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         Ascham Roger:     more detail
  1. The scholemaster; written between 1563-8. Posthumously published. First ed., 1570; collated with the 2d ed, 1572. Edited by Edward Arber by Roger, 1515-1568 Ascham, 2009-10-26
  2. English works: Toxophilus, Report of the affaires and state of Germany, The scholemaster. Edited by William Aldis Wright by Roger, 1515-1568 Ascham, 2009-10-26
  3. English works Toxophilus; Report of the affaires and state of Ge by Ascham. Roger. 1515-1568., 1904-01-01
  4. Letters of Roger Ascham by Maurice Hatch, 1989-07
  5. Toxophilus: 1545 (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies) by Roger Ascham, 2004-01
  6. English works: by Roger Ascham 1515-1568 Wright William Aldis [from old catalog] ed, 1904-12-31

61. Ian Russell - Interactive Science Ltd
Roger Ascham 15151568 (The Schoolmaster, l570). One looks back with appreciationto the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our kit.htm
Latest News Services offered Mini-interactives Custard ... A Science Communicator's Quotation Kit Talk to me! UK phone/fax
A science communicator's quotation kit Instant erudition arranged by Ian Russell Some of these are my own discoveries,
others were simply stolen from other collectors.
Take what you want ! Praise up the humanities, my boy. That will make them think you are broad-minded.
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
Last updated: December 2004 Hands-on Nihil in intellectu quod non prius in sensu
There is nothing in the mind that has not been previously in the senses.
Anonymous One must learn by doing the thing; though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.
Sophocles 495-406 BC The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.
Jacob Bronowski 1908-1974 Look for knowledge not in books but in things themselves.
William Gilberd 1540-1603
(A descendant of has emailed me to point out that the correct spelling is Gilberd, not Gilbert.) I love fools' experiments. I am always making them.

62. The Nature Of Mathematics And Mathematicians
Roger Ascham, (15151568) In EGR Taylor, Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor andStuart England, Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1954.
The Nature of Mathematics and Mathematicians
It is the perennial youthfulness of mathematics itself which marks it off with a disconcerting immortality from the other sciences. Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960) Among the minor, yet striking characteristics of mathematics, may be mentioned the fleshless and skeletal build of its propositions; the peculiar difficulty, complication, and stress of its reasonings; the perfect exactitude of its results; their broad universality; their practical infallibility. Charles Sanders Peirce, (1839-1914) "The Essence of Mathematics" in J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956. Mathematics is written for mathematicians. Nicholaus Copernicus, (1473-1543) De Revolutionibus. Mathematics is the science which uses easy words for hard ideas. E. Kasner, and J. Newman, Mathematics and the Imagination, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940. In great mathematics there is a very high degree of unexpectedness, combined with inevitability and economy. Godfrey H. Hardy, (1877 - 1947) A Mathematician's Apology, London, Cambridge University Press, 1941. Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost. Rigour should be a signal to the historian that the maps have been made, and the real explorers have gone elsewhere. W.S. Anglin, "Mathematics and History", Mathematical Intelligencer, v. 4, no. 4.

63. Education Books On CD ROM, From B&R Samizdat Express
Reveries of a Schoolmaster by Francis Pearson; Science and Education, Essaysby Thomas Huxley; The Scholemaster by Roger Ascham (15151568)
Skip the explanation and go straight to the table of contents This Web page shows the table of contents of our Education CD, with 60 books. Internal links will take you to the various sections, but you cannot get to the books themselves here on the Web. For that you need the CD. Questions? If Richard Seltzer, who created this CD, is online now, you can chat with him immediately by clicking on his photo (below). If he is offline, you can send you an email by clicking on his photo. Intended for use with Windows PCs, this CD, with 60 books in plain text format, is available for $19 at our online store. For details about this publishing service, check the readme document. You can contact us at, Teachers' and Students' Guide: Suggestions on how to get the most out of your books on CD ROM If you would like to have your PC (with speakers) read these texts aloud to you, while they are displayed in text on the screen, see below about the free ReadPlease software that we have included on this CD. These books are in plain text format. You can copy them onto your hard drive for convenience, or make an archival copy of the CD, as backup in case of damage to the original. You can open these books by clicking on the titles in this index page with your Web browser or a recent Windows-based word processor. We publish plain text books (unencrypted) on CD, and we want to provide a simple way for customers and other interested people to share their insights into how to get the most out of this new way of reading and studying. To do so we have set up an email discussion group at Yahoo. All are welcome to join and to post here, but I'll manage this group in "moderated" style, filtering messages before they go out to the whole group, to control the volume of the messages and to make sure that they are on-topic. Tips and information that would be helpful to people you have plain text books on CD are welcome including examples of how you are using yours, suggestions for improvement, suggestions for future CDs, and useful/interesting texts found on the Web that should be included in future CDs. To subscribe, go to the discussion group Web site at

