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41. DP: Silver E-Texts November 19th, 2004 62) Lendas e Narrativas (Tomo II Summer Holidays A Story forChildren , Amerel, pseud. Leighton (1 of 2) (1906) , Barrington, Mrs. Russell http://www.pgdp.net/c/list_etexts.php?x=s&sort=2&DP_Session=f88091b579ba39251bf1 |
42. DP: Silver E-Texts November 19th, 2004 53) Lendas e Narrativas (Tomo II Summer Holidays A Story forChildren , Amerel, pseud. Leighton (1 of 2) (1906) , Barrington, Mrs. Russell http://www.pgdp.net/c/list_etexts.php?x=s& sort=2 |
43. U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1957 July - December, By U.S. Copyright Office Barrington, E., pseud. SEE Beck, L. Adams. The duel of the queens, by E. Barrington,pseud. © 19Sep30; A28474. JFA Beck (E); 17Oct57; R200481. Irish beauties. http://www.sakoman.net/pg/html/11816.htm | |
44. U.S. Copyright Renewals, 1957 January - June, By U.S. Copyright Office 5Mar57; R187715. Barrington, E., pseud. SEE Beck, Lily Moresby Adams. BECK, LILYMORESBY ADAMS. The duel of the queens, by E. Barrington, pseud. http://www.sakoman.net/pg/html/11815.htm | |
45. DP: Silver E-Texts November 19th, 2004 59) Lendas e Narrativas (Tomo II Summer Holidays A Story forChildren , Amerel, pseud. Leighton (1 of 2) (1906) , Barrington, Mrs. Russell http://www.distributedproofreaders.net/c/list_etexts.php?x=s&sort=2&DP_Session=7 |
46. Roman Novels Unique E Barrington (pseud). Rating Reviewers found it skillful entertainment,but shedding no light on Cleopatra or antiquity. Period Code 5d. http://intraweb.stockton.edu/roman/Detail.CFM?RomNov__ID=1040 |
47. Chatto & Windus Newspaper Reviews : B A last diary / by WNP Barbellion pseud. ; with a preface by Arthur J. Cummings,1920 Knight of the golden sword / by Michael Barrington, 1909 http://www.library.rdg.ac.uk/colls/special/chatto/chattob.html | |
48. The Project Gutenberg EBook Of Copyright Renewals 1957, By US 6. Tommy and Grizel. © 27Dec29; A18109. 5Mar57; R187715. Barrington, E., pseud.SEE Beck, Lily Moresby Adams. BARROWS, THOMAS N., joint author. http://gutenberg.teleglobe.net/etext04/r195710.txt |
49. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Barrington, E., pseud. AKA Cuba de tintura, L. Adams (lirio Moresby Adams),muerto 1931 Barry, Juan D. (Juan Daniel), 1866-1942 Basile, Giambattista, ca. http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
50. IX. Anglo-Irish Literature: Bibliography. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Part Two. Barrington, Sir J. Secret Memoirs of the Union, 1809; Personal Sketches of his ORorke, E. (pseud. Ed. Falconer) (18141879). Killarney; Peep O Day, http://www.bartleby.com/224/0900.html | |
51. III. Critical And Miscellaneous Prose: Bibliography. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Barrington, Emilie I. The Works and Life of Walter Bagehot. 10 vols. 1914. Skelton, Sir John (pseud. Shirley, 18311897). Nugae Criticae. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0300.html | |
52. Author Index Partridge, Robert Charles Barrington. 153. Paston, George, pseud. of Emily M.Symonds. Rhodes, Dennis E. 13, 457, 63, 65, 314, 317-18, 328, 713, 806-7 http://www.bibsocamer.org/BibSite/HowardHill/Author index.htm | |
53. NAMES_INDEX Barrington, Charlotte Mary (Stopford) 124 Dinesen, Isak (pseud.) See Blixen,Karen Dinkins, Pauline E. (See Reference Tata, Fabian T.) http://www.africabib.org/book/NAMES_INDEX.htm | |
54. Common Misspelling And Questions (FAQ) 30Sep29; A14062. Harry Elmer BARNES, WILL C., joint author. BARNOUW, ADRIAAN J.,ed. SEE Barrington, E., pseud. SEE Barrington, WALTER BL Edward. http://www.factspider.com/zi/zi.html | |
55. Muonium SEE MANNING, DAVID, pseud. who made them. SEE Finley, Ruth E. L auberge. Lady HildredHailsham, Hailsham Walter BL Barrington MARK, RICHARD, tr. http://www.explainthat.info/mu/muonium.html | |
56. Barrington Atlas Of The Greek And Roman World :: Atlas :: Géographie :: Thèmes Chronologically, the Barrington Atlas spans archaic Greece to the Late XII/267 S. D HEYLLI, GEORGES pseud. für EDMONDANTOINNE POINSOT Plutarco. http://librarius.fr/boutique_librarius/product.php?productid=280 |
57. Neither Fish Nor Fowl - Dan Clore: Anarchist And Libertarian Societies In Scienc Barrington J. Bayley. Annihilation Factor (1964) includes the character CastorKrakhno, Curt Clark (pseud Donald E. Westlake). Anarchaos (1967). http://www.niribanimeso.org/eng/ess/anlib.html | |
58. Mybookiejoint.com At Antiqbook.com 1516 BARRINGER, EDWIN C. The Story of Scrap 1083 Barrington, E - GLORIOUS APOLLO Eyes; 1827-1842 10562 BARTER, CHARLOTTE - Alone Among the Zulus (pseud. http://antiqbook.com/boox/bok/index.shtml | |
59. Sing Us One Of The Old Songs By Michael Kilgarriff Barrington, RUTLAND* BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES BEADELL, EILY, d. 3 May 1927 Next line should read pseud. of James KENDIS (18831946), James Brockman http://freespace.virgin.net/m.killy/sing.htm | |
60. B2 Edgar Rice Burroughs Library The New Boy at the Hilltop Etext SERIES BOOKS Elizabeth Barrington ( -1931) (pseud of Elizabeth Louisa Beck a/k/a Lily Adams Beck). The Divine Lady http://www.erbzine.com/dan/b2.html | |
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