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61. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. Beyle, Marie-Henri, 1783-1842 AKA Stendhal,1783-1842 Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914? Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914? http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
62. Title Information NOTES Interest level 58. SUBJECT Besant, Annie Wood, 1847-1933. SUBJECTJones, Mother, 1843?-1930. SUBJECT Fukuda, Hideko, 1865-1927. http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/wx/s.dll?d=s6&k1=55213&k2=19274 |
63. Famous Women: Sacred And Profane (Part 5) Annie Wood Besant, 18471933. Had finite, as with many, been her goal,; She wouldhave, doubtless, been, as she began,; A truly great humanitarian, http://www.sonnets.org/famouswomen-5.htm | |
64. Social Service/Activism Bertha von Suttner, 18431914 (Austria); Charlotte Despard, 1844-1939 (UK);Annie Wood Besant, 1847-1933 (UK, India). Another profile http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/subject/socserv.html | |
65. Penn State Harrisburg Library Individual Personal Name Files In Besant, Annie, 18471933 BLACK PATTI, 1869-1933 Wood, Henry, Mrs., 1814-1887WoodS, Kate Tannatt, 1838-1910 WoodWORTH, Frances WOOLEY, Mary E. http://www.hbg.psu.edu/library/womenslist.html |
66. RECENT ACQUISTIONS AND NEWLY CATALOGED ITEMS December, 2004 Riddle of life /, Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. BP563 .R5, Main. Boundless circle caring for creatures and creation /, Fox, Michael W., 1937-, BP573. http://www.coker.edu/library/newitems1204.htm | |
67. Name-key For Spiritualists Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933 Besson, Madame m. to Gustave Auguste Besson,1820-1875?, London ENG Bickford, Jason Hines, 1824-1904 http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
68. [iBistro] SIRSI Corporation Besant, Annie (Wood), 18471933. A study in consciousness; a contribution to thescience of psychology / by Annie Besant. Theosophy. sirsi_library. http://www.sirsi.com/uhtbin/d1/306 | |
69. English Books > Religion > Theosophy Besant, Annie Wood Hardback; Book; ; ISBN 8170592038. Annie Besant. Besant,Annie Hardback; Book; Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism (18471933) http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbrs800.shtml | |
70. IMCPL Online Catalog by Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. Wheaton, Ill., USA Quest Books,1991. Call Number 212 1991. Hold Requests 0. 13. http://catalog.imcpl.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?aspect=advanced&npp=15&ipp=50&profile=w |
71. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library Noble eightfold path / by Annie Besant and CW Leadbeater. Besant, Annie Wood,18471933. Matheson Library Rare Books, 299.934 B554N 1955 http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/collections/newtitles/general/general-050328.html | |
72. Guru Ratings Literature & Art Annie Wood Besant F 18471933 Brit many years Pres Theosophical Society, socialreformer, The Ancient Wisdom Black Elk M 1856-1950 Oglala Sioux warrior and http://www.globalserve.net/~sarlo/RatingsL.htm | |
73. Untitled Document Besant, Annie (18471933). Annie Wood married Frank Besant, a clergyman, in 1867,but left him in 1873. Joined the National Secular Society in 1874, http://www.dur.ac.uk/alan.heesom/people.htm | |
74. A Teozófia Nagy Tanítói Annie Besant. 18471933. A XIX. század közepén egy ír középosztálybeli házaspár megszületett egy mindennapinak nemigen nevezheto lány, Annie Wood. http://www.globenet.hu/teozofia/TeoTan.htm | |
75. Political Archives Project Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Bharatiya Jan Sangh.Bharatiya Karya Samiti. Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha. http://www.sas.ac.uk/polarch/optionlists/Commonwealth - Author Optionlists/India | |
76. James Herbert White Library -- New Books March 2002 T5 B4 1978 Besant, Annie Wood, 18471933. Thought-forms. Madras ; Wheaton, Ill. Theosophical Pub. House, 1978. BP 610 .M432 A22 1979 Abdulla, Ramjoo. http://www.mvsu.edu/library/march2002.htm | |
77. Find In A Library Annie Besant and progressive Messianism (18471933). By, Catherine Lowman Wessinger Named Person Annie Wood Besant Material Type Biography http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/top3mset/3dedd6202f091c75a19afeb4da09e526. | |
78. TRUTH News Letter No. 81 and Annie Wood Besant (18471933) served as Lucifer counterparts. In 1933 theLucifer oversoul moved from the Annie Wood Besant form to that of another http://interdenominationaldivineorder.com/newsletters/TRUTH News Letter No. 81.h | |
79. S A M S A R A Annie Besant (18471933). Annie Besant (født Wood) blev født i England den1. oktober 1847 i London af forældre med irsk afstamning. http://www.samsara.dk/default.asp?ACT=5&content=84&id=78&mnu=78 |
80. Making The Modern World - Muck And Brass: The Industrial Town Annie Besant (18471933), a leading campaigner on a range of social issues,photographed c.1895. Wood tobacco pipe, European, c.1880 http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/stories/the_industrial_town/06.ST.02/?sce |
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