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Astor John Jacob: more detail | ||||||||
21. Great American History Fact-Finder - -Astor, John Jacob Astor, John Jacob. (17631848), German-born merchant, fur trader, and financier.Astor organized a lucrative fur trade with China and formed the American http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/gahff/html/ff_011000_astorjohnjac.ht | |
22. Picture History - John Jacob Astor I (1763-1848) Find the pictures you need in this easy to use digital library of high qualityimages and footage illustrating more than 200 years of American history. http://www.picturehistory.com/find/p/3964/mcms.html | |
23. John Jacob Astor IV, RMS Titanic - Astors' Beechwood Mansion, Newport RI John Jacob Astor Astor, John Jacob 17631848 John Jacob Astor was born in Waldorf,Germany in 1763 and emigrated to the New World at the close of the http://www.astorsbeechwood.com/jjastor.shtml | |
24. John Jacob Astor Biography / Biography Of John Jacob Astor Biographies John Jacob Astor Biography profile biographies life history. merchant, andcapitalist, John Jacob Astor (1763-1848) used his profits from fur trading http://www.bookrags.com/biography/john-jacob-astor/ | |
25. Encyclopedia: Astor Family John Jacob Astor (17631848). John Jacob Astor II (1791-1869); William BackhouseAstor, Sr. (1792-1875). John Jacob Astor III (1822-1890) 1st son of William http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Astor-family | |
26. Astor Family -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article a fortune in fur trading (17631848)) John Jacob Astor and his wife Sarah Todd, (Click link for more info and facts about John Jacob Astor III) John http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/a/as/astor_family.htm | |
27. New York Public Library -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article founded by a $400000 bequest of (United States capitalist (born in Germany)who made a fortune in fur trading (17631848)) John Jacob Astor (17631848), http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/n/ne/new_york_public_library.htm | |
28. Titanic: Astor Family John Jacob Astor (17631848) was the founder of the family fortune. His son,William Backhouse Astor (1792-1875), who inherited the major portion of the http://search.eb.com/titanic/astor.html | |
29. John Jacob Astor HISTORY John Jacob Astor (17631848) American merchant and fur trader. SCOPETwo letters. The first written to Charles Gratiot, Esq., St. Louis, http://www.umsl.edu/mercantile/special_collections/directory/slma-002.html | |
30. The Astor Bloodline The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, His bestson John Jacob (17631848) was selected to establish the House of Astor http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/the_astor_bloodline.htm | |
31. John Jacob Astor And The Fur Trade: Testing The Role Of Government In 1859 he died, at age 73, destitute, in a Brooklyn boarding house. JohnJacob Astor (17631848) Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826) http://www.fee.org/vnews.php?nid=3784 |
32. John Jacob Astor And The Fur Trade: Testing The Role Of Government Sometime after 1808, John Jacob Astor surpassed the government factories andemerged as the leading John Jacob Astor (17631848) Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826) http://www.fee.org/vnews.php?nid=3784&printable=Y |
33. Biblioteca Virtual - Astor, John Jacob (1763-1848) Translate this page La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, esun fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., http://cervantesvirtual.com/FichaAutor.html?Ref=475 |
34. John Jacob Astor By Elbert Hubbard - Project Gutenberg Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of John Jacob Astor by ElbertHubbard. Subject, Astor, John Jacob, 17631848. EText-No. 412 http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/412 | |
35. Astor - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for Astor . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search. Normal,Definitions, Short defs As·tor Listen s t r , John Jacob 17631848. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/a/a0483600.html | |
36. Descendants Of John Jacob Astor And Sarah Todd John (Johann) Jacob Astor (17631848) born in Waldorf near Heidelberg, Germany,emigrated to the USA in 1783, owner American Fur Company, built Astor House http://www.angelfire.com/in/heinbruins/Astor.html | |
37. The Astors: Overview John Jacob Astor (17631848), born in Waldorf, Germany, migrated to the US atthe age of 20. His American Fur Company made him the richest man in the http://www.ketupa.net/astors.htm | |
38. Zaadz Quotes By Author - John Jacob Astor Quotes Serve the masses, live with the classes. ~ John Jacob Astor (17631848)German-American fur trader, 1st business monopoly, financier http://zaadz.com/quotes/authors/john_jacob_astor/ | |
39. The Astor Bloodline The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, His bestson John Jacob (17631848) was selected to establIsh the House of Astor http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/astor.htm | |
40. Anecdote - John Jacob Astor - Realer Dealer Astor, John Jacob (17631848) American financier Sources C. Fadiman, AmericanTreasury More John Astor anecdotes Related Anecdote Keywords http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=12832 |
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