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Benson Arthur Christopher: more books (37) | ||||||||||
61. CHRISTIANGAYS.COM: Famous Gays In History AC (Arthur Christopher) Benson (18621925), British educator, writer EricBentley (1916- ), British-born US critic, theatre director, and translator* http://www.christiangays.com/articles/famous.shtml | |
62. Late 19th Century English Poetry Benson, Arthur Christopher (18621925). Le Cahier Jaune (Eton Printed by Geo.New, 1892). Lord Vyet and Other Poems (New York John Lane; The Bodley Head, http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/engpo11_toc.html | |
63. Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871 1001742 On The Economy Of Machinery Benson, Arthur Christopher, 18621925, 1001959. From A College Window.http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925, 1001960 http://hzeid.free.fr/ab.htm |
64. Richardson, John, 1796-1852 1005548 Wacousta A Tale Of The Benson, Arthur Christopher, 18621925, 1001962. Where No Fear Was.http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Morley, Christopher, 1890-1957, 1004905 http://hzeid.free.fr/tw.htm | |
65. AAC Database - Browse - List 1, Carr, Cecil Thomas, Sir 1878 See Carr, Cecil T.Sir,b. 1878. 3, Carr, Christopher,1862-1925 See Benson, Arthur Christopher. 1, Carr, Christopher, 1952-. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/0887527 | |
66. Laudator Temporis Acti: Catullus' Dirge For A Pet Sparrow Arthur Christopher Benson (18621925), The Sparrow. O pertest, most self-satisfiedOf aught that breathes or moves, See where you sit, with head aside, http://laudatortemporisacti.blogspot.com/2004/12/catullus-dirge-for-pet-sparrow. | |
67. ENGLISH Literature & Texts (19th Century) (e-Book, E-Books, EBooks, EBook) Belloc, Bessie Rayner, Poems, 1852, Html, n/c, VictWomWr. Benson, Arthur Christopher,Selected Poetry of Arthur Christopher Benson (18621925), 2003, Html, n/c, http://www.digitalbookindex.org/_search/search010litenglish19thca.asp | |
68. Reflection For The Day: March 29, 2005 March 29, 2005. Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. Arthur Christopher Benson British writer (1862-1925) http://www.reflectionfortheday.com/archives/2005/03/march_29_2005.html | |
69. EXPLORE AC Benson - Dictionary Of Writers AC (Arthur Christopher) Benson (18621925) was one of six children of EdwardWhite Benson, a late nineteenth-century Archbishop of Canterbury. http://www.dictionaryofeverything.com/explore/549/A._C._Benson.html |
70. Pikle - The Diary Junction - Arthur Benson Benson, Arthur Christopher _ 18621925 _ British _ writer. BIOGRAPHICALSUMMARY Benson was educated at Eton and King s College, Cambridge. http://www.pikle.demon.co.uk/diaryjunction/data/bensonarth.html | |
71. Boer War Poetry Arthur Christopher Benson (18621925) Wilfred Scawen Blunt (1840-1922) RobertBridges (1844-1930) Robert Buchanan (1841-1901) GK Chesterton (1874-1936) http://perso.univ-lyon2.fr/~goethals/boer/boer_poetry.html | |
72. University Of Canterbury Library Catalogue by Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 18191901. , Benson, Arthur Christopher,1862-1925. , Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, Viscount, 1852-1930. Add to my list http://ipac.canterbury.ac.nz/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=a&npp=30&index=.sw&term=gre |
73. Gaslight Contents By Author AC (Arthur Christopher) Benson (18621925). EF (Edward Frederick) Benson (1867-1940) The death warrant F. from Six common things (1894) http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/contents.htm | |
74. San Jose Libraries /All Locations 11, TB 1862 1925 See Benson, Arthur Christopher, 18621925, 1. 12, TB ThomasBeddoes 1760 1808 See Beddoes, Thomas, 1760-1808, 1 http://mill1.sjlibrary.org:90/kids/1901,2128/search/d?t |
75. Mid-Hudson Library System /Catalog 6, TB 1862 1925 See Benson, Arthur Christopher, 18621925, 1. 7, TBA SeeZhonghua min guo yu qiu xie hui, 1. 8, TB Brian Transeau 1973 See BT http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/a?t |
76. GENERAL COLLECTION MANUSCRIPT MISCELLANY expand/contract this heading BALFOUR, Arthur JAMES BALFOUR, EARL OF, 18481930 expand/contract this heading Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.genmisc1.nav.html | |
77. Author Pseudonyms Benson, A(rthur) C(hristopher) (18621925) B, Christopher Carr Benson, Daniel Bradshaw, William Christopher Isherwood Bradwell, James Arthur Kent http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_b.htm | |
78. KELVIN SMITH LIBRARY Benson, Arthur Christopher (18621925) English Author. ALS, 4 p., March 23, 1908,Cambridge, to Wheeler. Benson, Edward Frederick (1867-1940) English http://library.case.edu/ksl/speccoll/garber/letterb.html | |
79. HOEõ ? ?, Benson, Arthur Christopher, 18621925. ?, Fasti etonenses abiographical history of Eton, selected from the lives of Celebrated Etonians http://www.lib.hyogo-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/hoe.pl?titl1=&titl2=&name1=&name2=&unit1=un |
80. Depression And Bipolar Syndromes (Surnames A-J) Benson, Arthur Christopher (18621925). House of Quiet An Autobiography. LondonJohn Murray, 1910. 8vo. 4th Edition, 1st printing. http://www.gach.com/Gach/l1307-01.htm | |
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