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61. D DATA029 page 726 COOPER Robert ROSS 1923 page 342 COOPER Ross Barry 1994- page D SURNAMES. gen-hub-002-1 Hubble Nehemiah Lucretia Welton HUBEL Edward John 1968- page http://ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160d029.htm | |
62. Pictures Needed Wed be delighted to give you credit , if desired, add a link to a Barnard, John, 16811770. Barnes, EB, fl. 1911. Barry, Charles Ainslie, 1830-1915 http://www.cyberhymnal.org/misc/pics.htm | |
63. HTML Handlists For The LSE Library Archives Dept GILLIAM, John D., fl 1989 Typescript paper and correspondence SGML Versionfor Panorama Pro Users MILNES, John Barry Bracewell, b1931, Economist http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/ | |
64. Physicians' File D Bayan, Joseline S. De Briere, Sidney Louis 19191980 de Faria, John Baptistcirca 1871- O Day, John Christopher 1866-1945 Odegaard, Barry Norman 1952- http://hml.org/mmhc/physfile/phyindex.html | |
65. Browse By Author S Last Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Ghent, William James, 18661942.Our benevolent feudalism, by WJ Ghent. A history of the University of Chicago, founded by John D. Rockefeller; http://iris.lib.virginia.edu/brittle/gannon.html | |
66. Food For Thought: Biographies Baliol, Edward de (Scottish king 13321356; son of John), d.1364 Barry, SirJohn Wolfe Wolfe- (Eng. civil eng.; son of Charles), 1836-1918 http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_B.htm | |
67. I27848: Thomas BOYDSTON (12 DEC 1801 - ____) Walter Elwin HUTCHINS (1913 1944) _James HUTCHINS _+ (1782 - 1860)m 1804 _Elisha D. HUTCHINS Barry INDEX. John MALCOLM. - . http://aemyers.net/genealogy/d0006/g0000016.html | |
68. Pidgeon Hill Cemetery - Sutton Massachusetts Genealogy And History 1895 1820 ABIGAIL WILLIAMS HIS WIFE 1880 1825 AMELIA A Barry HIS WIFE ALBERT SIMEON1924 1815 MARY M. WILLIAMS 1887 1875 John N. PAYNE 11 D. DAVID W. DIED MAR. http://suttonmass.org/cem/pidgeonhill.html | |
69. AFHS Library Barry, Eugene B. 19141955, D. Barry, Rachel J. 1903-1982, D. Benner, Henrietta,1897-1944, F. Benner, John, 1885-1972, D. Benner, Madge, 1918-, B. http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/cemeteries/queenspark/a.html |
70. Randwick City Council About Randwick Street, Park Place Barry Street/Lane, CLOVELLY Named after another former bishop of Sydney With William John Wills became the first Europeans to cross Australia from http://www.randwick.nsw.gov.au/about_randwick/street_park_&_place_names/streetNa |
71. New Book List Summer 2004 D44 D33 2002, Becoming John Dewey, Dalton, Thomas Carlyle. B37 B43 1972,The beginning of the West, Barry, Louise. F721.S6 L646 1970, The Lolo Trail http://www.ripon.edu/library/information/newbksum2004.htm | |
72. Bethel Baptist Cemetery Rowena E. Henry E. Spain 18661942 1864-1944, summers1.jpg MO.; his motherMarenda Jane Marbut born in Barry Co. MO. Callaway Funeral Home Records http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2705/bethhead.htm | |
73. La Crosse Cemetery CBC 0 0 0 0 Barry Thomas May 08 1833Feb 27 1904 CBC 0 0 0 0 Behling Bertha 0 0 0 0 (*)Campbell John Andrew Mar 30 1890-Feb 15 1945 CBC 0 0 0 0 Campbell http://webpages.charter.net/laxcounty/blockcbc.htm | |
74. Australian Science At Work Browse Bibliography (by Author) - G Galbally, Ann, Redmond Barry an AngloIrish Australian,, Details Gunson,Neil, Gyles, John (d. 1827), mission agriculturist and pioneer of the sugar http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/asaw/scripts/asaw-bib_browse.php3?letter=G |
75. Biographical Dictionary Of The Organ | Names Begining In G John Linton (1917-) Giles, Thomas; Gilholy, Barry Maxwell; Gill, D. Cyril; Gill, Herbert CT http://www.organ-biography.info/composers-g/ | |
76. Goleta Cemetery Headstones 1945 Alberta; John, b 1863 Texas, d 1946 Alberta Fraser, Chas., 18851962, AnnieT., 1888-1956 Swartz, Wesley L., 1866-1942, Elfie M., 1868-1944 http://www.cagenweb.com/santabarbara/sbcgs/goleta_headstones.htm | |
77. Stories, Listed By Author Jerry E. Pournelle John F. Carr, Fawcett Crest 1981 Bill Pronzini, Martin H.Greenberg Barry N. Malzberg, Arbor House 1981 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/s127.htm | |
78. Springfield Cemetery, Malahide Twp., Elgin County, Ontario John D. / age 76 yrs /. 123. Grey marble ground stone goes with 146 BROOKS BROOKS / Barry Wayne / Dec. 28, 1960 / Mar. 22, 1998 / Youre always in my http://www.elginogs.ca/cemeteries/malahide/springfield.htm | |
79. FolkWorld Article: T:-)M's Night Shift A German not mentioned is John J. Kimmel (18661942), a New Yorker of German She d just come from California and all she had was Californa clothing. http://www.folkworld.de/26/e/nshift08.html | |
80. Horine Family History: Tree Outline Of Thirteen Horine Generations J7 Charles D. McClellan Horine (ca. 18641955) J8 Clarietta Horine (1866-1942)J9 Clayton John Horine (1868-1944). I2 Sarah Ann Horine (1828-1910) http://www.iwaynet.net/~lsci/horine/tree.htm | |
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