64. Essays On CD, From Seedy Press Books On CD, B&R Samizdat Express
Roger Ascham (15151568). The Scholemaster. Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626).The Advancement of Learning; Essays. Of Truth; Of Death; Of Unity in Religion
Skip the explanation and go straight to the table of contents This Web page shows the table of contents of our Essays CD, with the full text of 170 classic books of essays, from Plutarch and Cicero to Montaigne and Emerson. On the CD itself, there's a link for each book that opens that book. On this Web page only the internal, navigation links work. Questions? If Richard Seltzer, who created this CD, is online now, you can chat with him immediately by clicking on his photo (below). If he is offline, you can send you an email by clicking on his photo. Intended for use with Windows PCs, this Essay CD with 170 classic books of essays in plain text form sells for $19 at our online store. For details about this publishing service, check the readme document. You can contact us at, Teachers' and Students' Guide: Suggestions on how to get the most out of your books on CD ROM If you would like to have your PC (with speakers) read these texts aloud to you, while they are displayed in text on the screen, see below about the free ReadPlease software that we have included on this CD. These books are in plain text format. You can copy them onto your hard drive for convenience, or make an archival copy of the CD, as backup in case of damage to the original. You can open these books by clicking on the titles in this index page with your Web browser or a recent Windows-based word processor. We publish plain text books (unencrypted) on CD, and we want to provide a simple way for customers and other interested people to share their insights into how to get the most out of this new way of reading and studying. To do so we have set up an email discussion group at Yahoo. All are welcome to join and to post here, but I'll manage this group in "moderated" style, filtering messages before they go out to the whole group, to control the volume of the messages and to make sure that they are on-topic. Tips and information that would be helpful to people you have plain text books on CD are welcome including examples of how you are using yours, suggestions for improvement, suggestions for future CDs, and useful/interesting texts found on the Web that should be included in future CDs. To subscribe, go to the discussion group Web site at

65. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors A-Az
Ascham, Roger(15151568). The Scholemaster - HTML at Oregon (Gutenberg).Asconius. In Ciceronis Orationes Commentarii - English (On Pro Milone) (at Prof.
web hosting domain names photo sharing
The Mad Cybrarian's Library
Authors A-Az
A'Beckett, Gilbert: Abbey, James: Abbot, Waldo: Abbot, David P. : Abbott, Edwin A.

66. Pennen - Geert Bonamie - Cursussen & Besprekingen
Roger Ascham (15151568). - Ascham continued in the same tradition, trying toenrich the English language - Toxophilus (1545) * an early work of Ascham
Content Ch 1 Middle Ages Ch 2 Renaissance Ch 3 Neoclassical Age Ch 4 Romantic Age Ch 5 Victorian Age Ch 6 Twentieth Century content start opmerkingen men zegge het voort ... spread the word
The Renaissance (1500-1660)
PROSE intro More Elyot - Ascham - Lyly ROGER ASCHAM (1515-1568) - Ascham continued in the same tradition, trying to enrich the English language
* an early work of Ascham
* is at first not a book you would use for a discussion of English prose: it is a treatise on archery, advocating the use of the longbow as a means of physical training.
* at the same time it is a plea for the use of English instead of Latin. He wanted to demonstrate that it is possible for a writer to express himself clearly, properly and correctly in English.
* in this work Ascham actually practised what he preached: the work has a certain balance in writing, as well as a colloquial strength: written in elegant, clear, exact language.
The Scholemaster
* another treatise on education, in which he called for a new method of teaching Latin in schools, of what he calls a more humane manner of teaching Latin.

