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81. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Lee (1859 1929) BAUDELAIRE, Charles (1821 - 1867) BAUM, L. (Lyman) Frank (1856 -1919) BAYNTON, Barbara (1857 - 1929) Beach, Rex (1877 - 1949) BEAGLEHOLE, JC http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
82. Names Index Page BARNUM, David Beach (21 FEB 18379 MAY 1886) BARNUM, David Burrall (3 NOV 1938-19JUN 1986) BARNUM, Harriet Fidelia Hattie (18 JUL 1877-1949) http://www.barnum.org/names1.htm | |
83. Reviews: July 1984 Rex Malik, ed. Future Imperfect. Science Fact and Science Fiction. Journal desVoyages ( Travel Diaries ), was launched in the 19th century (18771949). http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/birs/bir33.htm | |
84. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) Beach, Norton L. SERIES P2. Beale, John. SERIES P2. Beale, Mary Ross. SERIES P2.Beat, Alberta M. SERIES P2 Moss, Eugene Grissom (18771949). SERIES P2 http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
85. Goleta Cemetery Headstones Pocock, Rex B., 19031927 Poe, Marlene Campbell, 1936-1977, mother of Laurie-andDevon Romer, Christian C., 1877-1949, Mary R., 1884-1942 http://www.cagenweb.com/santabarbara/sbcgs/goleta_headstones.htm | |
86. Descendants Of Josias Hendon Est. 18771949 6 James Robert Hendon b 31 Jul 1868 in Hogansville, Troup Co . +Goldie Edgecomb b 30 Apr 1906 in Okla. d 15 Dec 1981 in Long Beach, http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hendon/outline2.htm | |
87. WORLD CALL INDEX May 6436 SMITH, JAMES Rex Global highlights. Jul 492 News room. Jul 3414SMITH, MILO J. 18771949 Reconstruction of breweries. http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/world/WCIS2.HTM | |
88. Index Narrative Georgia A. (1857). . . Narrative John C. (1833-). . . Narrative. Beach Joseph S. (1877-1949). . . Narrative Laura Elaine (1869-1963). http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~guyzimmerman/names.htm | |
89. Beach Beach Pronunciation (bech), key n. 1. Moses Yale, 180068, US 2. RexEllingwood Pronunciation (el ingwood ), key 18771949, US novelist http://www.infoplease.com/dictionary/beach | |
90. Walton Cemetery, Delaware County NY Babcock 1894 1952 Budine Sheldon M 1906 - 1950 Beach Charles 1823 - 1894 w, Deliah 1847 - 1920 Carson Stephen 1877 - 1949 w, Eva Hamm 1876 http://www.dcnyhistory.org/joyce/cemwalt1.html | |
91. LAPORTE CEMETERY Miranda J. 1877 1949 wife Crosby, Claude E. 1882 - 1964 husband Sprague, 12, 1996 Beach, Venard, Jr. Aug. 20, 1919 - May, Joseph Sylvester Jan. http://www.mifamilyhistory.org/midland/laporte.htm | |
92. Hollis Cemetery, Interment List And Links On The Internet To Cemeteries With Hol Hollis, Rex D Dec 20, 1935 Jun 29, 1985. Hollis, Samuel Kenneth 19411949 A.(MD) 1877 1949 Uncle Doc (Probably husb of Frances Hollis, Bill); Camp, http://cookshangout.com/hollis/hollis_burials.html | |
93. Oak Hill Cemetery, Karthaus Township, Clearfield County PA MOTHER Mary E. 1877 - 1949 FATHER - George B. 1867 - 1939 Beach May 8,1912 -July 16,1992 Lavere Rip Sept.23,1911 - Sept.27,1993. 5. KELLY, http://www.pa-roots.com/~clearfield/townships/karthaus/oakhill.html | |
94. Index Allen Ralph Wilbur (1913 1913) Rebecca (1862 - ) Rex Lewis (1927 - 1930) Langeneckert Arthur Frederick (1907 - 1993) Simon (1877 - 1949) http://www.justcallbob.com/Reports/wc_idx/idx001.htm | |
95. Verkoop Van CD's En Liedteksten Translate this page Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney. 1867-1944 Beachcroft, RO Becker, Reinhold. 1877-1949Weil, Oscar. 1839-1921 Weill, Kurt. 1900-1950 Weinbrenner, A. http://www.vvhl.nl/07.htm | |
96. Fairview Cemetery, Hall County By Gloria B. Mayfield- Cemeteries Of Texas Daniel, Mary E., 1877, 1949, H 74 3 Daniel, William Melvin, 1902, Apr 23, 1999,I 481 3 Houston, Lowell Rex (WWII), Sep 23, 1913, Nov 25, 1988, W 659 4 http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Wtx/Hall/MemphisFairview.html | |
97. LONE MOUNTAIN CEMETERY This Survey Was Conducted By Linda Sanchez 1980 JOHNSON Mary E. 1907 1961 JOHNSON Orville H. 1889 1957 JOHNSON Rex B. 9 WINTERS Elizabeth 1905 1923 1C19-25 WINTERS Ira Lee 1877 1949 1C-19-26 http://www.rootsweb.com/~cemetery/Nevada/carson/indices/lmtncem.txt | |
98. Ãðèãîðèé ×õàðòèøâèëè "Ïèñàòåëü è ñàìîóáèéñ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.alis6.ru/enciklo.htm | |
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