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41. Stephen Vincent Benét Biography / Biography Of Stephen Vincent Benét Main Biog Stephen Vincent Benét Biography profile biographies life history. Stephen Vincent Benét (1898-1943) retold materials from American history, legend, http://www.bookrags.com/biography/stephen-vincent-benet/ | |
42. Stephen Vincent Benét Stephen Vincent Benét. (18981943). Additional Links. Books and Writers.Works Online. Portrait of a Boy American Names John Brown s Body - Selections http://www.nhptv.org/kn/itv/mcd/benet.htm | |
43. Stephen Vincent Benet Quotation from and biography of Stephon Vincent Benet. Stephen VincentBenét, (from The Devil and Daniel Webster). Stephen Vincent Benét, (18981943). http://www.charleswelty.com/authors/benet.htm | |
44. Swans Commentary: The Quality Of Courage, A Poem By Stephen Vincent Benet - Xxx0 Stephen Vincent Benet 18981943 was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and studiedat Yale University. He was a poet and author of works of folklore and http://www.swans.com/library/art7/xxx060.html | |
45. Swans Commentary: Past Issue - April 30, 2001 Stephen Vincent Benet 18981943 was a poet and author of works of folklore andhistory. « Previous Current Issue Next » http://www.swans.com/library/past_issues/2001/010430.html | |
46. Guide To The Benét Family Papers, 1918-1960 Benet family. Benet, Stephen Vincent,18981943. Benet, Laura. Benet, WilliamRose,1886-1950. Occupations. AuthorsUnited States. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMM04667.html | |
47. Visions, The Online Journal Of The Art Of Magic by Peter Marucci (Story by Stephen Vincent Benet) writer Stephen VincentBenet (18981943) calls him the biggest man in the country for a while. http://www.online-visions.com/bizarre/0405peter.html | |
48. Chronological List, Part 7 BENÉT, LAURA (18841979); BENÉT, Stephen Vincent (1898-1943); Benet, STEVEN;BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950); BenetT, MELANIE; BENEVIC http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/e7.htm | |
49. Stories, Listed By Author BENÉT, Stephen Vincent (18981943) (chron.) Benet, STEVEN (chron.) * We ArentSuperstitious, (ss) Esquire May 1937. BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE (1886-1950); http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s138.htm | |
50. AFEA - American Verse Project Web Site Benet, Stephen Vincent, 18981943. Young adventure a book of poems / by StephenVincent Ben=E9t ; Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan Humanities http://etudes.americaines.free.fr/avp.html | |
51. BENET Meaning And Definition - Dictionary - ELook.org Benet. Search Definition noun United States poet; brother of William RoseBenet (18981943) Synonyms Benet, Stephen Vincent Benet; http://www.elook.org/dictionary/benet.html | |
52. Pulitzer Prize For Poetry -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article link for more info and facts about 1929) 1929 John Browns Body by (UnitedStates poet; brother of William Rose Benet (18981943)) Stephen Vincent Benet http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/p/pu/pulitzer_prize_for_poetry.htm | |
53. EWOLFS - October Art Auction Catalog Benet, Stephen Vincent (18981943) Five Works by Benet. WESTERN STAR. 1943.First Edition.A BOOK OF AMERICANS. Coauthored by Rosemary Benet. 1933. http://www.ewolfs.com/past_auctions/feb_books01/202-211.html | |
54. Trainers Library, Resources For Trainers And Training Teams. Training Modules, T Author Details ( Stephen Vincent Benét (18981943) ). Stephen Vincent Benet grewup loving literature. His love and interest led him to a career as a writer. http://www.trainerslibrary.com/authordetails.aspx?id=71&name=Stephen Vincent Ben |
55. Horizon Information Portal 8. FIC BEN, The devil and Daniel Webster / by Stephen Vincent Benet. Benet, StephenVincent, 18981943. HPL, HPLFIC. 9. FIC BEN, White shark / Peter Benchley. BELL, T |
56. Author Hitlist View previous page, View next page, Author Search Benet, Stephen Vince. Author,Title, Call Number, Status. 5, Benét, Stephen Vincent, 18981943. http://cms.westport.k12.ct.us/wx/s.dll?d=s11&s1=Benet, Stephen Vince&LIMIT_STAT= |
57. BENET STEPHEN VINCENT 1898 1943 (in MARION) Benet Stephen Vincent 1898 1943. Benét, Stephen Vincent, 18981943. ( about) (11titles); Benét, Stephen Vincent, 1898-1943, joint author. (1 title). http://pblib.utpb.edu/MARION?A=BENET STEPHEN VINCENT 1898 1943 |
58. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ B Belloc, Hilaire, 18701953. Belt, Thomas. Benet, Stephen Vincent, 1898-1943. Benet,William Rose, 1886-1950. Benincasa, Catherine. Bennet, Robert Ames, 1870-1954 http://www.globusz.com/authors_b1.html | |
59. New American Verse Project Texts Added Benet, Stephen Vincent, 18981943. Young adventure electronic text a book ofpoems / by Stephen Vincent Benét ; electronic text compiled by Alan Light http://lists.webjunction.org/wjlists/web4lib/1997-April/017664.html | |
60. Biblio: Search For Author: Benet Stephen, Title: Letter Signed (TLS), Keywords: stationery of Thomas Carr Benet, NYC, with envelope postmarked Jan. 6, 1938,replies to a question by Benet, Stephen Vincent (18981943) Book Item Details. http://www.biblio.com/books/12533089.html | |
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