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Bates Henry Walter: more detail | |||||
61. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Bates, Henry Walter, 18251892 Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867 Baum, L. Frank (LymanFrank), 1856-1919 Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903 AKA Lyall, Edna, http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
62. List Of Biologists: Information From Answers.com (18311888), surgeon, botanist, microbiologist; Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892),English naturalist; Patrick Bateson, biologist, President of the ZSL http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-biologists | |
63. Index Bates, Henry Walter (18251892). The Naturalist on the River Amazons. Baum, L.Frank (1856-1919). Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz The Emerald City of Oz http://www.womenbooks.cn/B/ |
64. Great Books: Author-Title Index: Authors A To B Bates, Henry Walter, English, 18251892. The Naturalist on the River Amazons.Recommended by Ward. Baudelaire, Charles, French, 1821-1867. http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtalphaa.html | |
65. Ward. A Lifetime's Reading Henry Walter Bates (18251892) The Naturalist on the River Amazons; João GuimarãesRosa (1908-1967) Sagarana The Devil to Pay in the Backlands http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtward.html | |
66. Scientists Collection, American Philosophical Society Huxley, Thomas Henry, 18251895, to Bates, Henry Walter, 1825-1892, 1869 May 15.Brown, AD, to Flügel, Felix (?) 1869 Aug. 23. Beadle, ER, to Poulsen, http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/scientists.htm | |
67. Batesian Mimicry - Definition Of Batesian Mimicry By The Free Online Dictionary, After Henry Walter Bates (18251892), British naturalist. Bates, HenryWalter Bates, Katharine Lee Bates, Katherine Lee Bates, Kathy Bates, MI http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Batesian mimicry | |
68. Darwin-Wallace 1858 Paper On Evolution: Introduction British naturalist Henry Walter Bates (18251892) changed his career.The younger Bates encouraged Wallace to abandon botany and concentrate on insect. http://www.life.umd.edu/emeritus/reveal/pbio/darwin/darwin01.html | |
69. The Evolution Of A Naturalist Victorian naturalist Henry Walter Bates (18251892) predicted that . . . Never mind what he predicted. The point is he was great http://www.able2know.com/forums/about1782.html | |
70. Pemberley Books - HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY & BIBLIOGRAPHY 11514, Henry Walter Bates FRS 18251892, Moon, HP, £15.00, Leicestershire Museums,Buy B0177, Henry Wellcome, James, RR, £25.00, Hodder, Buy http://www.merlioshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/pemberley/view.pl?field=salescode&match=HIST |
71. Archives Hub: Baron, Richard including a letter from the naturalist, Alfred R Wallace and two letters fromthe botanist, HWBates; Bates, Henry Walter (18251892) naturalist http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/0503baron.html | |
72. :: Agência FAPESP - Divulgando A Cultura Científica :: - Henry Bates Redescobe Translate this page O viajante Henry Bates (1825-1892), assim como Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859 Para ler o artigo Henry Walter Bates um viajante naturalista na Amazônia eo http://www.agencia.fapesp.br/boletim_dentro.php?data[id_materia_boletim]=3452 |
73. :: Agência FAPESP - Divulgando A Cultura Científica :: - Henry Bates Redescobe Translate this page O viajante Henry Bates (1825-1892), assim como Alexander von Humboldt Para lero artigo Henry Walter Bates um viajante naturalista na Amazônia eo http://www.agencia.fapesp.br/boletim_dentro.php?id=3452 |
74. Utländsk Vetenskaplig Litteratur: Författare Bates, Henry Walter, 18251892, Great Britain. Bateson, Gregory. Batuta, Muhammadbin Abdullah Ibn (Battuta), 1304-1369, Arabia http://web.telia.com/~u31115557/booklists/nonfiction_authors.htm | |
75. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Bates, Henry Walter (18251892) Naturalist (8). entomologist, Hugh Warner (1894-1979)entomologist (1). Bloomfield, Edwin Newson (1827-1914) Rector of http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=802 |
76. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Bates, Henry Walter (18251892) Naturalist (8). Bateson, William (1861-1926)Biologist (12). Bather, Francis Arthur (1863-1934) Geologist (3) http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=462 |
77. Brazil In The George A. Smathers Libraries Rare Book Collection Bates, Henry Walter, 18251892. Title The naturalist on the Amazons a recordof adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/brazil/brazil.htm | |
78. MUNDUS Personal Name Index Bates Henry Walter 18251892 naturalist, explorer and assistant secretary,Royal Geographical Society Baxter Richard b 1925 http://www.mundus.ac.uk/search/persons/az.htm | |
79. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BAT Translate this page Bates (Henry Walter)(1825-1892). Dessin 1/2. Bates (Herbert Ernest)(1905-1974).Photo 1/2/3/4/5/6 Photo de groupe 1. Bates (Ralph). Photo 1 (en 1938) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bat.htm | |
80. Mitchell's West Indian Bibliography Bates, Henry Walter, ed Central America, the West Indies and South America . By a British entomologist (1825-1892); spent 11 years in Amazonia http://www.books.ai/8th/Barc-Baz.htm | |
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