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61. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Lieder, Mélodies, C copyright © 2001 by Faith J. Cormier , printed with permission Based on atext in French by Henri Barbusse (18741935) , copyright ©. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=2205&Transliterate=0&PRINTAB |
62. Online Archival Search Information System 1 letter to; 1943. (132) Barbusse, Henri, 18741935 1 letter from; 1933. (133) Barlow,Lady Anna 10 letters from; 1916-1941. 5 letters to; 1916-1941. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00082.html | |
63. NACSIS Webcat: Shosai Barbusse, Henri,1874-1935 ; , (1909-) , ? http://webcat.nii.ac.jp/cgi-bin/shsproc?id=BA30598940 |
64. }Ú×îñ *Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935. Wray, W. Fitzwater. Rhys, Brian. http://www.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?smode=0&key=&code=20661083 |
65. å³æ¸è©³ç´°æ
å ± *Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935. Wray, Fitzwater. Rhys, Brian. http://weblib.edogawa-u.ac.jp/opac/books-query?mode=3&key=B111088418715677&code= |
66. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935 Barclay, Florencia L. (Florencia Louisa), 1862-1921Descubrimiento, Maurice, 1874-1945 Barker, Señora (Maria Anne), 1831-1911 http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
67. Univ. Of Haifa Library - Electronic Texts List - Index By Authors Barbusse, Henri, 18741935. Military history of World War I military units ofFrance. Abstract This sub-section is part of the geography and history part http://lib.haifa.ac.il/www/elect_data/etexts/indexes/A66.html | |
68. Heft 1965-08 Henri Barbusse (1874-1935) (Das Kalenderblatt).S. 149; Müller, Karl Spaziergang eines Naturfreundes. http://grasfresser.de/Heimatfreund/Hefte/Heft 1965-08.html | |
69. Everyman's Library 798, Barbusse, Henri 18741935, Under Fire, The Story of a Squad, 1916, ? 446,Bates, Henry Walter 1825-1892, Naturalist on the Amazon, ? http://www.kashda.com/everyman/html/everymansauthorsb.html | |
70. Everyman's Library 797, Reid, Mayne, The Boy Slaves Introduction by Guy Pocock, ? 798, Barbusse,Henri 18741935, Under Fire, The Story of a Squad, 1916, ? http://www.kashda.com/everyman/html/everymanslist8.html | |
71. YOU ARE VIEWING A 200 LINE SAMPLE OF EBOOK E03433 TITLE TITLE UNDER FIRE AUTHOR Henri Barbusse EBOOK E03433 (O Briens Book Cellar) UnderFire The Story of a Squad By Henri Barbusse (18741935) Translated by http://www.obrienbooks.com/samp/S03433.TXT | |
72. LISTA DE TITULOS Under Fire the story of a squad, by Barbusse, Henri, 18741935 Under The Deodars,by Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Under The Greenwood Tree, or, http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
73. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS 1875 Barber, Margaret Fairless, 1869-1901 AKA Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901 Barbour,A. Maynard (Anna Maynard) Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935 Barclay, Florence L http://pg2.org/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
74. Frank Harris Collection Barbusse, Henri, 187419352.8 Barry-Doyle, R.7.1 Beach, Sylvia7.1 Beaverbrook,William Maxwell Aitken, Baron, 1879-19642.5 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/harris.frank.html | |
75. G.B. Shaw Collection, Index Of Correspondents Barbusse, Henri, 1874193547.7 ± Barker, Dorothy CE47.7 (2) Barnes, Arthur65.5Barnes, George G.55.5 Barnes, Kenneth Ralph, Sir, 1878-195733.2 (61 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/shaw.gb.corr.html | |
76. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1946) Barbusse, Henri (1873 1935) BARCLAY, Florence L(ouisa Charlesworth) (1862 Clarence (Shepard), Jr. (1874 - 1935) DAY, Thomas (1748 - 1789) DAZAI, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
77. Chronological Author List "1870 To 1874" Compiled By GIGA Henri Barbusse, French novelist and journalist (1873 1935) - CHECK READING Clarence Day, American biographer and essayist (1874 - 1935) - READ http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1870.htm | |
78. GIGA Nonfiction Book Reading List (by Author) Henri Barbusse, French novelist and journalist (1873 1935) Clarence Day,American biographer and essayist (1874 - 1935) - READ AUTHOR QUOTES http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/readna.htm | |
79. LA PLEUREUSE D'Henri BARBUSSE Translate this page Henri Barbusse. (1874 - 1935). Polémiste et romancier, Henri Barbusse a commencéses débuts littéraires par un livre de poèmes composés entre 18 et 20 ans, http://membres.lycos.fr/crcrosnier/mur2/prt2/barbusseh2.htm | |
80. NOUS NOUS SOMMES REVUS De Henry BARBUSSE Henri Barbusse. (1874 - 1935). Peinture à la cire deCatherine RÉAULT-CROSNIER illustrant le poème NOUS NOUS SOMMES REVUS http://membres.lycos.fr/crcrosnier/mur1/prt1/barbusse1.htm | |
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