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41. Author Guidelines From Journal Of Chromatographic Science Journals first authors initials followed by the last name; ADDITIONAL authorslistedas they appear in the original workwith initials followed by last http://www.j-chrom-sci.com/authors.htm | |
42. Extracapsular Cataract Extraction Compared With Small Incision Surgery By Phacoe The affiliation for the 2 ADDITIONAL authors are Sunny Kaushal, Oxford EyeHospital Nicholas Wingate, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/85/7/822/DC1 | |
43. Field Definitions For The NMNH Fish Collection Database Describer of species Name of the author(s) that described the species. as two authors will be displayed on the citation page; ADDITIONAL authors (when http://www.nmnh.si.edu/vert/fishes/fishcat/fld-def.html | |
44. Suggest A Title For The Bibliography The Oregon Authors bibliography is compiled annually by the Oregon LibraryAssociation s Oregon Authors Committee, Are there ADDITIONAL authors? http://www.olaweb.org/or-authors/bib_suggest.html | |
45. ISV Community Center: Regional Director Publications ADDITIONAL Author(s) Christopher Miller, Brandon Bohling, Kevin Hoffman, ADDITIONAL Author(s) Steven Borg, Cole Francis, and Kenneth Wilcox http://msdn.microsoft.com/isv/rd/publications/default.aspx | |
46. ASSP 2006: Paper Preparation 3Page Paper The 3-page paper is a summary of the author s work and will be appear on the first page with all ADDITIONAL authors and their affiliations. http://www.osa.org/meetings/topicals/assp/presenter/prep/default.asp | |
47. OSHS 2004: Paper Preparation 1page PaperThe 1-page paper is a summary of the author s work. must appearon the first page with all ADDITIONAL authors and their affiliations. http://www.osa.org/meetings/topicals/oshs/presenter/prep/default.asp | |
48. Surgical Technology International Publications STI Issues List of Authors. Separate pages can be attached for ADDITIONAL authors, followingthe same format as above. ABSTRACT FORM http://www.ump.com/s-main-inst.htm | |
49. PREPARATION OF ABSTRACTS of first author; Names, affiliations, city, state, country of ADDITIONAL authors author and name, affiliation, city, state and country of ADDITIONAL http://www.his.com/~iedm/call/prep.html | |
50. Information For Authors Before preparing a manuscript, authors are advised to submit a detailed outline of name the first three and use et al to indicate ADDITIONAL authors. http://www.compophupdate.com/infoauthors.htm | |
51. FL&L @ MIT: Programs & Projects ADDITIONAL Authors María GonzálezAguilar Diana Bárzana Ana Beatriz ChiquitoMargarita Ribas Groeger. NEH Advisor Trisha Dvorak John Gutiérrez Wilga http://web.mit.edu/fll/www/projects/NoRecuerdo.html | |
52. FAQ - Copysite.com to fill out a Continuation Form (the Copyright Registration form has slotsfor three authors, for ADDITIONAL authors, you have the fill out a Form Con). http://copysite.coffeecup.com/faq/ | |
53. TFS Partner Author Information Teaching For Success is looking for ADDITIONAL authors to build its highlysuccessful Partner Author (PA) program. http://www.teachingforsuccess.com/Partnerships2/PartnerAuthor.html | |
54. Halfbakery: Multiple Authors ADDITIONAL Editing Feature Any author of record can use the regular edit commandto edit the idea or even to add still more authors, after the idea is http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Multiple_20authors | |
55. 20thCBrief ADDITIONAL 20th Century Literature References. Literaryhistory.com is continuallyexpanding coverage to ADDITIONAL authors, but there are many authors and http://www.literaryhistory.com/20thC/Groups/20thCBrief.htm | |
56. History Of British Authors And Classical Philosophy Syllabus The Gothic Literature Course considers ADDITIONAL authors and works Shakespeare,Mary Shelley, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Poe.) http://stjohns-chs.org/english/sl.html | |
57. InterJournal Manuscript Submission Author IDs, (Click here for ADDITIONAL authors) ADDITIONAL Author IDs (Ifthere are many authors consider registering group names for authors that http://www.interjournal.org/manuscript_submit.html | |
58. Ohio University Outlook: PAs 12-01-04 GutierrezRodriquez, was the senior author with ADDITIONAL authors, ADDITIONAL co-authors were Wanda Sue Rohrbaugh, Sherri Saines and Lorraine Wochna, http://www.ohiou.edu/outlook/people/pas/12-01-04.cfm | |
59. COMPSAC 2001 Registration Form For Authors, Speakers, And Session ADDITIONAL authors can register later.) For regular papers, $150 per page beyondthe 6th page for up to four ADDITIONAL pages (maximum 10 pages total) $90 http://www.cs.hku.hk/~compsac/cxAuthorRegis.txt |
60. Co-nect ADDITIONAL authors joining the literacy event include. Jim Burke, high schoolteacher and author of I Hear America Reading; Sharon Flake, author of The http://www.co-nect.net/article023.html | |
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