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81. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES Translate this page Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950. Tocino, Francis, 1561-1626 Tocino, Juan Mackenzie,1846-1904 Baden-Powell de Gilwell, Roberto Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/es/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
82. Title Translate this page Charles (1791-1871) The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures Reflections onthe Decline of Science in England Bacheller, Irving (1859-1950) Eben Holden http://www.zghlawyer.com/free_hdr.php?xname=63JMCV0&dname=DIN0EV0&xpos=263&cname |
83. English Classics 3000 Table Of Contents ( Listed By Author ) A (17911871) The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures Reflections on theDecline of Science in England Bacheller, Irving (1859-1950) Eben Holden, http://www.cntv.info/books/Readme.txt |
84. Books By Author: B Bacheller, Irving Books, + 1. Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. Books, + 1. Bachelor,Creever Books, + 1. Bacon, Delia Books, + 2. Bacon, Dolores Books, + 1 http://www.literaturehead.com/browse_authors/B/1a/1/ | |
85. Chronological Author List "1855 To 1859" Compiled By GIGA Irving Bacheller, American journalist and author (1859 1950) - READ QUOTES (4)CHECK READING LIST (4) BUY VARYING HARE USED BOOK (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay1855.htm | |
86. Rollins College Digital Collection : Browse 1872 1951; Bacheller, Mary E.; Coolidge, Calvin, 1872 - 1933; Coolidge,Grace Goodhue, 1879 - 1957; Holt, Alexina L.; Bacheller, Irving, 1859 - 1950; http://archives.rollins.edu/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=/holt&CISOSTART=1,21 |
87. Femail - Bacheller, Irving. bachlr. , 18591950, American novelist, b. Pierpont,NY, grad. St. Lawrence Univ., 1882. In 1884 he founded http://www.femail.com.au/Enc/B/Ba/Bachelle.html | |
88. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors BG ( 1866) BABSON, Roger W(ard) (1875 - 1967) BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685 -1750) Bacheller, Irving (1859 - 1950) BACON, Delia (1811 - 1859) BACON, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
89. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1894 1941) BABINGTON, BG ( - 1866) BABSON, Roger W(ard) (1875 - 1967) BACH, JohannSebastian (1685 - 1750) Bacheller, Irving (1859 - 1950) BACON, Delia (1811 http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
90. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Autor, Bacheller, Irving, 1859 - 1950. Título, Eben Holden a Tale of the NorthCountry. Recursos, Archivo texto Archivo comprimido Requiere programa http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/buscar.php?idioma=0&sop=10&aut=B |
91. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS: B] Irving Bacheller, American journalist and author (1859 1950) Richard Bachman (apseudonym of Stephen King) Anne(Lady) Bacon, English wife of Nathaniel http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathb.htm | |
92. Rvsdfcem Althea May 1876 1938 Elias REED 1864 - 1937 Bacheller Joseph (JH) d. 1882 - 1919 CLARK Irving Marguerite (see Sherman I. BEAN lot) CLARK http://www.rootsweb.com/~mefrankl/rvsdfcem.htm | |
93. Bacheller, Irving. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Bacheller, Irving. (b ch´ l r)(KEY) , 18591950, American novelist, b. Pierpont, NY, grad. St. | |
94. Evergreen Cemetery-phillips NH Heavy Art. Lizzie C. his wife 0701-1848 - 04-25-1933 Bacheller Thomas T. 1858 - 1929 Harriet E. 1859 - 1950 Prince A. 1888 - 1914 WHEELER Samuel d. http://www.rootsweb.com/~mefrankl/egpcem.htm | |
95. Bo - Browse Authors Language English Books All books. http://biblios.org/agents_browse.php?letter=b&first=0 |
96. Search Results Home, Search Results (AMAZON BOOKS). Search Term Advanced Search.34 Records Found. Title Authors, Release Date, Price. http://www.freereinsure.com/search_results.asp?obj_def_id=25&search=Harry Bell |
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