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61. 19th-Century Girls' Series If you find errors or would like to suggest ADDITIONAL authors or texts forinclusion here, please email me. (But please don t email to ask the value of http://www.readseries.com/ | |
62. Authors, Roles And Publication Order The site will allow up to 12 coauthors. Click Next to add ADDITIONAL authors.You will receive a confirmation message each time you add an author. http://journaltool.asme.org/Help/AuthorHelp/WebHelp/Submissions/Adding_Authors.h |
63. Search Tips We identify the name listed first on the title page as the author. Others appearas ADDITIONAL authors and are included when you search by author s name. http://www.planning.org/bookservice/searchtips.htm | |
64. PTSD Research Quarterly // National Center For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder index lists Research Quarterly articles alphabetically by first author.Although names of ADDITIONAL authors are shown, they do not appear as index entries. http://www.ncptsd.va.gov/publications/rq/rq_authors.html | |
65. Interface 2003 Abstract Submission ADDITIONAL Authors (optional). Author 2 Name Affiliation email. Author 3Name Affiliation e-mail. Author 4 Name Affiliation e-mail http://www.galaxy.gmu.edu/interface/I03/I2003WebPage/abssubm.html | |
66. Author Links Links to ADDITIONAL Authors. Return to Home Page Elaine Hopper Shannah Biondine Marion Marshall Marilyn Grall Joanie MacNeil YL Harris http://www.geocities.com/sheril_us/pages/ncpauth.html | |
67. New Technologies From The USSR: Restoring Book Paper And Drying Water Wetted Boo The ADDITIONAL authors contributing to 2. Method 1 Restoring Book Paper by DryLeaf Casting are Dr. Adolph A. Leonovich, Head, Department of Cellulose http://aic.stanford.edu/sg/bpg/annual/v10/bp10-18.html | |
68. Grossmont College Authors their story and photo is showcased on this website. We encourage visitors tocheck back frequently as ADDITIONAL authors profiles are added to the site. http://www.grossmont.edu/gc_authors/ | |
69. AuditNet Newsletter Pleier Corporation is still seeking ADDITIONAL authors to publish on CD and Pleier Corporation is looking for ADDITIONAL authors who have quality and http://www.auditnet.org/auditnet-l.htm | |
70. National Writing Project ADDITIONAL authors mentioned included Annie Dillard, Natalie Goldberg, RegieRoutman, Linda Rief, Deborah Meier, Michele Cossou, Lucy Calkins, Gwen Gong, http://www.writingproject.org/cs/nwpp/print/nwpr/172 | |
71. Courseware Contracts - Joint Owners ADDITIONAL Authors. Use commas to separate. Author s Street Address. Author sCity/State/Zip. Name of Institution. UT Arlington, UT Austin http://www.utsystem.edu/ogc/intellectualproperty/jto1.htm | |
72. Authors Guidelines if there are ADDITIONAL authors. Sample book citation Moore, T. and Shepherd, ST2001. Methods in DNA preparation. Academic Press. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/submit.asp?ref=0018-0661 |
73. Publications -- Immunohematology List ADDITIONAL authors by full name, degree, institution or department, city,and state (no zip code) or country, when applicable. http://www.redcross.org/pubs/immuno/infoauth.html | |
74. FDLI - Publications Proposed ADDITIONAL authors/editors . Shelflife of the Publication? (eg,immediate, 2-5 years, etc.) Similar publications already available? http://www.fdli.org/pubs/authors/author_form.html | |
75. LSI: Publication Policy ADDITIONAL offprints may be ordered at the authors s expense. Regardless ofchoice authors receive 1 copy of the issue in which their contributions appear. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/LSI/instruct.html | |
76. How Does ISITM Identify Highly Cited Researchers our analysis by underrepresenting the contribution of ADDITIONAL authors.For articles and books with a small number of authors, this would result in a http://www.isihighlycited.com/isi_copy/Comm_newse05.htm | |
77. Information For Authors al to show that there are ADDITIONAL authors (eg., Rather, ED et al ).Where the name of the author is unknown (eg., reference manuals) the name of the http://dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/forth/jfar/authors.html | |
78. About Native American Authors The website will continue to expand, adding ADDITIONAL authors, books and webresources. Full Text, Yes. Biography entries and bibliography. http://library.usask.ca/dbs/naa.html | |
79. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Hygiene -- Instructions For Authors To enter ADDITIONAL authors, enter the email address, salutation, first name,last name, institution, department name, country, city, and state of each http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/uoehauth.asp | |
80. UMHS Press Release: Compound From Chinese Medicine Shows Promise In Head And Nec ADDITIONAL authors were UM research assistants Bhavna Kumar Jason Castro, JuliaShinJung Lee and Jianyong Chen; former UM resident Douglas Trask, http://www.med.umich.edu/opm/newspage/2005/gossypol.htm | |
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