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81. KAIGHIN FAMILY PAGES The Following List Has Been Downloaded From 1945 Astor John Jacob Journey In Other WorldsA 1763-1848 Atherton Gertrude FranklinHorn Rezanov 1857-1948 Atherton Gertrude Franklin Horn Valiant Runaways http://www.kaighinfamily.iofm.net/AUTHORS.TXT |
82. Bliss Carman - Bliss Carman's Letters To Margaret Lawrence - Confederation Poets Gertrude Atherton Franklin (18571948), née Horn, was a San Francisco-born novelistand short-story writer who published several works of realistic fiction http://www.canadianpoetry.ca/confederation/Bliss Carman/letters/54.htm | |
83. Cypress Lawn Memorial Park citizens from the San Francisco area including; Isabella Alden (18411930),writer; Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton (1857-1948), author; http://pedia.newsfilter.co.uk/wikipedia/c/cy/cypress_lawn_memorial_park.html | |
84. Bliss Carman - Bliss Carman's Letters To Margaret Lawrence - Confederation Poets Gertrude Atherton Franklin (18571948), née Horn, was a San Francisco-born novelistand short-story writer who published several works of realistic fiction http://www.uwo.ca/english/canadianpoetry/confederation/Bliss Carman/letters/54.h | |
85. Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton Collection | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr Col Letters from Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton to Clifford Smyth, editor of The New The American novelist Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton was born in San http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/atherton.shtml | |
86. Scripta Manent Atherton Gertrude (18571948). Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Horn), Americanwriter, b. San Francisco. She wrote a series of historical http://www.poemi.org/pls/wordtc/poesis.w6_home_author.home?code_author=1724&lang |
87. Gertrude Atherton - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Horn) ath rt n, 1857 1948, American writer, b.San Francisco concerning a woman who is rejuvenated by a glandular operation http://www.questia.com/search/gertrude-atherton | |
88. Black Woman Writer - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Horn). Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Franklin (Horn) ath rt n, 1857 1948, American writer, b. http://www.questia.com/search/black-woman-writer | |
89. ATHERTON Gertrude : Une Page Non Officielle Translate this page Atherton Gertrude. Gertrude (Franklin Horn) Atherton USA (1857 - 1948) Romancière,biographe et historienne. Sa carrière (quasiment inconnue en France) http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/a/atherton_gertrude.htm | |
90. John Lane Company Records, Index Of Correspondents Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 185719482.4 Atkins, Horace2.3 The AtlanticMonthly (Walter H. Page, Bliss Perry)2.3, 53.2 Aubry, Elise2.3 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lane.john.corr.html | |
91. Bestsellers On Project Gutenberg Of Australia Black Oxen, Gertrude Atherton (1857 1948) Trader Horn, Vol. I, AlfredAloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis Looking Forward, Franklin D. Roosevelt http://gutenberg.net.au/bestsellers.html | |
92. Bain Collection: Subject Index Asheville Assemblyline methods1910-1920. Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn,1857-1948. Athletes1910-1920. AthletesNew York (State)New York1910- http://memory.loc.gov/pp/ggbainhtml/ggbainSubjects01.html | |
93. A. P. Watt & Son 1883-1917. William, 18241911.; Allen, Grant, 1848-1899.; Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn, 1857-1948.; Austin, Alfred, 1835-1913.; Bacheller, Irving, 1859-1950.; http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/archives/collections/html/4079831.htm | |
94. Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Records, Index 340.8, 365.4, 448.3, 561.6, 880.8, 922.2, 1236.8 Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn, 18571948 1414.2, 1396.2 Atherton, Lewis Eldon 161.12 Atherton, http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/correspondents/aakcora8.html | |
95. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ A Asquith, Margot, 18641945 Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912 Atherton, GertrudeFranklin Horn, 1857-1948 Atkinson, Eleanor Stackhouse, 1863-1942 http://www.globusz.com/authors_a1.html | |
96. Author Hitlist FICTION ATHANS, IN. Atheling, William, See Blish, James, Book, Atherton, GertrudeFranklin Horn, 18571948. American gothic tales. SS Ame, IN. 2, Atkin, S. Beth http://www.csd99.k12.il.us/webopac/author?searchtext=Associated Press |
97. Van Vechten Portraits: Occupation Index, 1932-1964 Authors. Anderson, Sherwood,18761941. Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn,1857-1948. Auden, WH(Wystan Hugh),1907-1973. Baldwin, James. http://rs6.loc.gov/ammem/vvhtml/vvoccindx.html | |
98. Cavortis Cavortis. Jump to navigation. Oh no he didn t. Wednesday, November 24, 2004142508 EST Pop Culture - permalink. Jerry Falwell, while http://caw.homelinux.net/item/oh_no_he_didn_t |
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