John Cletheroe's USA and Canada Holiday Hints People - Some Significant Figures In US and Canadian History, Entrepreneurs and Personalities Introduction This page contains very brief biographies of some significant figures in US and Canadian history, plus a few entrepreneurs and current personalities. It also includes some well known fictional characters. I have not included figures such as television and film stars and politicians who are likely be well known to British and other foreign visitors. This list is obviously far from complete and ranges from the sublime to the, well, shall we say... rather less sublime. In most cases more detailed information on an individual person is readily available from a variety of sources such as encyclopedias. Where no dates are given, I have so far been unsuccessful in my attempts to discover them. Ansel Adams 1902 - 1984. A photographer, most of whose works feature the American Southwest. Many of his photographs, possibly all, are in black and white. Louisa May Alcott 1832 - 1888. Author of books for children, the most famous being "Little Women". | |