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21. Alibris: Saint, Bishop Of Hippo Augustine Used, new outof-print books by author Saint, Bishop of Hippo Augustine.Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo | |
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23. Chronology Of The Life Of Saint Augustine, Bishop Of Hippo (A.D. 354-430) Chronology of the Life of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (AD 354430). Early Life 395 Augustine was ordained coadjutor (assistant) Bishop of Hippo. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rdwallin/syl/GreatBooks/202.W99/Augustine/Augusti | |
24. Patron Saints Index: Saint Augustine Of Hippo Patron Saint Index profile of Saint Augustine of Hippo; illustrated. Bishop ofHippo in 396. Founded religious communities. Fought Manichaeism, Donatism http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainta02.htm | |
25. New Catholic Dictionary: Augustine Of Hippo, Saint New Catholic Dictionary Augustine of Hippo, Saint. Saint Augustine of HippoConfessor, Doctor of the Church, Bishop of Hippo, born Tagaste, Africa, http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd00883.htm | |
26. St. Augustine Of Hippo: Biography And Much More From Answers.com Source St. Augustine of Hippo , Saint / Theologian Born 13 November 354 Birthplace By 396 he had become Bishop of Hippo, and his sermons and writings http://www.answers.com/topic/st-augustine-of-hippo | |
27. St. Augustine Of Hippo: A Who2 Profile By 396 he had become Bishop of Hippo, and his sermons and writings gained fame, St. Augustine of Hippo Why St. Augustine is the patron Saint of brewers http://www.who2.com/staugustineofhippo.html | |
28. Blessed Augustine Of Hippo. His Place In The Orthodox Church: A Corrective In the life of Saint Augustine of Hippo is one of the greatest figures of ourChurch and, +Bishop now ARCHBishop MARK of Berlin and All Germany http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/inquirers/bless_aug.aspx | |
29. Saint Augustine Of Hippo Saint Augustine of Hippo. General Information. Saint Augustine, b. Nov. de Saint Augustine 19501960; F. Van der Meer, Augustine the Bishop; NL Geisler, http://mb-soft.com/believe/txn/august.htm | |
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31. - Subject Guide - McQuade Library Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo Confessiones Augustine, Saint, Bishop ofHippo Contributions in Theology Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo http://www.noblenet.org/merrimack/subjectguides/augustinianstudies.htm | |
32. St Augustine Of Hippo: Books On St Augustine Of Hippo Author Saint Bishop of Hippo Augustine Publisher Penguin Format Hardcover AllEditions Similar Books compare prices. 27. Letters 211270, 1-29 http://www.campusi.com/author_St_Augustine_of_Hippo.htm | |
33. The Confessions Of St. Augustine By Bishop Of Hippo Saint Augustine - Project Gu Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of The Confessions of St.Augustine by Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/3296 | |
34. Browse By Author: A - Project Gutenberg Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo (354430). Wikipedia The Confessions of St.Augustine (English). Aulard, François-Alphonse (1849-1928) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/a | |
35. Main Index - Titles Select Library of the Nicene and PostNicene Fathers of th, Augustine, Saint,Bishop of Hippo. select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of th, http://www.saginaw.org/cfm/library_cfm/web_pages/title_s.htm | |
36. Main Index - Authors Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Select Library of the Nicene and PostNiceneFathers of th, Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. select Library of the http://www.saginaw.org/cfm/library_cfm/web_pages/auth_a.htm | |
37. Saint Augustine o the world at large, Saint Augustine is known above all as the great thinker who The aged Bishop of Hippo, Valerius, was looking for an assistant, http://www.osa-west.org/saintaugustine.html | |
38. Saint Augustine - Definition Of Saint Augustine In Encyclopedia St. Augustine of HippoAurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo (354430) is a In 396 he was made coadjutor Bishop of Hippo (assistant with the right of http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Saint_Augustine | |
39. MSN Encarta - St. Augustine Great books about your topic, Augustine, Saint, selected by Encarta editors He became Bishop of Hippo (now Annaba, Algeria) in 395, an office he held http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576576/St_Augustine.html | |
40. Augustine, Saint -- Encyclopædia Britannica Augustine, Saint feast day August 28, Bishop of Hippo from 396 to 430, one ofthe Latin Fathers of the Church, one of the Doctors of the Church, http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9109388 | |
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