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         Toxicology:     more books (100)
  1. Toxicology and Risk Assessment by Fan, 1995-11-15
  2. Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition by John A. Timbrell, 2008-11-18
  3. Food and Nutritional Toxicology by Stanley T. Omaye, 2004-03-15
  4. Fundamentals Of Aquatic Toxicology: Effects, Environmental Fate And Risk Assessment
  5. Principles and Practice of Mixtures Toxicology
  6. Computational Toxicology: Risk Assessment for Pharmaceutical and Environmental Chemicals (Wiley Series on Technologies for the Pharmaceutical Industry)
  7. Clinical Toxicology: Principles and Mechanisms, Second Edition by Frank A. Barile, 2010-02-15
  8. Toxicology: A Case-Oriented Approach by John Joseph Fenton, 2001-10-10
  9. Herbal Products: Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology (Forensic Science and Medicine)
  10. Occupational, Industrial, And Environmental Toxicology by Michael I. Greenberg MDMPHFACPMFAAEM, Richard J. Hamilton MD, et all 1997-05-01
  11. Principles Of Clinical Toxicology by Thomas A Gossel, J Douglas Bricker, 1994-06-30
  12. Toxicology Secrets by Louis Ling MDFACEPFACMT, Richard F. Clark MDFACEPFACMT, et all 2001-01-15
  13. Calpains: Pharmacology and Toxicology of a Cellular Protease
  14. Introduction to Biochemical Toxicology, 3rd Edition by Ernest Hodgson, Robert C. Smart, 2001-01-26

101. SpringerLink - Publication
Short articles pertaining to the scientific aspects of contaminants in the environment. Provides contents, abstracts, search and subscription information.
Articles Publications Publishers

Publication Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC ISSN: 0007-4861 (Paper) 1432-0800 (Online) Subject: Earth and Environmental Science Issues in bold contain content you are entitled to view. Volume 74 Number 5 / May 2005 Number 4 / April 2005 Number 3 / March 2005 Number 2 / February 2005 ... Number 1 / January 2005 Volume 73 Number 6 / December 2004 Number 5 / November 2004 Number 4 / October 2004 Number 2 / August 2004 ... Number 1 / July 2004 Volume 72 Number 6 / June 2004 Number 5 / May 2004 Number 4 / April 2004 Number 3 / March 2004 ... Number 1 / January 2004 Volume 71 Number 6 / December 2003 Number 5 / November 2003 Number 4 / October 2003 Number 3 / September 2003 ... Request a sample Volume 70 Number 6 / June 2003 Number 5 / May 2003 Number 4 / April 2003 Number 3 / March 2003 ... Number 1 / January 2003 Volume 69 Number 6 / December 2002 Number 5 / November 2002 Number 4 / October 2002 Number 3 / September 2002 ... Number 1 / July 2002 Volume 68 Number 6 / June 2002 Number 5 / May 2002 Number 4 / March 2002 Number 3 / March 2002 ... Number 1 / January 2002 Volume 67 Number 6 / December 2001 Number 5 / November 2001 Number 4 / October 2001 Number 3 / September 2001 ... Number 1 / June 2001 Jump to volumes: Most Recent 66 to 59 58 to 56 First page
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102. ISRTP Home Page
The International Society of Regulatory toxicology and Pharmacology.
about us members' room achievement award upcoming events ... sponsors UPCOMING MEETINGS PAST MEETINGS
  • ISRTP Workshop
    Progress and Barriers To Incorporating Alternative Toxicological Methods
    in the U.S.
    Marriott Waterfront Hotel
    Baltimore, MD
    Plan to attend the next ISRTP Council Meeting
    September 20, 2005.
    Email for details
COUNCIL MEETING NEWS The first regularly scheduled Council meeting of 2005 opened with the new Officers and Council members of 2005/2006 in attendance and Dr. Burdock gave a brief overview of the Society for the new members. The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of an award plaque to Terry Quill, our outgoing president who dedicated two years to the Society and has promised another two years as the past-president. He did an outstanding job and will be remembered for his hard work. Presented to Terry F. Quill
President of ISRTP for 2003 and 2004 In recognition and appreciation
of his leadership and dedication to the advancement of ISRTP, and the unique enthusiasm, optimism, and warm personal touch that have highlighted and distinguished his tenure.

103. Scantox - Experts In Toxicology And Pharmacology.
Offers a wide range of toxicology and pharmacology testing in minipigs and other species. Scantox performs routine and specialised tests, including dermal and inhalation studies, genotoxicity and reproductive toxicity.
Toxicology and pharmacology services
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Scantox is a non-clinical CRO specializing in a wide range of toxicology and pharmacology services. Specialty areas include the use of the minipig in non-rodent toxicology and teratology, inhalation and continuous infusion studies in non-rodents (including minipigs), use of transgenic mice in carcinogenicity testing, dermal toxicology, and medical device testing


105. WSLH Environmental Health Division
Specializes in analytical chemistry and environmental biology. Provides information and resources on Occupational Health, Environmental Sciences and toxicology.
WSLH Ehd Index
  • Bioaerosols ...
    List of experts - Secure

    Welcome to the Environmental Health Division of the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene. This division occupies the State Laboratory's Agriculture Drive facility. As part of the University of Wisconsin, the laboratory is operated by faculty, academic staff and professional chemists and biologists. The laboratory specializes in analytical chemistry and environmental biology. The Environmental Health Division consists of three main sections - Occupational Health, Environmental Sciences and Toxicology.
    Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: 2601 Agriculture Drive
    Madison WI 53718
    Phone: 608-224-6202
    Fax: 1-608-224-6213
    Contact Legal Notices Acceptable Use
  • 106. CONNECTED
    Resource for pollutants, carcinogens, with divisions working on food, pulmonary, environmental, neurotoxicology and carcinogenesis.

