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81. Augustine The African Enough of them showed up in Hippo for Augustine to warn his flock that they should In Italy, the young Bishop of Eclanum, Julian, engaged Augustine in a http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/twayne/aug1.html | |
82. The Blessed (Saint) Augustine Of Hippo. His Place In The Orthodox Church: A Corr I could name you bishops in our Church who think like Augustine on a number of In the life of Saint Augustine of Hippo is one of the greatest figures of http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/augustine/bless_aug.htm | |
83. The Classic Text: St. Augustine St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo remains one of the most influential authors ofchurch doctrine, and the continued transmission and relevance of his texts for http://www.uwm.edu/Library/special/exhibits/clastext/clspg059.htm | |
84. Augustine Of Hippo Augustine OF Hippo. Bishop AND THEOLOGIAN (28 AUGUST 430) A few years later,when the Bishop of Hippo died, Augustine was chosen to succeed him. http://www.satucket.com/lectionary/Augustine_Hippo.htm | |
85. Augustine Of Hippo, St Augustine of Hippo, St. One of the early Christian leaders and writers known He was converted to Christianity by Ambrose in Milan and became Bishop of http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0009547.html | |
86. Biography And Quotes Of Saint Augustine With Pictures And Bibliography Spirituality faces Saint Augustine. Enfeebled by old age, Valerius, Bishopof Hippo, obtained the authorization of Aurelius, Primate of Africa, http://www.onelittleangel.com/wisdom/quotes/saint_augustine.asp | |
87. Aumann: St. Augustine's Theology Of Ministry In the year 391, at the age of 37, Augustine had gone to Hippo to interview a Thus, in a letter to Bishop Valerius, his predecessor as Bishop of Hippo, http://www.op.org/domcentral/study/aumann/augustin.htm | |
88. The Confessions Of Augustine: Electronic Edition a series of frescos on the life of Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (now Annaba, Algeria)done by Benozzo Gozzoli in San Gimignano (1465). Search http://www.stoa.org/hippo/ | |
89. BBC - H2g2 - St Augustine - Bishop Of Hippo h2g2 is the unconventional guide to life, the universe and everything, a guidethat s written by visitors to the website, creating an organic and evolving http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A591392 | |
90. Catholic Encyclopedia - Life Of St. Augustine Enfeebled by old age, Valerius, Bishop of Hippo, obtained the He was propagatinghis errors in Hippo, and Augustine invited him to a public conference http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/CEAUGLIF.HTM | |
91. Augustine Of Hippo Augustine of Hippo A Biography, Revised Edition with a New Epilogue and notesthat Brown has added to his acclaimed portrait of the Bishop of Hippo. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/1110001.html | |
92. Augustine [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] The Bishop, though as yet he knew nothing of Augustine s internal The morewidely known Augustine became, the more Valerius, the Bishop of Hippo, http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/a/augustin.htm | |
93. Augustine Of Hippo, Bishop And Theologian A few years later, when the Bishop of Hippo died, Augustine was chosen to succeedhim. He was a diligent shepherd of his flock, but he also found time to http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/50.html | |
94. This Page Has Moved The North African church, including the Bishop of Hippo, came to condone this Augustine developed a theory of a just war, based on this precedent http://gbgm-umc.org/umw/bible/augustine.html | |
95. Augustine A brief discussion of the life and works of Augustine, with links to electronic He was named the Christian Bishop of Hippo (Annaba, Algeria) in 396, http://www.philosophypages.com/ph/augu.htm | |
96. Archbishop Sheen Today! -- St. Augustine Of Hippo Five years later Father Augustine was consecrated Bishop of Hippo. Here,below, is a popular Bishop Sheen vignette. St. Augustine of Hippo http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/kralis/040816 | |
97. Catholic Online - Featured Today - St. Augustine Of Hippo Five years later Father Augustine was consecrated Bishop of Hippo. This multifacetedreligious genius and servant of God affected the monastic life of the http://www.catholic.org/featured/sheen.php?ID=1225 |
98. Books In Review: Augustine Of Hippo: A Biography Augustine of Hippo A Biography. A New Edition with an Epilogue. By Peter Brown . Nothing is said of the Bishop or the church in Augustines writings. http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0105/reviews/wilken.html | |
99. AUGUSTINE SAINT Term Papers, Research Papers On AUGUSTINE SAINT And Essays At Ac Dorothy Day and Saint Augustine of Hippo , 2002. Critical review ofbishop/philospher s spiritual journey leading to his conversion to Christianity in http://www.academon.com/lib/essay/augustine-saint.html | |
100. "city Of God Against The Pagans" By AUGUSTINE, SAINT, BISHOP OF HIPPO @ Another A new rendition of one of the classic texts of Western civilisation. http://www.anotherbookshop.com/book.php?products_id=0521468434 |
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