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Bentzon Th: more detail |
21. Tulane Manuscripts Department - Literature Les Americaines chez elles, par Th. Bentzon . Translation of portion of LesAmericaines chez elles by Marie Thérèse (deSolms) Blanc, 18401907, pseud. http://www.tulane.edu/~lmiller/Literature.html |
22. Tulane University, Manuscripts Department (1. Allain To 20. Brosman) of Les Americaines chez elles by Marie Thérèse Blanc (18401907, pseud. Th.Bentzon), troizieme edition Paris, Ancienne Maison Michel Levy Freres, 1896. http://www.tulane.edu/~wc/guidetocollections/tulaneUmanu1-20.html |
23. Nineteenth Century French Studies, Volume 31, 2002-2002 - Table Of Contents Bentzon, Th., 18401907. Maxime récit des moeurs créoles. Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907.Américaines chez elles. New Orleans (La.) In literature. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/nineteenth_century_french_studies/toc/ncf31.3.html | |
24. Author Index Bentzon, Th., 18401907 AKA Bentzon, Th. (Mme. Blanc) Bernard, Charles de,1804-1850 Beyle, Marie-Henri, 1783-1842 AKA Stendhal, 1783-1842 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/author_index.htm | |
25. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Bentzon, Th. (Mme. Blanc) AKA Bentzon, Th., 18401907 Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907AKA Bentzon, Th. (Mme. Blanc) BenÈt, William Rose, 1886-1950 AKA Benet, http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
26. Forfatterleksikon 1850-1900. Skønlitteratur 1500-1908. Udenlandske Og Uidentifi Blanc, (Marie) Thérèse (18401907). Bentzon, T. (Thérèse Blanc). Bentzon, T.(Th. Blanc). Alines Enkestand, (1881, roman) EMP3819 http://www.litteraturpriser.dk/1850/fransk.htm | |
27. KAIGHIN FAMILY PAGES The Following List Has Been Downloaded From Jacqueline Complete 1840-1907 Bentzon Th. Jacqueline - Vol 1 1840-1907 BentzonTh. Jacqueline - Vol 2 1840-1907 Bentzon Th. Jacqueline http://www.kaighinfamily.iofm.net/AUTHORS.TXT |
28. Listing By AUTHOR - B - Benton, Thomas Hart, 17821858 Thomas Hart Benton s Remarks to The Senate on TheExpunging Resolution. Bentzon, Th., 1840-1907 AKA Bentzon, Th. (Mme. http://www.speakwise.com/Listing_Author/AL[B].htm | |
29. The Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project Thérèse (Th. Bentzon) (18401907) Wednesday morning 1888-1890; 37 23 July,1890; 40 Monday evening 1890, picture; 43 6 June, 1898; 84 June 6, 1898; 85 http://www.public.coe.edu/~theller/soj/let/ | |
30. Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project Thérèse Blanc (18401907) wrote under The name of Th. Bentzon. Madame Bentzonwas a novelist, translator, and writer of literary essays. http://www.public.coe.edu/~theller/soj/cca/y1878.html | |
31. Bentzon, Th. (Litteraturnettet) Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Bentzon, Th. 18401907. E-tekstProject Gutenberg Tekst. SØK ETTER Bentzon, Th. SØK I. E-tekst Gutenberg (e) http://www.litteraturnettet.no/b/bentzon.th.asp?lang=&type= |
32. Bookinerie.com - Livres Anciens - Livres Rares - Livres Anciens Et D'occasion. L Translate This page Théodore Bentzon est le pseudonyme de Thérèse Blanc 1840-1907, Th.Bentzon est intéressante comme traductrice en France de la littérature américaine, http://www.bookinerie.com/pages/catal.php3?Argu=amerique&Tri=Jour&Ordre=DESC |
33. Bookinerie.com - Livres Anciens - Livres Rares - Livres Anciens Et D'occasion. L Translate This page Théodore Bentzon est le pseudonyme de Thérèse Blanc 1840-1907, romancière etessayiste française. Th. Bentzon est intéressante comme traductrice en http://www.bookinerie.com/pages/catal.php3?Argu=illus&Tri=Auteur&Ordre=ASC |
34. World Literature In English Translation On CD ROM, From Seedy Press Books On CD, Therese Bentzon (pseudonym of Marie Therese Blanc) (18401907) History of aCrime, translated by Th Joyce and ArTher Locker; The Man Who Laughs http://www.samizdat.com/worldenglishcd.html | |
35. World Iterature In English And Original Languages On CD ROM, From Seedy Press Bo Therese Bentzon (pseudonym of Marie Therese Blanc) (18401907) The Historyof a Crime, translated by Th Joyce and ArThur Locke; L Homme Qui Rit http://www.samizdat.com/worldlitcd.html | |
36. Notes De Voyage. Nouvelle-France Et Nouvelle-Angleterre, Par Th. Translate This page Notice bibliographique. Auteur(s), Bentzon, Thérèse (1840-1907). Titre, Notes devoyage. Nouvelle-France et Nouvelle-Angleterre, par Th. Bentzon. http://www.bnquebec.ca/rfq/notices/00020284.htm |
37. Nouvelle-France Et Nouvelle-Angleterre Notes De Voyage / Par Th. Translate This page Notice bibliographique. Auteur(s), Bentzon, Thérèse (1840-1907). Titre,Nouvelle-France et Nouvelle-Angleterre notes de voyage / par Th. Bentzon pseud.. http://www.bnquebec.ca/rfq/notices/00020669.htm |
39. A Celebration Of Women Writers: FRANCE Martiniere (1724-1809); Bentzon, Therese (1840-1907). (see Bentzon, Th.) http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/FRANCE.html | |
40. AMERICAN WOMEN IMAGES AND REALITIES (in MARION) Bentzon, Th., 18401907. The condition of woman in The United States; a traveller snotes. New York, Arno Press 1972, c1895. Bradford, Gamaliel, 1863-1932. http://pblib.utpb.edu/MARION?T=AMERICAN WOMEN IMAGES AND REALITIES |
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