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61. Digital History Samuel Adams (17221803) was, in Thomas Jefferson s words, Samuel Adams sanimosity to arbitrary royal authority had deep personal roots. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/documents/documents_p2.cfm?doc=250 |
62. Intro To Samuel Adams 17221803. -. Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts on September 27,1722, and died in the same town October 2, 1803; after seeing the nation http://www.americademy.com/intro_to_samuel_adams.htm | |
63. Sam Adams-8 17221803. Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts on September 27, 1722,and died in the same town October 2, 1803; after seeing the nation which he http://www.americademy.com/sam_adams-8.htm | |
64. MSN Encarta - Adams, Samuel Adams, Samuel (17221803), American patriot, one of the leaders of resistance toBritish policy in Massachusetts before the http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569134/Adams_Samuel.html | |
65. Mrnussbaum.com - Samuel Adams Born/Died 17221803. Click here to see index of biographies. Samuel Adams wasan American revolutionary and organizer of the infamous Boston Tea Party. http://www.mrnussbaum.com/sadams.htm | |
66. MSN Encarta - Samuel Adams Boston Tea Party, role of Samuel Adams contribution to events leading to the Adams, Samuel (17221803), American patriot, one of the leaders of http://ca.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569134/Samuel_Adams.html | |
67. 2banana Samuel Adams (17221803), letter to Elbridge Gerry, October 29, 1775 Samuel Adams (1722-1803), in_Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the http://www.freerepublic.com/~2banana/ | |
68. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Adams, S To T Adams, Samuel (17221803) also known as The Tribune of the People ; TheCromwell of New England ; Determinatus ; The Psalm Singer ; Amendment Monger http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/adams8.html | |
69. The Political Graveyard: Adams Family Of Massachusetts Samuel Adams (17221803) also known as The Tribune of the People ; The Cromwellof New England ; Determinatus ; The Psalm Singer ; Amendment Monger ; http://politicalgraveyard.com/families/1001.html | |
70. Liberty's Kids . Archive . Samuel Adams WHO, Samuel Adams. 17221803. He was a cousin of John Adams. He was one of fourmen elected to represent the Massachusetts Bay Colony at the First and http://www.libertyskids.com/arch_who_sadams.html | |
71. Adams, Samuel (1722-1803), American Patriot, A Leader Of The Adams, Samuel (17221803), American patriot, a leader of the resistance to Britishpolicy before the American Revolution (1775-1783). http://library.thinkquest.org/27514/samuel.html | |
72. Chapter Second Half Of Eighteenth Century Of Index By Simonds History Of America Samuel Adams (17221803), tax collector of the town of Boston, was a voluminousessayist of whom a tory governor declared every dip of his pen stings http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270/1820/21947/1.html | |
73. The Gilder Lehrman Institute Of American History Author Adams, Samuel (17221803) Year 1772/07/16 Place Boston, MassachusettsType of document Autograph letter signed Quotation The Wretch who betrays http://www.gilderlehrman.org/search/display_results.php?id=GLC01215 |
74. Members Of Congress: Massachusetts Adams, John Quincy, 17671848. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803. ALLEN, Charles, 1797-1869.ALLEN, Charles Herbert, 1848-1934. ALLEN, Joseph, 1749-1827 http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/ma.html | |
75. Samuel Adams Image Samuel Adams (17221803) Important figure in the American Revolution and signedthe American Declaration of Independence. E. A Duyckinck, ed. http://www.dromo.info/adamssam.htm | |
76. Correspondence Of Thomas Jefferson / Addressee Listing / A-C Adams, Samuel (17221803) Leader in Massachustetts Assembly and early leader incall for independence from Britain. He was educated in the ancient classics http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/jefferson_1.html | |
77. John Adams -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article an organizer of the Boston Tea Party and signer of the Declaration ofIndependence (17221803)) Samuel Adams; it was rather as a constitutional lawyer http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_adams.htm | |
78. The Boston Historical Society And Museum Louisburg Square, south to Mt. Vernon Samuel Adams House Site 24 Winter St.The patriot and propagandist Samuel Adams (17221803) lived in a house on this http://www.bostonhistory.org/m_downtn.php | |
79. Fourth Of July And The Adams Family John Adams second cousin Samuel Adams (17221803), likewise a Revolutionarypatriot, helped organize the Sons of Liberty (1765), wrote articles for the http://gurukul.american.edu/heintze/Adams.htm | |
80. Adams, Samuel Estatu Batuetako Politikaria (1722-1803). Estatu Translate this page Adams, Samuel. Estatu Batuetako politikaria (1722-1803). Estatu Batuenindependentziaren alde borrokatu zen. http://www.donostia.org/euskara/entziklopedia.nsf/0/d91eaaab2e205d0fc1256c250035 |
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