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Ball Robert S: more detail | ||||
81. Quantum Connections - Internet Solutions Sir Robert Ball (18401913) Victorian Astronomer Detailed biographical informationof British astronomer and lecturer. url www.geocities.com/ziksby/index.html. http://www.qtm.net/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Science/Astronomy/History/People/ |
82. Sir Robert Stawell Ball Robert STOWALL Ball (1840 1913 ) Born in Dublin on the 1st July 1840 he wasone of 7 children, I remain Sir your obedient servant Robert S Ball http://www.geocities.com/ziksby2/Sir_Robert_Ball.html | |
83. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Ball, Hugo (1886 1927) Ball, Robert Stawell (1840 - 1913) BallANTYNE, Andre (1869 - 1951) GILBERT, William S, Sir (1836 - 1911) GILDAS, (516? http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
84. Astronomers Past And Present Ring Site(s). Passes checker test Jean Houzeau in Jamaica Account of the careerof Belgian astronomer Passes checker test Sir Robert Ball 1840 1913 http://w.webring.com/hub?ring=astronomerspasta |
85. Sir Robert Stawell Ball Created 04/20/2001 · 3 active site(s) · 3 page Sir Robert Ball 1840 1913 The lifeand times of Britain s most popular Victorian astronomer, Lowndean http://w.webring.com/hub?ring=astronomerspasta&id=2&go |
86. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1929) Ball, Hugo (1886 1927) Ball, Robert Stawell (1840 1869 - 1951) GILBERT, WilliamS, Sir (1836 - 1911 1873 - 1953) GISSING, George Robert (1857 - 1903 http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
87. Scientists Collection, American Philosophical Society Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich, 18131890, to Roberts, EH, 1865 Sep. 20 Ball, Robert, 1840-1913, to ManchesterYMCA, 1886 Mar. 14 http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/scientists.htm | |
89. Patrick Pollak - Subject Index Physician to His Majestys BARLOW, Sir Thomas. 1845 1945 Ball, Sir Robert.1840 - 1913. Psychiatry. BROWNE, Sir James Crichton. 1840 - 1938 http://www.rarevols.co.uk/pages/subj0015.htm | |
90. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BAL Translate this page A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z Ball (Sir RobertStawell)(1840-1913). Peinture 1 (2). Ball (William). Peinture 1 http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bal.htm | |
91. Personal Names Index To The Writings Of Alfred Russel Wallace Ball, Mr. John alpinist 18181889 184 724 Ball, Sir Robert S. astronomer1840-1913 520 728 729 730 732 Ball, Mr. William Platt, http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/wallace/names.htm | |
92. Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind II: Arbejderhaver - Benzo Ball, Robert Stawell, eng. Astronom (18401913) - 573, 574 base-Ball, etNationalboldspil i de forenede nordamerikanske Stater - 715 http://runeberg.org/salmonsen/2/2/ | |
93. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) Headen, Robert S. SERIES P2. Heard, George Alexander (1917 ). SERIES P2 SERIES P2. Latta, Robert. SERIES P2. Laurens, Caroline Ball. SERIES P2 http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
94. Haas - Hynes: Photographs And Portraits Of Individuals Heath, Sir Robert 15751649 Commissioner to consider the state of Virginia Boyd Roberts. Howe, William Howe 1729-1814 5th viscount; see also oversized http://www.vahistorical.org/research/photo_individuals_h.htm | |
95. Runeberg.org - Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon/index Bind 2 s Datter med Kong Tryggve, se Erling Skjalgssøn 287 Astrild 287 Astrilder 287Astrocaryum 288 Astronom (18401913) 574 Ball, Thomas, nordamer. http://runeberg.org/wiki/Salmonsens_konversationsleksikon/index_bind_2 | |
96. MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA - MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY, KINGMAN, AZ 22, 1964 Robert Lee Manship Sr. Sept. 22, 1886 Oct. 26, 1978 James A. Farrell H. Dundon 1891-1929 Hartley B. Thompson 1856-1931 Howard S. Thompson http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/az/mohave/cemeteries/mtview.txt |
97. Abbott 1871 Paper On Sugar Beet C7/117 Abbott,Edward 1801-1869 MLC 1845 solicitors to Savings Bank W9/A1/25(1) Allport Roberts solicitors 18451846 1858-1875 law practice papers S2/1 Sheehy,Thomas 1840-1913 solicitor http://www.utas.edu.au/library/info/collec/arch/name.ascii |
98. Astronomy: History: People Catalogue of Giovanni Batista Hodierna`s (15971660) long forgottenobservations; detailed information about each object. http://astronomy.science-sites.net/index.php/History/People/ | |
99. Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Lebewesen/Liste Von Zoologen Nach Autorenkürzeln - Wiki Radde - Gustav Radde (18311903); Rafinesque - Constantine S. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProjekt_Lebewesen/Liste_von_Zoologen_ | |
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