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61. I04410: Henry BELCHER (____ - ____) DEATH Sep 1998. Father Charles Adelai DUGGAN M. SWEAZEA _ (1804 1850) _Christine SWEAZEA MCGUIRE (1952 - . _Nelson Bernard BRESETTE _ http://winski.com/tree/d0010/g0000072.html | |
62. Www.myers-thomas.net :: Myers Thomas Ridder Sorgea Genealogy And More H. ( 1899 1943) Schien, Bernard Emil ( 26 JUN Brian Alan ( Living - ) Seagraves,Charles Seagraves, Gilbert 1879) SHIELDS, Abel ( 1804 - 1850) SHIELDS, Abel http://www.myers-thomas.net/Static-Docs-genealogy-ips.htm | |
63. U.S. States A-D 12 Jun 1878 1 Nov 1881 John Charles Frémont (b. 1813 - d. 1890) Rep 11 Mar1837 - 6 Mar 1840 Bernard Hooe, Jr. (2nd time) http://www.worldstatesmen.org/US_states_A-D.html | |
64. INDEX Abigail (18041850) Caroline Elizabeth (- ) George M. (1854- ) Hannah (-1687) Fay Charles (1889-1915) Frank Alvah (1846- ) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~colby/colbyfam/fowndx1.html | |
65. Kinser Family Tree Bernard Wolf, 8089, John Kinzer, 8296, 20 Jan 1804, 1850 IN. Charles HG Kinser, 6814, http://www.kinser.org/fulltree.htm | |
66. Cricinfo - Players And Officials - England - E Elgood, BC (Bernard Elgood, 19221997) Eliot, RF (Robin Eliot, 1942- ) Evan-Thomas, CM (Charles Evan-Thomas, 1897-1953) http://content.cricinfo.com/ci/content/player/alpha.html?country=1;alpha=E |
67. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With G Gilligan, George Bernard (29 OCT 19441971) Gilliland, Alexander (ABT 1750-) Gummer, Charles Richard (17 JAN 1894-11 OCT 1949) http://www.jinman.org/inman/idxg.html | |
68. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With M MacCALL, Charles Edward Stuart (01 JUN 190430 JUL 1991) MacCALL, James Brian (-) MCKITRICK, John (1804-1850) MCKITRICK, Joseph (1808-1878) http://members.aol.com/ruthpohl/idxm.htm | |
69. California Pioneer List--Sorted By Pioneer Name - A To C Bernard 1861 1861 Santa Clara 43 Condea BEST, Charles Huntley VIVION, Sacramento 34 Margaret BOYNTON, Charles A. NOTTER, Anna Mari1857 1885 Oakland http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/cpl_atoc.htm | |
70. Descendants Of Samuel James Margaret Campbell 1804 1850. .. 2nd Wife of Charles ElbertPriest 6 Larurence Bernard DeYoung Private -. http://www.deyoungmatson.com/James/Documents/Summary Descendants of Samuel James | |
71. Michael Shamansky, Bookseller Inc. Item Numbers Translate this page Item 77201 Der Regensburger Maler HANS KRANZBERGER (1804-1850) Monographie Item 45273 Charles the Bold and Italy (1567-1477) Politics and Personnel http://www.artbooks.com/titles/itemnumbers.htm | |
72. SURNAME ID PERIOD COUNTY STATE COUNTRY ABBOTT 450 1850-1890 VA BERGEN 015 BERGMAN 251 BERKE 403 BERLETTE 063 Bernard 167 MA BERNDT 226 MADISON OH EYE 198 PENDLETON VA FACLER 214 18041850 CUMBERLAND PA FADE http://www.midohio.net/dchsdcgs/surnames/surn_al.txt |
73. I58797: Beatrice De AVESNES (____ - ____) Ellen MOORE Family 1 Bernard DRAKE +John Montgomery Co,Kansas. Father CharlesSylvester Charlie _John MARVIN _+ (1804 1850) _Cyrus Anson MARVIN _ http://howellresearch.com/d0064/g0000013.html | |
74. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With H 177016 MAY 1848) HOUGH, Bernard (15 JAN 1709) HOUGH, Catherine Ann (-) HOUGH, CharlesJefferson (-) HOUGH 1774) HOUGH, Mary Elizabeth (1804-1850) HOUGH, Mary http://www.twinwolf.net/~tsb/ged-html/idxh.html | |
75. GENEALOGY OF THE ELDRIDGE FAMILY a) Charles O. Eldridge (Jan 11,1872 Mar 6,1919) m Nellie Hodgdon John Eldridge (1804-1850) m(1) Priscilla Trynor(1813-) (d/o Robert/Roger Trynor and http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~reldridg/eld1.html | |
76. Names Index Page RICHTER, Charles Wilhelm (14 May 180714 Jan 1884) RICHTER, Charles William (4Aug 1838-2 Sep 1907) ROOLF-DOYEN, Etje (9 Sep 1804-1850-1899) http://www.usgennet.org/family/baicon/data/names33.htm | |
77. Names Index Page Copinger, Charles Louis George Emanuel (10 Sep 18219 May 1913) Copinger, Christian Copinger, Harold Bernard (11 Jul 1880-11 Oct 1951) http://www.copinger.org.uk/Pedigree1/names1.html | |
78. Illustration Index To Australian Art: Books Indexed Australian art and architecture essays presented to Bernard Smith. Charles Bannon, Australian printmaker an aspect of Australian art, 19681982. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/ual/publ/artindex/books.html | |
79. Wilson Co., TNGenWeb We ve been told the parents of Charles may be William Rice and Esther Chounan . Searching for any information on James Merritt, 18041850, http://www.tngenweb.org/wilson/queries/wilsar06.htm | |
80. HOLDINGS OF THE BROWN HARVEY, SR. GENEALOGY ROOM CLARKSVILLE 929.20973 Bur Burke, Bernard, Sir, Burke s American Families with British SCOTCHIRISH 325.24160973 Bol Bolton, Charles Knowles, Scotch Irish Pioneers http://www.clarksville.org/Holdings.txt |
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