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61. Ca. 2800 Englischsprachige Werke Translate this page Stories from the Pentamerone, by Basile, Giambattista, ca. 1575-1632 Stories ofModern French Novels (Selected by Scribners), by Various http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/barock/198/5742.htm | |
62. Personal Open Directory one of the oldest collections of fairy tales, written down in an embellished stylein the Neapolitan dialect by Giambattista Basile (ca. 15751632), an Italian http://www.valenciafalls.com/cgi-bin/val/pod/pod.cgi?dir=/Society/Folklore/Liter |
63. Antique-jeweller.com - Fine Antique Jewellery - Cinderella Click here to request one. CINDERELLA. Giambattista Basile This Italian seventeenthcentury (ca 15751632) writer wrote approximately 50 different fairy tales. http://www.antique-jeweller.com/en/Cinderella.htm |
64. å³æ¸è©³ç´°æ
å ± Translate this page , Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. Basile, Giambattista, ca. 1575-1632. Aesop.?, . , ID=20009487 NCID=BA57107879. http://opac.jiu.ac.jp/opac/books-query?mode=3&key=B111070645907993&code=20009487 |
65. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Basile, Giambattista, ca. 1575-1632 Contiendas, Henrio Walter, 1825-1892 Baudelaire,Charles, 1821-1867 Baum, L. Frank (carta franca) De Lyman, 1856-1919 http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
66. KAIGHIN FAMILY PAGES The Following List Has Been Downloaded From John D. (John Daniel) City Of Domes palaces of the PanamaPacific Int Expo1866-1942 Basile Giambattista Stories from the Pentamerone ca. 1575-1632 Bates Henry http://www.kaighinfamily.iofm.net/AUTHORS.TXT |
67. Williams College Libraries - New Acquisitions List - Books BONINO. Milano ES, 1997 SAWYER. PQ4607.B5 P4 1997. Basile, Giambattista,ca. 1575-1632. PENTAMERONE. SELECTIONS. L IGNORANTE http://www.williams.edu/library/Catalog_Records/books_02-05-01.html |
68. English Classics 3000 Published By Peking University Press ISBN 7 Bird Margaret Ogilvy Peter Pan Peter Pan in Kensington Garden Barry, John Daniel(18661942) The City of Domes Basile, Giambattista (ca.1575-1632) Stories from http://www.gzvstc.net:8000/ebook/english2/readme.txt |
69. Krajská Knihovna Karlovy Vary - Katalog LANius Basiková,Bára,1963 Basile,Giambattista,ca 1575-1632 Basman,Michael Bass,Eduard,1888-1946 Bass,Ludvík,1931- Bassani,Giorgio,1916-2000 Bassermann,Lujo Bassett http://www.knihovna.kvary.cz/LANIUS/l.dll?kfh~A=Bútorová,Zora |
70. Krajská Knihovna Karlovy Vary - Katalog LANius Baryhar,Ladislav Barinka,Ladislav Basargin,Ivan Basenau,Ann Rutgers van de LoeffBasiková,Bára,1963 Basile,Giambattista,ca 1575-1632 Basman,Michael, Bass http://www.knihovna.kvary.cz/LANIUS/l.dll?kfh~A=Bass,LudvÃk,1931- |
71. LISTE BERüHMTER ITALIENER ca. Riccardo Bacchelli; GiovanniBattista Basile (1575-1632 1511-1571), Architekt; Giambattista Vico (1668 - 1744 http://toonorama.com/encyclopedia/L/Liste_berühmter_Italiener/ | |
72. Blauer Bote - Enzyklopädie - Liste Italienischsprachiger Dichter ca. Giovanni Battista Basile(1575-1632) Märchendichter; 1511 - 1571), Architekt; Giambattista Vico (1668 http://www.blauerbote.com/lexikon.php?r=Liste_italienischsprachiger_Dichter |
73. Around Naples Encyclopedia 21 Basile, Giambattista (15751632) and The Tale of Tales from The ThreeSisters in The Pentameron by Giambattista Basile http://faculty.ed.umuc.edu/~jmatthew/naples/blog21.htm | |
74. Browse By Author: B - Project Gutenberg Basile, Giambattista (15751632). Wikipedia Stories from the Pentamerone (English).Baskervill, WM (William Malone) (1850-1899) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/b | |
75. Authors List - Alphabetical Barry, John Daniel (18661942) - 1 item(s); Basile, Giambattista (1575 - 1632) Fa-hsien (ca. 337-ca. 422) - 1 item(s); Fabre, Jean-Henri (1823-1915) http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/r/b/-5 |
76. Lo 'ngnorante Di Giambattista Basile scute lo mannaie a fare mercanzie vierzo Levante, sapenno ca lo bedere varie http://www.efira.com/letture/basile_ignorante_n.htm | |
77. Title Translate this page , Strati, Saverio. ? ?, LCSHBasile, Giambattista, ca.1575-1632. ?, ID=20804673 PID=20804641. ? http://lxweb.lib.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=0&key=&code=20804 |
78. Lettere Italiane: Forum :: Leggi Il Topic - A. B. C. (184) Translate this page e indici (pp. 353363). - Testi in francese, italiano, tedesco. - Prefazione anchein tedesco. - Giambattista Basile (ca. 15751632), scrittore. http://in-su-la.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=222&sid=1e101abacb12a2f55ea34526cc1525 |
79. Project Gutenberg Titles by Various Stories from the Pentamerone, by Basile, Giambattista, ca. 15751632Stories of Modern French Novels (Selected by Scribners), http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
80. Liste Berühmter Italiener - Bedeutung, Definition, Erklärung ca. 1891-1985); Giovanni BattistaBasile (1575-1632 Giambattista Vico (1668 - 1744), Philosoph; Giovanni Verga http://www.calsky.com/lexikon/de/txt/l/li/liste_bera_hmter_italiener.php | |
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