67. Project Gutenberg: Authors List
Ascham, Roger, 15151568. Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848. Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn, 1857-1948. Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948 AKA Lin,
This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

68. A Study Of Attitudes Towards Corporal Punishment As An Educational Procedure Fro
Roger Ascham (15151568) is an outstanding example of those people who are sofar ahead of their time, that only later generations can appreciate their
A Study of Attitudes Towards Corporal Punishment as an Educational Procedure From the Earliest Times to the Present by Robert McCole Wilson
table of contents

3.5 England to the 18th Century
While the political, economic and other social changes in England were tremendous between 1500 and 1800, little change occurred in the methods of controlling the child; the rod was as much the agent of motivation and discipline in 1800 as it had been in the Middle Ages. Public opinion towards cruelty in all its forms changed little, and the attitudes of the clergy, as moral leaders, continued to support this view.
In the plays of William Shakespeare (1564-1616) we see a reflection of the attitudes of the time.
Take the correction mildly. Kiss the rod. (King Richard II, Act V, Sc 1)
Fie, fie! How wayward is this foolish love, That like a testy babe, will scratch the nurse and presently all humbled, kiss the rod. (Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act I, Sc. I)
There is general acceptance of corporal punishment as a usual method of gaining obedience, and an expectation that the victim will, after the event, be grateful that he has been corrected while bearing no hard feelings.
The attitude of John Brinsley (1585-1665) seems to be typical of the time. In his

69. Author Index
Ascham, Roger, 15151568 Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848 Atherton, Gertrude FranklinHorn, 1857-1948 Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948 AKA Lin,
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Select the letter the authors surname begins with, or below in the editors and compilers index, to go to the listing of authors with this letter and then click on the authors name to see information on the author and what books they are known to have written. there are a number of authors with the same name, and in those cases the lifespan dates will help. Let us know of any errors you see.
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Editors and compilers
A B C D ... Z
Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934
Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A
Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803

70. Mathematical Quotes
Roger Ascham (15151568) in EGR Taylor, Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor andStuart England, Cambridge University Press, 1954.
Up to Home Humour Quotes Site Map ... Text version
Mathematical Quotes
From Frank Wikstrom's Mathematical Quotes
  • A man whose mind has gone astray should study mathematics.
    Francis Bacon
  • Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad and theology makes them sinful.
    Martin Luther
  • In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.
    Johann von Neumann
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language and forthwith it is something entirely different.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Maxims and Reflexions, 1829) Mathematician are a species of Frenchmen: if you say something to them they translate it into their own language and presto! it is something entirely different Goethe [Source of quote unknown, quoted in Chapter 3 of Pi in the Sky by John D. Barrow] From Raven's Memorable Quotes from Alt.Sysadmin.Recovery
  • Two of my imaginary friends reproduced once ... with negative results. Ben (float)
... More quotes from alt.sysadmin.recovery in Microsoft Forlorn and Computing Quotes Quotes from the Mathematical Quotation Server
  • The cowboys have a way of trussing up a steer or a pugnacious bronco which fixes the brute so that it can neither move nor think. This is the hog-tie, and it is what Euclid did to geometry.

71. Chaucer To Spenser: An Anthology - Book Contents
Roger Ascham (15151568). From Toxophilus, or, The School of Shooting. From TheSchoolmaster. 44. A Mirror fro Magistrates (1563).

