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Biggers Earl Derr: more detail | |||||
21. Fictionwise EBooks: Earl Derr Biggers 1, Fifty Candles MultiFormat by Earl Derr Biggers, Earl Derr Biggers (18841933)is best remembered as the creator of Chinese detective Charlie Chan, whose long | |
22. Fictionwise EBooks: Fifty Candles By Earl Derr Biggers Earl Derr Biggers (18841933) isbest remembered as the creator of Chinese detective Charlie Chan, whose long...... eBook Category Mystery/Crime eBook | |
23. Esmeralda.com: Literature_and_Fiction/Detective_Stories Keeper of the Keys (1932) by Earl Derr Biggers (1884-1933). Gutenberg Australia (NOUS ACCESS) - (Added 13-Jan-2003) Rate It http://esmeralda.com/Literature_and_Fiction/Detective_Stories/ | |
24. Newport Vintage Books - Mystery & Suspense Author. About. Biggers, Earl Derr. Earl Derr Biggers (18841933), born in Warren,Ohio, was the creator of the famous Charlie Chan character. http://newportvintagebooks.com/store/subjects/mystery.htm | |
25. Newport Vintage Books - Mystery Biography - Earl Derr Biggers Earl Derr Biggers (18841933), born in Warren, Ohio, was the creator of the famousCharlie Chan character. Charlie was loosely based on the real life http://newportvintagebooks.com/library/bio/bio_Biggers_Earl.htm | |
26. Fictionwise EBooks: Earl Derr Biggers by Earl Derr Biggers, Earl Derr Biggers (18841933) is best remembered as thecreator of Chinese detective Charlie Chan, whose long-running series of http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/EarlDerrBiggerseBooks.htm | |
27. Fictionwise EBooks: Fifty Candles By Earl Derr Biggers Earl Derr Biggers (18841933) is best remembered as the creatorof Chinese detective Charlie Chan, whose long-running series of exploits......eBook http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/eBook1623.htm | |
28. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) Biggers, Earl Derr (Biggers, Earl Derr ). 18841933. We hope to complete thisentry soon. Billings, Josh (Billings, Josh ). 1818-1885 http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=225&golist=true&init=B |
29. Biographies - G USA jazz musician; Bigelow, Wilfred, first artificial pacemaker; Biggers,Earl Derr, (18841933), author; Biggs, Ronald, British train http://academickids.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_people_by_name__bi.html | |
30. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914? Biggers, Earl Derr,1884-1933. Bigges, Walter, d. 1586. Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945. Bing Ding, Ed. http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
31. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Parenticide Club, The; Present At A Hanging And Other Ghost Stories; Son Of TheGods And A Horseman In The Sky. Biggers, Earl Derr, 18841933 http://www.globusz.com/authors_b.asp | |
32. EBooks - Fifty Candles By Earl Derr Biggers - EReader.com Earl Derr Biggers (18841933) is best remembered as the creator of the Chinesedetective Charlie Chan, whose long-running series of exploits (portrayed in the http://www.ereader.com/product/detail/7518 | |
33. Earl Derr Biggers Earl Derr Biggers createur du detective Charlie Chan . Earl Derr Biggers (1884-1933) Écrivain américain. http://www.romanpopulaire.com/livres/biggers/biggers.htm | |
34. List Of People By Name Bi Bia Bid Bie Bij Bik Bil 1980), USA jazz musician; Bigelow, Wilfred, first artificial pacemaker; Biggers,Earl Derr, (18841933), author; Biggs, Jason (born 1978 http://www.masterliness.com/a/List.of.people.by.name.Bi.htm | |
35. Stories, Listed By Author Biggers, Earl Derr (18841933). * Each According to His Gifts, (ss) The SaturdayEvening Post Apr 14 1917 * The Ebony Stick, (nv) Colliers Sep 9 1916 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/bss/s3.htm | |
36. Stories, Listed By Author Biggers, Earl Derr (18841933) (chron.) * Admirer, (ss) The Red Book MagazineNov 1910 * The Agony Column, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 8 1916 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s151.htm | |
37. Erle Stanley Gardner 1959) had his own supercriminal, Dr. Fu-Manchu, Earl Derr Biggers (1884-1933)created the detective Charlie Chan. At the time of the Depression Gardner http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/gardner.htm | |
38. Biography Base Letter B Biggers, Earl Derr (1884-1933), author; Biggs, Jason - (born 1978), Americanactor; Bigod, Roger - (died 1107), Norman knight, 1st Earl of Norfolk http://www.biographybase.com/bio/b-4.html | |
39. The Truth About Charlie Chan Vs. The Myths! end, and I think that did a great deal to erase the image of Fu Manchu. FROMEarl Derr Biggers, Brief life of a popular author 18841933, By Barbara http://home.thirdage.com/Movies/chanfan/ChanTruth.html | |
40. Earl Derr Biggers Op De Boekenplank Biggers, Earl Derr. Verenigde Staten, 18841933. Bibliografie. Romans. DE ZILVERENDOLLAR / Eerste deel zonder jaar, Den Haag Maandblad Succes, http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/b/biggers_e.htm | |
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