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Barker Nettie Garmer: more detail | |||||||
61. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors B-Bk Barker, Nettie Garmer. Kansas Women in Literature (UVa) 1915. Illustrations.(61 KB) (Gutenberg) Gutenberg FTPUITXT51 Kb ZIP23 KbSLTXT - ZIP http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libb.htm | |
62. Kansas Women's History An etext version of Nettie Garmer Barker s 1915 40page book on women writers inKansas. Lease, Mary Elizabeth Clyens (1853-1933) http://womenshistory.about.com/od/uskansas/ | |
63. 1000 Classics Book Titles! Kansas Women in Literature Barker, Nettie Garmer The Man Between Barr, Amelia E.Remember the Alamo Barr, Amelia Margaret Ogilvy Barrie, JM http://www.thelosthaven.co.uk/freeclassicbookcd.htm | |
64. Poetry Of Kansas Kansas Women in Literature Nettie Garmer Barker (1915); Kansas Zephyrs -Ed Blair Table of Contents with links to a few poems. http://fgsc.net/poetry/index.html |
65. Texts (alphabetical By Title, J Through L) Kai Lung s Golden Hours Bramah, Ernest. ../etext95/kswom10.txt Kansas Womenin Literature Barker, Nettie Garmer. ../etext96/kdnpd10.txt http://web4.wynn.com/GB/cdrom/by_title/jl_index.htm |
66. ScannedItems Kansas Women in Literature, Barker, Nettie Garmer. The Man Between, Barr, Amelia, E.Remember the Alamo, Barr, Amelia, E. The Little White Bird, Barrie, http://www.dedham.k12.ma.us/elementary/liz/scanneditems.htm | |
67. Browse By Author: B - Project Gutenberg Europe Barker, C. Helene. Wanted, a Young Woman to Do Housework Business principlesapplied to Barker, Nettie Garmer. Kansas Women in Literature (English) http://pge.rastko.net/browse/authors/b | |
68. Vertical File Armstrong To Beebe Barker, Mrs. George J. Barker, James Knox Polk; Barker, John (Jack); Barker,Luther; Barker, Mary Libal; Barker, Mrs. Nettie Garmer; Barker, Percival H. http://www.kshs.org/genealogists/individuals/vertical/vertfileArmstrongtoBeebe.h | |
69. Project Gutenberg K Kansas Women in Literature Nettie Garmer Barker. Kidnapped - Robert LouisStevenson. A Kidnapped Santa Claus - L. Frank Baum http://www.ability.org.uk/project_gutenberg_k.html | |
70. Online Books, Ebooks, E-books By Rproject.org Kaiser Karl des Fünften erste Jugendliebe German Read the ebook Bacheller, IrvingKeeping up with Lizzie Read the e-book Barker, Nettie Garmer Kansas Women http://www.rproject.org/list.php?i=2&sv=K |
71. CMN E-Book Library-Women Writers 1909 Austin, Mary The Wooing of the Señorita March 1897 Barker, Nettie Garmer Kansas Women in Literature 1915 Barr, Amelia E. The Man Between An http://www.menominee.edu/ebooks/women_writers.htm | |
72. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Barker, Nettie Garmer. Barr, Amelia E., Edith Huddleston, 18311919. Barrie,JM (James Matthew), 1860-1937. Barrie, Sir James Matthew, 1860-1937 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
73. Use The Google Search Box To Search The Entire OneLang.com Website by Nettie Garmer Barker December, 1995 Etext 377 ***The Project Gutenberg Etext Nettie Garmer Barker TO MY NEAREST AND DEAREST MY SILENT PARTNERS http://books.onelang.com/Kansas-Women-in-Literature/ | |
74. Books From 1952 With US Copyright Not Renewed The Matador f {52E}1952 Mark Edwin ANDREWS {US} M 1903 Oct 17 1992 Aug22 Wildcatter s Handbook n {52E}1952 Nettie Garmer Barker {US} F ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ccer/1952x.htm | |
75. Books Online By Author Honore de Balzac The Duchesse de Langeais; Nettie Garmer Barker Kansas Womenin Literature; Amelia E. Barr Remember the Alamo; JM Barrie Margaret Ogilvy http://srhs.sandi.net/BooksByAuthor.htm |
76. Català Barker, Nettie Garmer, Kansas Women in Literature. Barr, Amelia E., Remember theAlamo. Barr, Amelia E.,The Man Between. Barrie, JM (James Matthew), http://www.ub.es/lexico/great.htm | |
77. English 409 Kansas Women in Literature (eBook) by Barker, Nettie Garmer. PublicationCharlottesville, Va. University of Virginia Library,, 1996. http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/electric/library/courses/course.php?course=21 |
78. Kansas Women In Literature By Nettie Garmer Barker The online book Kansas Women in Literature by Nettie Garmer Barker. http://emotional-literacy-education.com/classic-books-online-c/kswom10.htm | |
79. Bookshare.org - Books By Author Juliet Barker (Editor) Juliet RV Barker Nettie Garmer Barker Shirley Barker Karen Barkey Jill Barklem Jeffrey E. Barlough David H. Barlow http://www.bookshare.org/web/BooksByAuthor.html?authorstring=B&firstlast=N |
80. EBookShop a ta ß?ßa t. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z?p?. Barker, Nettie Garmer. Kansas Women in Literature. http://www.e-bookshop.gr/gutenberg/general.asp?Service=ShowBooks&SureName=Barker |
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