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Bell Robert: more detail |
41. Prominent British Bells, Past Generations from Bell the previous year; Bell reaped little of the Waverly Novels ; editorof Edinburgh Robert (18001867), journalist and miscellaneous writer s. of an http://www.accessgenealogy.com/scripts/data/database.cgi?file=Data&report=Single |
42. Ontario: Bibliography Music Publishing in the Canadas, 18001867/L édition musicale au Canada, Search for Gold Reconstructing a Private Library the Case of Dr. Robert Bell. http://www.hbic.library.utoronto.ca/fconfontariobib_en.htm | |
43. Books Shelved In The Garnett Room Related name Bell, Robert, 18001867. SPEC-COLL Location SC-GARN-RM Libraryhas v.1 SPEC-COLL CALL NUMBER COPY MATERIAL LOCATION 1)DA 30 . http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/garnett/m-p.html | |
44. Becker Medical Library Books A=FrainBell, W. N=WR 160 F812c 1985 (BACS 446103). A=Todd, Robert Bentley,1809-1860, ed. N=QS 13 C955 1836-59 (BACS 688218). A=Costello, William B., 1800-1867. |
45. CJH/ACH Indexes MAGOCSI, PAUL Robert (Editor), The Persistence of Regional Cultures Rusyns and 2 Continental America, 18001867, reviewed by REGINALD C. STUART. http://www.usask.ca/history/cjh/f/iss/ind/91-95rev.shtml | |
46. Personal Names Index To The Writings Of Alfred Russel Wallace Bell, Lady Florence writer 18511930, re her husband s work people 749 Blatchford, Robert Editor writer on social issues 1851-1943 498 http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/wallace/names.htm | |
47. Athenaeum Index: Contributor Record. Bell, Robert ? Biographical Details Dates 1800 1867 Source of CharacteristicsAthenaeum Source of Characteristics Marchand Characteristics Editor of The http://athenaeum.soi.city.ac.uk/reviews/contributors/contributorfiles/BELL,Rober | |
48. General in the United States of America see Robert Shuster, Documentary Soo Chye, Indexto the Straits Settlement Records 18001867, Singapore, 1970 Southern Bell. http://missionstudies.org/misc/general works.html |
49. Offaly Bibliography The scientific papers of William Parsons, third earl of Rosse, 18001867. London,1926. Athlone, nd (but 1911). LENNON (Robert). Offaly. In The Bell, i, no. http://www.tullamoreoffaly.com/off_bibliog.htm |
50. Motte & Bailey, Booksellers Bell, J. Bowyer., THE GUN IN POLITICS AN ANALYSIS OF IRISH POLITICAL CONFLICT, Inscription by Editor Charles Proudfit to Robert Super, a professor of http://www.mottebooks.com/books/brithist.html | |
51. IV. The Growth Of Journalism: Bibliography. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Part Two Bell, Robert (18001867). Editor of The Atlas for many years and of miscellaneousworks (notably The English Poets, 24 vols., 18547). See D. of NB Blowitz | |
52. The Nuttall Encyclopaedia By Edited By Rev. James Wood - Full Text Free Book (Pa Bell, Robert, journalist and miscellaneous writer, born at Cork; (18001867).Bell, SIR CHARLES, an eminent surgeon and anatomist, born in http://www.fullbooks.com/The-Nuttall-Encyclopaedia6.html | |
53. Athenaeum Index: Contributor Record. Characteristics Editor of The Atlas, and of an edition of The English Poets.Research Notes Bell s review of Commentaries on the Life and Reign of http://web.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/contributors/contributorfiles/BELL,RobertQ.htm | |
54. WHAllen Inventory Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. McCowatMercer Press 1957. 3. 1902-1914. Edited by RobertSeager II and Doris D. Maguire. Vol. 2. Continental America, 1800-1867. |
55. James L. McMillan's Restoration Movement Portrait Gallery Boggs, John (18101897) (Editor of North-western Christian Magazine) Carroll,Robert W. (1826-1871) (Publisher of Restoration Movement Books) http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/gallery/GALLERY.HTM |
56. APCG YEARBOOK Volumes 27-65 Western Places, American Myths (Gary J. Hausladen, Editor, reviewed by James Or Walter Hickel in Santa Barbara (Robert Sollen); The Santa Barbara Oil http://www.csus.edu/apcg/ARTICLES.HTM | |
57. General Southern Bell. Chinese Since 1933 the regular publication of the Chinese Hunt, Robert. The history of the translation of the Bible into Malay, http://www.missionstudies.org/malaysia/General Works.html |
58. Sitka NHP: Administrative History (Endnotes) DeArmond, Robert, Sitka s Past Indian River Park Kept Free of Private Enterprise, in The Clark, Gerald H., Editor, Managing a Nonrenewable Resource, http://www.nps.gov/sitk/adhi/adhie.htm | |
59. Ellis County, Texas - Historic Markers Location Rockett community on Bell s Chapel Rd. off FM 813 Two members ofthe church at Rockett, Robert Uncle Bob Smith and his wife Lavisa, http://www.rootsweb.com/~txellis/marker1.htm | |
60. BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER - Personal Writings Of Joseph Smith He died in San Francisco, leaving a wife but no children (Bell, Bench and Bar Felshaw, William (18001867), contractor and builder; born at Granville, http://deseretbook.com/personalwritings/105 | |
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