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81. School Of Social Work Library - New Books 06/2004 1235416 Addams, Jane, 18601935; Hull House (Chicago, Ill.) History; Women sInternational League for Peace and Freedom; Social reformers; Social problems http://atar.mscc.huji.ac.il/~library/jswjun4e.html | |
82. Scout Report Archives Addams, Jane, 18601935. (1 resource). Resources. Urban Experience in ChicagoHull-House and its Ne Sponsored by the Jane Addams Hull House Museum and http://scout.wisc.edu/Archives/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=30061 |
83. Jane Addams: Biography Of The Mother Of Modern Social Work Introduction Jane Addams 18601935. Jane Addams was a Nobel Peace Prize winnerand perhaps the most famous social worker from the United States. http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/lesbiansinhistory/p/JaneAddams.htm | |
84. Cobblestone Publishing - Teachers Guide Based On COBBLESTONE S The March 1999 issue of COBBLESTONE focuses on Jane Addams (18601935). Below aresome lesson plans for this issue. If your library does not subscribe to http://www.cobblestonepub.com/pages/teideaslessonJANEADDAMS.htm |
85. Jane Addams Jane Addams 1860 1935. Born on September 6, 1860, in Cedarville, Illinois, JaneAddams was the youngest of six children. Her father was a local miller and http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1666.html | |
86. Biography Of Jane Addams Jane Addams HullHouse Museum at the University of Illinois at Chicago The residents of Hull-House formed an impressive group Jane Addams, http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/ja_bio.html | |
87. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall Jane Addams (1860 1935) Jane Addams was one of the first generation ofAmerican women to attend college. After graduation, unmarried,she struggled to http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=6 |
88. Addams_Jane_il Jane Addams (1860 - 1935) (Laura) Jane Addams was born in Cedarville,Illinois as the eighth of nine children. Her parents, John and Sarah, http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/addams_jane_il.htm | |
89. Jane Addams: Biography, Picture And Quote Jane Addams. 1860 1935. In 1889 Jane Addams founded Hull House on Chicago sNear West Side which provided kindergarten and daycare facilities for children http://www.peacemakersguide.org/peace/Peacemakers/Jane-Addams.htm | |
90. Birthday Of Jane Addams (1860 - 1935) - Grateful Living Calendar US social worker; 1931 Nobel Peace Prize recipient; Women s Suffrage Movementleader; founder of Hull House, a care and education center serving the poor in http://www.gratefulness.org/calendar/detail.cfm?id=384&d=all |
91. Jane Addams - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Addams, Jane 1860 1935, American social worker active reformer throughout hercareer, Jane Addams was a leader in the womans suffrage. http://www.questia.com/search/jane-addams | |
93. Jane Addams Quotes - The Quotations Page Jane Addams (1860 1935) US social worker, sociologist, suffragist more authordetails Jane Addams, Speech, Honolulu (1933) http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Jane_Addams/ | |
94. Jane Addams - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Author Details Jane Addams (1860 1935). Full Name,Addams, Laura Jane. Biography, US pacifist, social worker, sociologist, http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Jane Addams |
95. WORDTHEQUE - Word By Word Multilingual Library Addams Jane (1860 1935). American social worker, b. Cedarville, Ill., grad.Rockford College, 1881. In 1889, with Ellen Gates Starr, she founded Hull http://www.wordtheque.com/pls/wordtc/new_wordtheque.w6_home_author.home?code_aut |
96. Alumna Jane Addams Laura Jane Addams (1860 1935) entered what was then Rockford Female Seminaryin 1877 and became the first graduate to receive a BAdegree from the newly http://www.rockford.edu/aboutrc/morejane.asp | |
97. Addams Jane Addams (1860 1935). Perhaps no other social worker has been more influentialin developing social works mission of fighting for social justice and http://www.boisestate.edu/socwork/dhuff/history/e-image/addams.htm | |
98. RepeatAfterUs.com - Jane Addams Contents Author Jane Addams, 1860 1935. 18 Texts. Memorable Quotes ( 18texts ), Difficulty Level. Action and Ethics Read by Ellie Wen, Beginning http://www.repeatafterus.com/author.php?f=Jane&l=Addams |
99. RepeatAfterUs.com -Jane Addams-Civilizationby Ellie Wen Contents Author Jane Addams Civilization, 1860 1935. Previous Next.Jane Addams Civilization, printer friendly version http://www.repeatafterus.com/title.php?i=5712 |
100. Addams Jane From FOLDOC Addams shared the 1931 Nobel Prize for peace. 2000); Mary Jo Deegan, JaneAddams and the Men of the Chicago School, 18921918 (Transaction, 1990). http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Addams Jane |
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