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Baker Samuel White: more detail | |||||
81. ILAB-LILA On-line Catalogue Baker, Sir Samuel White 18211893. Ismailia Récit D Une Expédition Dans L AfriqueCentrale Pour L Abolition De La Traité Des Noirs. http://www.ilabdatabase.com/php/catalogues.php3?catnr=1741&membernr=175&custnr=& |
82. Biography Base Letter B Baker, Richard, Sir (1568-1644,1645); Baker, Samuel White, Sir - (1821-1893);Baker, Thomas - (1656-1746); Bakhuysen, Ludolf - (1631-1708), painter http://www.biographybase.com/bio/b.html | |
83. UniMaps.com - Central Africa Explored Map. 1841-1888 Baker 18211893. English. Sir Samuel White Baker and Florence von Sass Togetherexplored the region of the White Nile, Blue Nile and the Atbara rivers. http://unimaps.com/cafrica-explored/ | |
84. Zur Zeit Enthält Der Thesaurus Mehr Einträge Als Tatsächlich In Translate this page Thesaurus Baker, Samuel White (1821-1893) Thesaurus Baker Pascha Thesaurus Balbo,Luftmarschall Thesaurus Buller, Sir Redvers Henry (1839- http://www.stub.bildarchiv-dkg.uni-frankfurt.de/dfg-projekt/Bildprojekt/thesauru |
85. Authors List - Alphabetical Bacheller, Irving (18591950) - 1 item(s); Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) - 2 item(s);Baker, Samuel White (1821-1893) - 4 item(s); Ball, Sir Robert Stawell http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/r/b/-5 | |
86. Fiction - General: Browse Titles Having often received an invitation from my friend Sir Roger de Coverley to passaway a Rifle And The Hound In Ceylon, The by Baker, Samuel White (18211893). http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/t/41/Fiction - General.html?sort=3 |
87. Background Baker, Samuel W (18211893), Cyprus, as I Saw it in 1879, 855. Baker, SamuelWhite - Sir (1821-1893), Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, 849. http://www.freeeliterature.com/CD1 Contents.htm |
88. Wikipedia:List Of Encyclopedia Topics/Biographies B - Wikipedia, The Free Encycl Sir Samuel White Baker, Baker, Samuel White, Sir. Samuel White, Sir Baker (1821 1893), English explorer of Africa. Baki (Abdul Mahmud) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_encyclopedia_topics/Biographies_B | |
89. Literary Encyclopedia: Baker, Sir Samuel White Baker, Sir Samuel White. (1821 1893), www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Exploration,Travel, Literature. Autobiographer. Active 1841 - 1893 http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=227 |
90. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1931) Baker, Carlos (1909 1987) Baker, Samuel White (1821 - 1893) BALDWIN, Richard (Francis), Sir (1821 - 1890) BURTON, Robert (1576/77 - 1639/40) http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
91. BAKER SAMUEL WHITE SIR 1821 1893 (in MARION) Baker Samuel White Sir 1821 1893. Record 1 of 1. Shipman, Pat, 1949 To theheart of the Nile Lady Florence Baker and the exploration http://lc01.cerritos.edu/MARION?S=BAKER SAMUEL WHITE SIR 1821 1893 |
92. Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute Of British Geographers) - 24 Hour Samuel White Baker (18211893) Watercolour sketches of his expedition to locatethe source of the Nile. Central Asia Tibet photographs by Jean Claude http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/museum_gfx_en/AM25880.html | |
93. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Edwin Lester Linden (1857 1935) ARNOLD, Edwin, Sir (1832 - 1904 1845 - 1931) Baker,Carlos (1909 - 1987) Baker, Samuel White (1821 - 1893) BALDWIN, James http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
94. Shooters Forum - Arms & Hunting 19th Century By Sir Samuel Baker White http//www.gutenberg.net/ These books are by noted explorer Sir Samuel WhiteBaker (18211893) during the British Empire Period http://shootersforum.com/printthread.htm?t=11475 |
95. MSN Encarta - Baker, Sir Samuel White http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761578244/Baker_sir_Samuel_White.html | |
96. UniMaps.com - Central Africa Explored, Map & Information - PRINT Sir Samuel White Baker and Florence von Sass Together explored the region of theWhite Nile, Blue Nile and the Atbara rivers. Baker and party chanced to met http://unimaps.com/cafrica-explored/print.html | |
97. This Is Project Gutenberg The, by Meredith, George, 18181909 Eight Years Wanderings in Ceylon, byBaker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893 Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm | |
98. Copyright.gif (426 Bytes) In June 2004 The Royal Geographical The Society triennially awards the Sir George Fordham Award for Samuel WhiteBaker (18211893) Watercolour sketches by the big game hunter on his http://www.rgs.org/templ.php?page=mainarchives |
100. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Short Stories and Selections for Use in the Secondary Schools. Baker, SamuelWhite, Sir, 18211893. Albert N Yanza, Great Basin Of The Nile, The http://www.globusz.com/authors_b.asp | |
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