Arnold, Matthew, 18221888 Arthur, TS (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885 Ascham, Roger,1515-1568 Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945 Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912
Alphabetical List A B C D ... Library

73. Chapter Arnold to Ashmole Of A By Biographical Dictionary Of English Lite
Ascham, Roger (15151568).—Didactic writer and scholar son of John Ascham,house-steward in the family of Lord Scrope, was born at Kirby Wiske, Yorkshire,
Arnold to Ashmole Arnold, Matthew q.v .), was born at Laleham and educated at Rugby, Winchester, and Balliol Coll., Oxford, becoming a Fellow of Oriel in 1845. Thereafter he was private secretary to Lord Lansdowne, Lord President of the Council, through whose influence he was in 1851 appointed an inspector of schools. Two years before this he had published his first book of poetry, The Strayed Reveller Empedocles on Etna Poems Poems, 2nd Series Merope New Poems q.v On Translating Homer (1861 and 1862), On the Study of Celtic Literature Essays in Celtic Literature 2nd Series Culture and Anarchy St. Paul and Protestantism Literature and Dogma God and the Bible Last Essays on Church and Religion Mixed Essays Irish Essays (1882), and Discourses in America Arnold, Thomas History of Rome (three vols. 1838-42), and his Lectures on Modern History . He died suddenly of angina pectoris in the midst of his usefulness and growing influence. His life, by Dean Stanley ( q.v .), is one of the best works of its class in the language. Ascham, Roger

74. Encyklopedia: Ascham Roger
Ascham Roger (ok. 15151568), humanista i pisarz angielski. Nauczyciel królowejElzbiety I, wykladal greke na uniwersytecie w Cambridge,haslo.html

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Ascham Roger
Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Historia nowo¿ytna Ascham Roger (ok. 1515-1568), humanista i pisarz angielski. Nauczyciel królowej El¿biety I, wyk³ada³ grekê na uniwersytecie w Cambridge. Przyczyni³ siê w du¿ym stopniu do wprowadzenia do literatury... widzisz tylko tre¶ci has³a chcesz zobaczyæ resztê? dostêp do pe³nej wersji encyklopedii SMS tylko 3,66 z³ z VAT Wpisz kod: Dlaczego warto korzystaæ z WIEM?
  • WIEM w internecie to najlepszy i najszybszy sposób uzyskania informacji o ¶wiecie. WIEM w internecie to codziennie aktualizowana i najbardziej aktualna encyklopedia internetowa w Polsce! WIEM zawiera obszern± bazê bogato ilustrowanych hase³. W serwisie specjalna wyszukiwarka do mediów, notes i kalendarium.

75. University Libraries, Virginia Tech
Author, Ascham, Roger, 15151568. Publisher, Tempe, Ariz. Arizona Center forMedieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002. Location, NEWMAN
Keyword Title Author Subject Call No.
New Book List May 2003 (select month)
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B C ... Theses
G: Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation
Call: Title:
IT roadmap to a Geospatial Future / Committee on Intersections Between Geospatial Information and Information Author: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Intersecti Publisher: Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, 2003. Location: NEWMAN
Call: Title: Open source GIS : a grass GIS approach / by Markus Neteler, Helena Mitasova. Author: Neteler, Markus. Publisher: Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002. Location: NEWMAN
Call: Title: Socio-economic applications of geographic information science / editors David Kidner, Gary Higgs and Sean White. Publisher: Location: NEWMAN
Call: Title: Uncertainty in remote sensing and GIS / edited by Giles M. Foody and Peter M. Atkinson. Publisher: Chichester ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, c2002. Location: NEWMAN
Call: G77 T87 n:o 165 Title: CLIC : climate change and variability in northern Europe : Climate Change Symposium, held in Turku/Abo June 6-8th, 2 Publisher: Turku, Finland : Dept. of Geography, University of Finland, 2002.

76. Applied Linguistics
Roger Ascham (15151568). 1570 The Scholemaster. William Bath (Bateus) 1564-1614.Wolfgang Ratke 1571-1638. 1612 Memorial Didactic Principles
History of Foreign Languages Instructor : Molnár Erzsébet Semester Time BTAIT Location Course Description Course Policies Attendance. Active participation. Preparation for class. Plagiarism Grading Participation, Paper, Test, whatever Schedule Date Activity, Assignment, HISTORY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING
I. Basic dilemmas
  • Use of L1 versus not to use L1 Awareness versus intuition (learn or acquire) Forms versus functions
  • II. Arranging language content
  • Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Usage (pragmatics) All skills versus one skill Role of translation
  • III. ’Teaching style’
  • In the classroom-student participation Classroom control Error correction Feedback
  • Hierarchy of the method concept
    I. Step (item, technique) Eg. ’Reading aloud’; ’Fill in the gap’ II. Process Eg. dialogue exploitation III. Method A finite number of steps in which the arranged language content and classroon teaching form are organically entwined to ensure the neccesary didactic phases for learning and acquisition. Language Teaching Theories A language teaching method or approach which contains scientifically congruent elements.

