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Bentley E C: more detail | ||||||
61. Svarte Bøker » Trents Siste Sak Den engelske forfatteren EC Bentley (18751956) er kalt den moderne detektivromanensfar. Trents siste sak regnes som innledningen til sjangerens gullalder, http://www.bokklubben.no/SamboWeb/side.do?dokId=150981&rom=SB |
62. Author Pseudonyms B., EC Edmund (Charles) Blunden B., EV The Honorable Mrs. Boyle B., H. Bentley, E(dmund) C(lerihew) (18751956) E(dmund) Clerihew Bentley, Jayne http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_b.htm | |
63. A GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MATERIALS BY AND ABOUT GILBERT KEITH 8118731 Item Number 441 Bentley, EC (Edmund Clerihew), 1875-1956. The firstclerihews / E. Clerihew Bentley, with GK Chesterton et al. ; illustrated by http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dcs0mpw/gkc/books/gkc-bib.txt | |
64. DISPLAY ITEM 1 Sn94-95769 ITEM 1 OF 409 IN SET 16 (SERL) The New 823603 ITEM 85 OF 409 IN SET 16 (BKS3) Bentley, EC (Edmund Clerihew), 1875-1956 . With introd. by EC Bentley. New York, Haskell House Publishers, http://www.dur.ac.uk/martin.ward/gkc/books/gkc-bib-all1.txt | |
65. UBC Archives - William Messenger - File List 1030 EC Bentley 1875-1956. 10-31 Plattje 1877. 10-32 Crapsey 1878. 10-33 E.Thomas 1878. 10-34 E. Stevens 1878. 10-35 Masefield 1878. 10-36 Sandburg 1878. http://www.library.ubc.ca/archives/u_arch/messeng1.html | |
66. Mestská Knihovna Lanhot - Katalog LANius Bennett,Roger Bennett,Ruth Bennett,Steve Benni,Stefano,1947 Beno,Ján Beno,LadislavBenson,Ross, Benthues,Anne Bentley,EC Bentley,EC,1875-1956 Bentley,Vicci http://www.lanzhot.podluzi.cz/LANius/l.dll?kfh~A=Bentley,E.C. |
67. Mestská Knihovna Lanhot - Katalog LANius Bennett,Roger Bennett,Ruth Bennett,Steve Benni,Stefano,1947 Beno,Ján Beno,LadislavBenson,Ross Benthues,Anne Bentley,EC Bentley,EC,1875-1956 Bentley,Vicci http://www.lanzhot.podluzi.cz/LANius/kfsautbb.htm |
68. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index 18821945 1241.7 Bentley, Beth 449.4 Bentley, EC (Edmund Clerihew),1875-1956 42.12, 61.11, 99.10, 449.4(C), 502.1, 859.16, 957.8 Bentley, http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/correspondents/aakcorb5.html | |
69. MìK Velké Bílovice - Katalog LANius Peter,1940 Beníek,Frantiek Benjamin z Tudely Beno,Ladislav Benson,ElizabethBenson,Ross Benthues,Anne Bentley,EC Bentley,EC,1875-1956 Bentley,Vicci http://knihovna.velkebilovice.cz/lanius/kfsautba.htm | |
70. Mìstská Knihovna Kutná Hora - Katalog Clavius Benois,Alexandre(1) Benson,Raymond(1) Benson,Robert Hugh(1) Benson,Ross(2)Benson,Stéphanie(1) Benthues,Anne(1) Bentley,EC(1) Bentley,EC,18751956(1) Bentley | |
71. Knihovna Eduarda Petiky - Catalogue Clavius 1) Bennett,Connie(1) Bennett,Ruth(1) Bennett,Steve(1) Benois,Alexandre(1)Benson,Ross(1) Benová,Vera(1) Benthues,Anne(1) Bentley,EC,18751956(2) Bentley http://clavius.knihovna.brandysnl.cz/eng/clslaba.htm |
72. Mestská Knihovna Velké Pavlovice - Katalog LANius 1940 Beníek,Frantiek Beníek,Ladislav Benjamin z Tudely Bennett,ArnoldBenová,Vera Benthues,Anne Bentley,EC Bentley,EC,1875-1956 Benýek,Lubomír http://knihovna.velke-pavlovice.cz/kfsautbb.htm |
73. Bentley, E. C.; Bibliography By Subject Bentley, EC 18751956. (E. Bentley). Subjects this author has books on Bentley,EC (Edmund Clerihew),1875-1956 Manuscripts Facsimiles (1). http://isbndb.com/d/person/bentley_e_c.html | |
74. }Ú×îñ Bentley, EC (Edmund Clerihew), 18751956 Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976 Bailey,HC Sayers, Dorothy L. (Dorothy Leigh), 1893-1957 Queen, Ellery http://www.lib.osakafu-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?smode=1&key=&code=205333 |
75. List Of Crime Writers - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Isaac Asimov, (19201992); John Baker, (born 1942); John Franklin Bardin Robert Barnard EC Bentley, (1875-1956); Earl Derr Biggers, (1884-1933) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_crime_writers |
77. Edmund Clerihew Bentley EC Bentley (18751956), who is now best remembered as the inventor of the clerihew,was a popular English novelist and humorist of the early twentieth century. http://www.teachtime.com/en/wikipedia/e/ed/edmund_clerihew_bentley.html | |
78. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Bentley, EC (Edmund Clerihew), 18751956. Benton, Joel, 1832-1911. Benton, ThomasHart, 1782-1858. Beyle, Marie-Henri, 1783-1842 AKA Stendhal, 1783-1842 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
79. Cricinfo - Players And Officials - England - B BatemanChampain, CE (Claude Bateman-Champain, 1875-1956) Bentley, John (Hampshire,Middlesex and Surrey) (John Bentley, 1787-1859) http://content.cricinfo.com/england/content/player/alpha.html?country=1;alpha=B |
80. Eponyms clerihew, Edmund Clerihew Bentley (18751956), English writer Eggs Benedict,Commodore EC Benedict (1834-1920), American banker and yachtsman http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/eponyms.htm | |
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