersonese and The Way Thither http://manybooks.net/authors/birdisab.html | |
89. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Bird, Isabella L. Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved. Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/mac/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_bird_isabella_l_isabella |
90. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors (300100bc - ) Bird, Henry Edward (1830 - 1908) Bird, Isabella Lucy (1831 - 1904) Bird, SAYERS, Dorothy L(eigh) (1893 - 1957) SCEVE, Maurice (1501? http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
91. Bird Isabella Lucy Bird est l auteure de plusieurs livres. Ceux-ci relatent les nombreux voyages qu elle effectue autour du globe http://cf.geocities.com/melagirard/bird.html | |
92. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subject Index Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),18311904Homes Haunts. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),1831-1904Journeys. Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy) http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects57.html | |
93. Korean Bibliography: Topical Terms: 9 Bird, Isabella L.(Isabella Lucy),18311904Journeys Birth control Birth control clinics Birth control, Education Birth control, Evaluation http://lcweb2.loc.gov/misc/korhtml/korbibSubjects09.html | |
94. Ai - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Journal article by Stephen L. Keck; Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. Narratives of Isabella Bird, Max Dauthendey, AI Wu, 18501930. by Stephen http://www.questia.com/search/ai | |
95. Freya Stark Ed Il Viaggio Femminile Ad Inizio Novecento 1881 Ho solo un grande rivale nel cuore d Isabella l Asia centrale http://www.archividonneticino.ch/studi/freya_stark_print.shtml |
96. EDT - Estratti http://giornaledellamusica.it/estratti/estratto.php?id=8870633748 |
97. Les Grands Pionniers De La Conservation Et De L'Ecologisme D après Les pionniers de l écologie, déjà des classiques , par Jacques Grinevald, http://www.planetecologie.org/ENCYCLOPEDIE/Pionniers/18HOMMES/0grdnom.htm | |
98. }Ú×îñ Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=1&code=21967562 |
99. }Ú×îñ http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?code=20369290&mode=1 |
100. Korea Travel: Korea And Her Neighbours: A Narrative Of Travel, With An Account O The MyAsiaCenter Bookstore should be your first place to look for asia related books. http://bookstore.myasiacenter.com/n_0804814899.htm | |
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