    77. HOEŒŸõ
    ? ?, Ascham, Roger, 15151568. ?, The English works of Roger Ascham containing, I. a report of the affairs of Germany, and the Emperor

    78. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library
    Toxophilus (1545) / Roger Ascham ; edited with notes and commentary by Peter E.Medine. Ascham, Roger, 15151568. Matheson Library Main Collection
    See Also Collections Subject Resources eJournals
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    Faculty of Arts
    Title Author Collection Call Number Interpreting quantitative data with SPSS / Rachad Antonius. Antonius, Rachad. Matheson Library Main Collection 005.369 S771 ANT 2003 Questions de littâerature lâegale : du plagiat, de la supposition d'auteurs, des supercheries qui ont rapport aux livres / Charles Nodier ; edition âetablie, prâesentâee et annotâee par Jean-Franðcois Jeandillou. Nodier, Charles, 1780-1844. Matheson Library Main Collection Community : seeking safety in an insecure world / Zygmunt Bauman. Bauman, Zygmunt. Berwick Library Ethical dimensions of health policy / edited by Marion Danis, Carolyn Clancy, Larry R. Churchill. Matheson Library Main Collection Sanders, Karen.

    79. - A -
    Translate this page come sono inadatte a servire al mondo.” Roger Ascham (1515-1568), in EGRTaylor, Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor and Stuart England.
    - A -
    - A -
    Amir D. Aczel, The mystery of the Aleph Douglas Adams (1952-2001), La vita, l'universo e tutto quanto Douglas Adams (1952-2001), La vita, l'universo e tutto quanto I numeri nei conti dei ristoranti all'interno dei ristoranti stessi non seguono le stesse leggi matematiche dei numeri scritti su un pezzo di carta in una qualunque altra parte dell'universo. Douglas Adams (1952-2001), La vita, l'universo e tutto quanto John Adams (1735-1826), lettera a Abigail Adams, 1780. Alfred Adler, "Mathematics and Creativity", The New Yorker Magazine Alfred W. Adler, "Mathematics and Creativity", The New Yorker Magazine Alfred W. Adler, "Mathematics and Creativity", The New Yorker Magazine Sant'Agostino (354-430), Sant'Agostino (354-430), De Magistro Il buon cristiano deve stare in guardia contro i matematici Sant'Agostino (354-430), Sant'Agostino (354-430), De libero arbitrio II, 8. Woody Allen (1935-), in Howard Eves, Return to Mathematical Circles , William Sherron Anglin (1949-), "Mathematics and History", Mathematical Intelligencer Defendit numerus: i numeri salvano.

    80. Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership
    Ascham, Roger, 15151568. Scholemaster or plaine and perfite way of teachyng Ascham, Roger, 1515-1568. Toxophilus the schole of shootinge contayned in


    Requesting Texts





    Suggestion Form

    Title Nomination Form
    ... Publication Request Form Items added, May 2003
  • A., L. T., fl. 1592. Masque of the League and the Spanyard discouered. wherein, 1. The League is painted forth in all her collours. 2. Is shown, that it is not lawfull for a subiect to arme himselfe against his king, for what pretence so euer it be. 3. That but few noblemen take part with the enemy: an aduertisement to them co[n]cerning their dutie. To my Lord, the Cardinall of Burbon. Faythfully translated out of the French coppie: printed at Toures by Iamet Mettayer, ordinarie printer to the king.
  • Account of the present persecution of the Church in Scotland in several letters.
  • Achilles Tatius (W.B., transl.). Most delectable and pleasaunt history of Clitiphon and Leucippe: written first in Greeke, by Achilles Statius, an Alexandrian: and now newly translated into English, by VV.B. Whereunto is also annexed the argument of euery booke, in the beginning of the same, for the better vnderstanding of the historie.
  • Allen, William, d. 1686.
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