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61. Annotations For David Hume Ariosto is Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) and the book in question is Orlando Furioso.Paragraph 10. catholic lower case spelling means all-embracing. http://www.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/phil of art/hume annotations.htm | |
62. Renaissance Epic Ludovico Ariosto (14741533) Creative Quotations Ariosto Lodovico AriostoCollection Catholic Encyclopedia LUDOVICO Ariosto Brief remarks on http://www.auburn.edu/~downejm/renaissance.html | |
63. Lodovico Ariosto 14741533. Narodil se v Reggiu jako syn zámeckého hejtmana, Ariosto psalsatiry v tercinách, do nich vetkal mnohé události ze svého ivota, http://www.crg.cz/literatura/Lodovico_Ariosto.html |
64. Modern Languages New Books February March April February 194 Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533. Orlando Furioso. Brescia, La scuola, 1968. 1968.855 V58DAm151 Amatangelo, Susan, 1967- Figuring women a thematic study of http://www.library.uiuc.edu/mdx/newbooks/summer05.htm | |
65. Pictures Catalogue - Cioranescu, Alexandre. L'Arioste En France [chart] : Des Or Series L Ecole roumaine en France. Publications ; II Subjects Ariosto, Lodovico,14741533. Orlando furioso. French literature History and criticism. http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-an9027910 | |
66. George Glazer Gallery - Eulogies Of Illustrious Italians Elogi di Dante Alighieri, di Angelo Poliziano, di Lodovico Ariosto, e di TorquatoTasso poet and humanist; Lodovico Ariosto (14741533), idealist poet; http://www.georgeglazer.com/prints/portraits/danteelogy.html | |
67. Pwpita Ariosto, Lodovico 1474-1533. tr. Peter Dean. Ingiustissimo Amor. Inequitable Love.tr. John Harington. Orlando furioso - I.1-10. Orlando furioso - I.1-10 http://www.brindin.com/pwpita.htm | |
68. NEW ACQUISITIONS - ITALIAN STUDIES Translate this page Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. Supposes (I suppositi) (1509). Ottawa DovehouseEditions, 1999. Perkins 852.3 A712, S959, 1999 http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/NewBooks/Italian/February_2004.htm | |
69. 02--Classics & Ancient Pieces Ariosto, Lodovico (14741533). Orlando Furioso. Roland in a Mad Fury. Begun in1505 and being revised from 1516 to 32. One of the most influential poems http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Divorce_Archive/02--Divorce_Science_& | |
70. The Ohio State University Libraries: Libraries And Collections Translate this page (Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533) Tutte le Opere di Ludovico Ariosto MAI PQ4566.A1 1964.University of Toronto Romance Series MAI PC13.T6 http://library.osu.edu/sites/wel/italser.html | |
71. An Armory Of Famous Writers Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) per fess, or an eagle displayed sabel crowned or,and pally of 6 azure and argent. Pompeo Litta, Famiglie Celebri Italiane http://www.heraldica.org/topics/famous/writers.htm | |
72. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Italian Literature In prose, Niccolò Machiavelli (14691527) and, in poetry Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533),are the master spirits of the age. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08245a.htm | |
73. Cornelis CORT - Allégories Le sujet dérive de la célèbre histoire épique Orlando Furioso (1532) du poèteitalien Lodovico Ariosto (14741533). Le livre X décrit le princesse http://www.ulg.ac.be/wittert/fr/flori/opera/cort/cort_oeuvre.html | |
74. Classical Music Dictionary Text by Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) Music by Charles Edward Ives, 1920 La fedemai non debbe esser corrotta, O data a un sol, O data anchor a cento, http://www.karadar.com/Lieder/ives_b.html | |
75. ARIOSTO, LODOVICO (1474-1533) - Online Information Article About ARIOSTO, LODOVI Ariosto, Lodovico (14741533) - Online Information article about Ariosto,Lodovico (1474-1533) http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/APO_ARN/ARIOSTO_LODOVICO_1474_1533_.html | |
76. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ A Archimedes Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533 Aristophanes, ca. 446-ca. 385 BC Aristotle, 384-322 BC Armour, Agatha Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 1769-1860 http://www.globusz.com/authors_a1.html | |
77. Várkonyi Nándor: Az írás és A Könyv Ariosto, Lodovico (14741533) 366, 400. Arisztomenész 201. Arisztophanész (Kr.e. 450 k.-385 k.) 201, 337. Arisztophanész Büzantiosz (Kr. e. 257-180 k.) 192 http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/muvtort/varkonyi/html/betu.htm | |
78. UCLA Library Special Collections Renouard Index To The Aldine Collection Translate this page 13313, 1545, Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. 13314, 1545, Colonna, Francesco,d.1527. 13415, 1545, Leon, Hebreo, b. ca.1460. 13416, 1545, Lettere volgari. http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/special/scweb/rendex.htm | |
79. FBN - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional - Catálogos (Catálogo De Obras Raras) Translate this page 1/1, Autoria Ariosto, Lodovico, clique aqui para ver as obras deste autorno Catálogo de Autoridades de Nomes 1474-1533. Título http://catalogos.bn.br/scripts/odwp032k.dll?t=bs&pr=obrasraras_pr&db=obrasraras& |
80. GENERAL COLLECTION MANUSCRIPT MISCELLANY expand/contract this heading Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533 expand/contractthis heading ARLISS, GEORGE, 1868-1946 expand/contract this heading http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.genmisc1.nav.html | |
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