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61. Notice Book, Bache, Ellen. Safe passage. F BAC, IN. Book, Bacheller, Irving, 18591950.Lost in the fog. E KRU, OUT. Book, Bachem, Paul. The official Pony Pals drawing http://www.ci.homer.ak.us:7195/webopac/author?offset=1&k1=450842&searchtext=Auli |
62. Online Archival Search Information System Item 5 with A.MS. translations of poems by Volodia P. Lapin. (48) Bacheller, Irving,18591950. 1 letter; 1914. (49) Bacon, Ernst, 1898- 1 letter; 1948. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00668.html | |
63. Online Archival Search Information System 1s.(1p.). (5) Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. TLs to Marian (Lawrence) Peabody;Winter Park, Fla., 15 Apr 1936. 1s.(2p.). (6) Barker, Ina. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01389.html | |
64. Library Books Beginning With "E" - Free Classics Online - EBooks - ETexts 1894. Eben Holden, a tale of the north country, by Bacheller, Irving,18591950. Economist, The, by Xenophon, 431-355 BC. Edinburgh http://booksbtc.com/cgi/fhw.exe?BTCWeb&Library Titles=E |
65. ZA LETTER FILE expand/contract this heading Bacheller, Irving, 18591950 expand/contractthis heading FORD, JULIA ELLSWORTH, 1859-1950 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.zaltr.nav.html | |
66. YALE COLLECTION OF AMERICAN LITERATURE MANUSCRIPT MISCELLANY expand/contract this heading Bacheller, Irving, 18591950 expand/contractthis heading Irving, WASHINGTON, 1783-1859 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.ycalmisc.nav.html | |
67. Author Browse For Historical Society Of Western Pennsylvania Catalog Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. 2 items Bachman, Aaron Eugene. 2 items Bachrach,Michael D. 2 items Bachrach, Sunderbeck Co. 2 items http://digital.library.pitt.edu/hswp/browse/author_fileB.html | |
68. Projecto Gutenberg Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. Master Of Silence, The Eben Holden, a tale ofthe north country. Bachelor, Creever . The Century Vocabulary Builder http://mirror.bn.pt/gutenberg/browse/IA_B.HTM | |
69. Fiction - General: Browse Titles Eben Holden A Tale of the North Country by Bacheller, Irving (18591950).This is a great historical novel advisable for all ages. http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/t/41/Fiction - General.html?sort=4&page=8 |
70. Search Books by Bacheller, Irving (18591950), Go back. Country, Eben Holden A Taleof the North Country by Bacheller, Irving (1859-1950). This http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/b/s/results.html?qSrc=AUTHOR(Bacheller, Irving (1 |
71. Listing By AUTHOR - B - Science in England. Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. Eben Holden, a tale of thenorth country. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 Essays Of Francis http://www.speakwise.com/Listing_Author/AL[B].htm | |
72. Food For Thought: Biographies Bacheller, Irving Addison (American journalist, writer), 18591950. Bachet,Claude-Gaspar (French mathematician), 1581-1638 http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_B.htm | |
73. KAIGHIN FAMILY PAGES The Following List Has Been Downloaded From 17911871 Babbage Charles Reflections on the Decline of Science in England1791-1871 Bacheller Irving Eben Holden -a tale of the north country 1859-1950. http://www.kaighinfamily.iofm.net/AUTHORS.TXT |
74. Forewordtext But who exactly was this Irving Bacheller? And if he was so important to the English a compelling proclamation, read, Irving Bacheller (18591950) is http://www.readingstlawrencecounty.com/forewordtext.html | |
75. . Armazém Digital . Translate this page Eben Holden, a tale of the north country - Bacheller, Irving,1859-1950. R$ 129,06 A. EBEN HOLDEN A TALE OF THE NORTH http://www.armazemdigital.art.br/busca_livrosdgtit.asp?bd=4&letra=E&pag=105 |
76. 3000(?)(?) Charles (17911871) The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures Reflections on theDecline of Science in England Bacheller, Irving (1859-1950) Eben Holden, a http://www.blog8748.com/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=2204 |
77. Barrington Area Library Contributors Bacheller, Irving, 18591950. Lost in the fog. ISBN 0316074624. Requests0. Copy/Holding Information. Call No. Status, Location, http://webpac.barringtonarealibrary.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.GW&term=Krupinski |
78. Author Files I Bacheller, Irving (18591950). Bailey, Temple (1880-1953). Baker, GeorgePierce (1866-1935). Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922). Beer, Thomas (1889-1940). http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/scribner/af1.html | |
79. Index Bacheller, Irving (18591950) Eben Holden, a Tale of the North Country. Bacon ,Francis ( 1561-1626). The Advancement of Learning http://www.womenbooks.cn/B/ |
80. Project Gutenberg INDEX OF AUTHORS 1934 Azuela, Mariano, 18731952 Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871 Bach, Johann Sebastian1685-1750 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950. http://pg2.org/ProjectGuternberg.htm |
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