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21. Authors / Datatypes / Reference / 3.6 / Technical Manual / EZ Publish / Document Authors. Summary. Stores info about ADDITIONAL authors. This datatype allowsthe validation, storage and retrieval of ADDITIONAL authors. http://www.ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/reference/datatypes/authors | |
22. [ipac] Wrapping Additional Authors? ipac wrapping ADDITIONAL authors? Susan M. Johns suzyq@mail.pittstate.edu Fri,1 Mar 2002 101351 0600 (CST). Previous message ipac wrapping http://lists.tblc.org/pipermail/ipac/2002-March/000023.html | |
23. Avoiding Blog Burnout - Advanced Posting And Additional Authors: Blog Tips - Pro Of course having ADDITIONAL authors brings its own challenges but perhaps itsa work around for the problem. Whats your approach to weekends, http://www.problogger.net/archives/2005/04/18/avoiding-blog-burnout-with-advance | |
24. Jesuit Authors: Best-Selling Books At Online Catholic Bookstore If you would like to suggest ADDITIONAL authors, email webmaster of America,the online Catholic weekly. See also Catholic Bestsellers and Bestsellers by http://www.americamagazine.org/JesuitAuthors.cfm | |
25. Catholic Authors: Best-Selling Books By At Online Catholic Bookstore If you would like to suggest ADDITIONAL authors, email webmaster of America,the online Catholic weekly. See also Catholic Bestsellers and Jesuit Authors http://www.americamagazine.org/CatholicAuthors.cfm | |
26. PLoS Medicine: ELetters - Read Responses ADDITIONAL Authors nil. Submitted Date 05 June 2005 ADDITIONAL Authors DrJ Jaime Miranda Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellow London School of http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=read-response&doi=10.1371/jou |
27. PLoS Medicine: ELetters - Read Responses ADDITIONAL Authors Tetsuya Takakuwa. Submitted Date 19 October 2004 ADDITIONAL Authors None. Submitted Date 27 October 2004 http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=read-response&doi=10.1371/jou |
28. CVCO - Overbooked: Author Connections Response Form Robb White Thomas Zigal. + ADDITIONAL Authors. Bob Norris. + Reader s Advisory RA Links + RUSA/CODES Inspirational Fiction Lure of Romance http://www.overbooked.org/authors/ | |
29. NativeWeb Resources: Authors, Writers & Biographies The website will continue to expand, adding ADDITIONAL authors, books and webresources. More sites on www.ipl.org Native American Women Playwrights, 560 http://www.nativeweb.org/resources/literature/authors_writers_biographies/ | |
30. 2002/02/03 New Addition To NetConsole Authors Section The ability to have ADDITIONAL authors for your website is very useful for anumber of reasons. First, authors can be restricted on a directory basis http://support.internetconnection.net/SERVICE_ANNOUNCEMENTS/2003_02_03_New_Addit | |
31. NetConsole: Authors From Internet Connection Discusses how to create, modify and delete ADDITIONAL authors/users the Authorssection of your webbased control panel, the netConsole. http://support.internetconnection.net/TECHNICAL_REFERENCE/NETCONSOLE/Website_and | |
32. North American Spine Society - References from journals should include the first six authors (followed by etal for any ADDITIONAL authors) , the full title of the article, http://www.spine.org/tsj_instructions.cfm | |
33. Abstract Submission Form Please enter ADDITIONAL authors in the field below. List authors in the orderyou wish them to appear. Please include author information in the following http://www.ncsu.edu/project/submitabstract/ | |
34. Ms. Kilroy's Authors & Illustrators Of The Week We have written to these authors, and ALL of them have written back to the students, If you have any ADDITIONAL authors and addresses to add, http://www.superkidz.com/authors.html | |
35. AUTHOR'S GUIDE FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL OF ACM 2.5 ADDITIONAL Authors. 2.6 The Bibliography. 2.7 Appendix \ADDITIONALauthors{ADDITIONALauthors John Smith (The Th{\o}rv\ {a}ld Group, http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/fool/authors/sig-alternate-v1.htm | |
36. Reference Formats Last name first, followed by initials; ADDITIONAL authors are listed with initialspreceding their last names. Title. Italicized. Location of publication http://www.aiha.org/pubs/style6.html | |
37. Internet Public Library: Native American Authors although some historical authors are represented. The website will continueto expand, adding ADDITIONAL authors, books and web resources. http://www.ipl.org/div/natam/ | |
38. PON Clearinghouse: Curriculum Packages Lawrence Susskind and multiple ADDITIONAL authors. Teacher s package for a shortenvironmental justice negotiations unit, containing one article and two http://www.pon.org/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=15 |
39. Elsevier.com - Survey Of Ophthalmology Authors are required to disclose commercial or similar relationships to products name the first three, and use et al to indicate ADDITIONAL authors. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/600337/authorinstru | |
40. Elsevier.com - Cytokine Growth Factor Reviews To indicate ADDITIONAL authors, simply use et al . Supplementary files offerthe author ADDITIONAL possibilities to publish supporting applications, http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/868/authorinstructi | |
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