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Badger Joseph E: more detail | ||||
61. Sprague Database - Sprague Website Master Index Richard E. (Dick) Weber, Project Developer A. Arnold Sprague, Webmaster John 1812 Badger, Joseph Warren 1910 1950 Badger, Lizetta Badger, http://www.sprague-database.org/_index/sidx004.htm |
62. Login $124.00. High Joseph Diane. Travis Milton G Jr. 1629 SW Ruiz Ter. Port St Lucie34953 Decker Russell E Jr. 614 SE Faith Ter. Port St Lucie 34983 http://www.tcpalm.com/tcp/real_estate_listings/article/0,2548,TCP_16276_3913730, | |
63. Washington Osteopathic Medical Association Physician Directory Battle Ground, Joseph E. Badolato, DO, (360)6875313 Paul E. Emmans, Jr, DO,(509) 697-4827, FP. Selah, Paul E. Emmans, III, DO, (509) 697-4827, FP http://www.woma.org/Physician Directory.html | |
64. Historical Manuscripts Badger, George E., Secretary of the Navy 1) LS dated 31 May 1841. Form letterdated 30 January 1865 from Joseph E. Devitt Co., Philadelphia. http://www.history.navy.mil/library/manuscript/manuscript_list.htm | |
65. Unclassified Personal Papers Collections Sullivan Brothers; Papers Relating to the, 1848, 1992, 0.25 cu. ft. Sullivan,John Joseph Jr.; Papers of Captain, 19411958, 0.25 cu. ft. http://www.history.navy.mil/ar/mss.htm | |
66. Keene NH Vital Statistics - Marriages - 1762 - 1855 - Index A-E Balch, James A . 1844. Balch, John, Jr . 1779. Balch, Perley S . 1848 Cross,Amos E. 1853. Cross, Joseph, 1853. Crossfield, Diantha L. 1843 http://www.ci.keene.nh.us/library/vitalstatistics/marrindexae.htm | |
67. Samuel Preston 1672-1717 Joseph Preston b.1794 d.ca.1840, 3rd child of Othniel Jr. and Roxana, m. Ruth AnnHyde ca.18001882. Benjamin E. Preston Jr. 1855- m. Mattie R. Unknown. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/nesamuel.htm | |
68. INDEX Charles E. Jr. (18861937) Charles E. (George) ( - ) Charles S. ( - ) Russell L. ( - ) Samuel A. Sr. (1848-1929) Samuel A. Jr. (1896-1935) http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxg/godwin/fowndx.htm | |
69. Kansas Pioneers List--Sorted By Pioneer Name Bert 1870 1870 Elmont SN rbfarmer Badger, Joseph HULL, Mary E. 1834 1866 PT husker BRUNKOW, Ferdinand E. 1869 Neuchatel NM husker BRUNKOW, http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/pioneers/piolst_b.html | |
70. Kansas Pioneers List--Sorted By Pioneer Name Easton LV ruthm HOLLIDAY, Daniel E. DRAKE, Sarah 1848 1878 Harmon SU gwynn Mary E. Badger, Joseph 1842 1866 Elmont SN rbfarmer HULLER, Amy BOWMAN, http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/pioneers/piolst_h.html | |
71. The Skull And Bones Membership List Abbe Frederick Randolph 1848 Albert Elijah 1867 Dunwody James Bulloch 1836 Durfee, Jr. C. Gibson 1956 Durham Payne 1953 Emerson Joseph 1841 Emerson Samuel 1848 English, Jr. William http://www.mabus.biz/cults/skullandbones.txt |
72. Hartland Historical Society Eleazer Bramble, Lucy Brown, Joseph Brown, Joseph Jr. Brown, Josiah Brown,Lucine Brown, William Dustin E- English, Eli English, Emily English, http://hartlandhistory.netfirms.com/cemetery/plainscem.html | |
73. Guide To The Winterthur Library: The Joseph Downs Collection And The Winterthur 390; Chandler, Joseph, 391; Chandler, Lewis, Jr., 392; Chapin, Day, and Ely,393; Chapin, E; E. Butterick and Company, 673; E. Kahn Co., Ltd., 674 http://www.winterthur.org/about/guide_to_winterthur/xhtml/JDCMcKinstryINDEX.htm | |
74. Burke County, NC Marriage Bonds Gordon Ervin, William /// Page, Jamiah Apr 13, 1817 Joseph Berry C. Hildebrand Erwin, Jr. /// Puett, Sarah E. Apr 10, 1865 Joseph Brittain None Johnson, http://rfci.net/wdfloyd/burkgrm.html | |
75. Burke County, NC Marriage Bonds Kincaid EW Dorsey Peterson, Elias /// Duckworth, LE Dec 19, 1848 RS Elliott Isaac W., Jr. /// Puett, Sarah E. Apr 10, 1865 Joseph Brittain None Davis, http://rfci.net/wdfloyd/burkbrde.html | |
76. A 1848 Moses Feather Ann Feather, May, 1832 Joseph Feather, May, 1832 Joshua Feather,Jr. May, 1836 Reed Ferris, Aug. 1850 Josephus Fisher, 1854 http://w3.qtm.net/bcgensoc/AlphaPioneerList1800.htm | |
77. Guest Book - July - December 2000 EMail Lew Gregory Jr. Who Had These Comments Great site, my conneciton E-Mail Joseph Fred Gardner Who Had These Comments looking for the marriage http://members.aol.com/SueG476/GB200.html | |
78. Elbert County Georgia Queries: A-C b 11 June 1848, Effingham Co Ga; Joseph Melville Reynolds , Rev b 3 Aug 1855 Their children were Nancy, Emeline, Sarah E, Elizabeth, Elias Jr., http://www.arches.uga.edu/~laaron/qua-c.htm | |
79. Ref Year Date Groom Of Bride Of 82 1822 21-Feb Akerman, Joseph A 25, 1816, 21Jul, Badger, Joseph, Itinerant Preacher, Peavey, Mary, Farmington 440, 1848, 15-Oct, Berry, Benjamin T, Strafford, Felker, Martha Jane http://www.usgennet.org/usa/nh/town/strafford/em/ab.htm | |
80. Maryland Historical Society Library: McLane-Fisher Family Papers Ca.1800-1905, M Charles E. McLane, brother of Louis McLane, Jr. travelled to and settled inCalifornia ca. 1850. Johnston, Joseph E. 6,. 11,. 14. Johnston, Lydia McLane http://www.mdhs.org/library/Mss/ms002403.html | |
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