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81. Auteursregister [P] Op De Boekenplank Packeu, P. (18661942). Padgett, Lewis (1914-1958). Padoan, Gianni Pain,Barry (1864-1928). Painton, Fred C. Palin, Michael (geb. 1943) A. Lee R. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/p/ | |
82. FULTON COUNTY INDIANA GRAUEL, Susanah, wife of John, d. Sep 28, 1885, ae 44y10m. GRAUEL, Children ofJW S. BARNETT, Harry F., 1866-1942. (above 3 are matching markers) http://www.fulco.lib.in.us/genealogy/Tombaugh/Cemeteries/Fulton County/Html/FC C | |
83. Stories, Listed By Author Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg Barry N. Malzberg, Arbor House, 1981 HURLEY, John J(erome) (1930 ); see pseudonym SS Rafferty. HURLEY, NEIL P. http://contento.best.vwh.net/s116.html | |
84. CEMETERIES Highland Home Cemetery; Kossuth County A. 09/30/1925 10/18/1974 Lloyd Barry Gene infant 11 16/1934 03/14/1939 Troff Sharon1949 1980 d/o John H. Vaughn Glen V. 1891 1974 Walterman John 1905 1978 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ia/kossuth/cemeteries/koshigcem.txt |
85. Matematici Famosi Translate this page John D. Matheson (1912-1995). Emile Leonard Mathieu (1835-1890) AbrahamTaub (1911-1999). Alfred Tauber (1866-1942). Died probably in Theresienstadt. http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-The-mathematician/t-Mathematicians-A- | |
86. HICKSMAN Barry Frank (1959 ) Elizabeth Claudette (1957- ) Eugene Burdette (1938 1946- ) Joel(1764-1833) Joel D (1940- ) Joel Messick (1918-1995) John Alvalee Ab http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~milingenealogy/fowndx37.html |
87. All Saints Braddock Catholic Cemetery Section A Tombstone Inscriptions J. Barry monument Barry MARY 22 May 1902 Aged 58 years, Wife of John Barry 24 June 1919 GIBBONS John 1863 1943 GIBBONS JOSEPH L. 1903 1931 Back of http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tandnmca/allsaints/bradcathseca.html | |
88. WebGED: My Family Data Page TN father Dennison, Barry(private) mother Moore, Thelma(private) 1882 1883) -male b. 26 FEB 1882 d. 30 JUN 1883 father Dennison, John Thomas(1852 http://theavilas.com/progen/wga7.html | |
89. Encyclopedia: List Of South African Politicians Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone, GCB, GCMG, GBE (February 18, In 1934, the National Party and the South Hertzog, James Barry Munnik http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-South-African-politicians | |
90. SURNAME GIVEN NAME BORN-DEATH DATE AGE REMARKS AGS PLOTNO YEAR AINSWORTH, John D. 06 Mar 1912, 40y, 302, 04.01.a, 1912 DAHLEY, Ole,1866 - 1942, Int. 26 Mar 1942, 302, 10.06.c, 1942 http://www.countylamont.ab.ca/visitor/CemList/302.htm | |
91. Woodmen Of The World - Counties H-L Jennie A. Bettridge 1866 1942 Rel. James V. Bettridge 1893 - 1896 Rel Fox, John d.Oct 8, 1914 WOW Age 51 yrs. Bridgette A. Fox d. http://www.ghostseekers.com/WOWh-l.htm | |
92. 61-2 Also his wife Caroline D. MacDONALD Died June 1, 1903 age 37 years His wifeMary Ann McLENNAN 1866 1942. 54 McKINNON John McKinnon b. May 20, 1846 d. http://users.eastlink.ca/~dfaith/61-2.html | |
93. Bao - Bar - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors A Moral Crime d ? Romola d pro? Punchinello d pro? Evan Macleod BARRON (M1879 ? a 1932 Jane Barry, nee POWELL {US} (F 1925 Aug 25 - ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ba3.htm | |
94. St. Mary's Cemetery Mary, w/o Edward, d. 6 Aug 1894, @ 50y, 2nd row, from center pillars going north 12 Oct 1930, 1st row, from center pillars going south; John, 18591935, http://www.dawnsgenealogy.com/Cemeteries/Pavilion/st. mary's cemetery.html | |
95. Name Index To Sky & Telescope A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z Appendix Feb 67 The cosmicvision of Robert Burton Apr 67 Roger Barry and the Mannheim Observatory Jun http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/st.html | |
96. WebGED: Alachua Connections Data Page Source, Will of John Hague an d Alachua Fla estatepapers. Markey, MaryAlice (1866 1942) - female b. 26 MAY 1866 in Bradford, Florida, USA d. http://user.gru.net/jpowelljr/alachua.wbg/wga16.html | |
97. AIM25: Royal Free Hospital Archives Centre: Patient Records Of The Royal Free Ho Personal names Barrett Lady Florence Elizabeth d 1945 surgeon Barrow 18661942 opthalmic surgeon Joll Cecil Augustus d 1945 surgeon http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=5054&inst_id=24 |
98. Arts Feature But I d love to have a new album in the works for next fall. It s great beingable to work with people as a growing by Barry Spacks. You re a talker! http://www.independent.com/a&e/af967.htm | |
99. Nouveautés BELLESORT,André (1866-1942), historien, biographe et critique français http://www.biblisem.net/indexnou.htm | |
100. St. Michael Catholic Cemetery McCormick, James, 1866 1942. Mary, wife, 1870 - 1935. Levins, Sara E., 1875 -1934. John T. Callahan, John James, d Mar 21, 1938, Ill Pvt 47 Inf 4 Div http://users.rootsweb.com/~iljodavi/cemeteries/STMichael2.htm | |
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