    107. Pharmacology And Toxicology
    Atlanta (US); Introduction to Applied toxicology Edinburgh (UK); Guidelines for the interpretation of analytical toxicology results and unit of
    search search staff sitemap

    108. Information, Pharmacology, Toxicology
    Information on toxicology, drug interactions, toxicity and adverse reactions. Part of the ALtruis Biomedical Network.
    Healthcare professionals and scientists have carefully prepared this ALtruis Biomedical Network-affiliated site, intended for informational purposes only
    Examples Fetal toxicity In vitro testing
    Toxicology studies unwanted effects of chemical or physical agents, including drugs and pollutants on living organisms. There are many branches of toxicology including those that focus on the toxicity to a specific organ system or on issues associated with food safety, metal toxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicology, regulatory toxicology, occupational health, forensic toxicology, epidemiology (the study of populations to determine the frequency and distribution of disease and measure risks), and cancer development. Some of these specialties are described below.
    All drugs have the potential to produce unwanted and toxic effects. The scope of undesired effects is broad. Some are only bothersome, like dry mouth, while others are life threatening. The potential for toxicity is accessed during the development of all new drugs. If narrow margin exists between an effective dose and a toxic dose, the drug generally requires close monitoring. A blood test may be used to determine if the drug is present at a therapeutic concentration or may be used to assess the effect of the drug on certain targets of toxicity.
    Due to factors such as age, genetic variations and the presence of disease, toxic doses among individuals may vary. Active research is currently underway in the area of pharmacogenetics that aims to identify generic variations that exists among the population and how these variations affect drug response and toxicity. This research will translate into tests that will assist drug and dose selection, thus tailoring drug therapy for a given individual.

    109. Marine Environmental Research
    publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes. Published by Elsevier.
    Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Marine Environmental Research Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Peer review policy For Authors Guide for authors Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
    John Widdows, R Spies

    See editorial board for all editors information
    Click here to view the latest Ocean News

    Related Links: Ocean News

    Marine Environmental Research publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes. Submission of multidisciplinary studies is encouraged. Studies that utilize experimental approaches to clarify the roles of anthropogenic and natural causes of changes in marine ecosystems are especially welcome, as are those studies that represent new developments of a theoretical or conceptual aspect of marine science. All papers published in this journal are reviewed by qualified peers prior to acceptance and publication. Examples of topics considered to be appropriate for the journal include, but are not limited to, the following:
    Comments and Proposals : Elsevier also publishes books in this area. If you have a suggestion for a book topic or would like to submit a book proposal, please contact Christiane Barranguet:

    110. Toxicology (Poisons) - Veterinary Medicine
    Veterinary toxicology toxins, animal poisoning, adverse drug reactions.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zfs=0;zCMt='a75' About Veterinary Medicine Toxicology (Poisons) Veterinary Medicine Essentials Find it here! Cat Diseases A - Z ... The Viewer Viewpoint zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Anatomy Breeds Diseases and Conditions Loss and Grief ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Toxicology (Poisons)
    Veterinary Toxicology - toxins, animal poisoning, adverse drug reactions.
    Recent What Makes Chocolate Toxic To Pets, And What Are The Signs Seen With Toxicity? Chocolate is a popular treat all year round. Care must be taken when animals are around, though. Chocolate can be toxic, and sometimes even fatal, for animals. Dogs are most commonly affected, due to their ability to find it and the common 'sweet tooth' they seem to have. It is important to remember that cats and other species are susceptible to the toxic effects of chocolate, too. How to recognize potential poisoning, what to do in an emergency, and how to poison-proof for your pet.

    111. Environmental And Molecular Toxicology
    Includes announcements, faculty, collaborative programs, graduate and undergraduate programs, seminar schedule and alumni information for this program.
    EMT Department
    1007 ALS Bldg.
    Corvallis, Oregon
    Phone: 541-737-3791
    Fax: 541-737-0497
    • The department emphasizes advancement and application of science and technology to raise environmental quality and human health to the highest attainable level. Research focuses on life sciences and environmental quality: especially as it relates to protection of human health, food systems, and natural resources. The understanding faculty gain from the creation and integration of new knowledge promotes excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as extended education programs.

    112. Home Page
    Psychiatric consultation and litigation services for civil and criminal matters, including violent behavior, criminal responsibility, suicide, and behavioral toxicology. Mesa, Arizona.
    Amezcua-Patino Behavioral Health Consulting Experts
    Please call or e-mail me with your questions "The connection between Psychiatry and the Law" Welcome to our website. For several years now, we have been available to the legal and medical communities, both locally and nationally, with high quality forensic and administrative Behavioral Health Consulting services. We strive to provide the highest quality, balanced, objective, and scientifically based consulting, to facilitate the understanding of forensic psychiatric issues in both civil and criminal cases, the development of behavioral health services, the development of legislative proposals, the administration of psychiatric services, or the direct provision of clinical services. We have particular expertise in Criminal Psychiatric Matters, Addiction and Chemical Dependency issues, and Sexual Offenders. Again, Welcome and enjoy your visit.

    113. European Journal Of Genetic Toxicology
    The European Journal of Genetic toxicology is an online journal published by the European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS).
    UKEMS Top Issues About the Journal Types of Manuscript Submission of Manuscripts
    This page has had visitors since June '99 About the Journal
    The European Journal of Genetic Toxicology is an on-line journal published by the European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS). The European Journal of Genetic Toxicology is an international multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together research and overviews of research and regulatory activities into the mechanisms of action and consequences of exposure of living organisms to genotoxic chemicals and radiations. Types of Manuscript
    A variety of manuscripts are published in the European Journal of Genetic Toxicology including:
    • Original articles reporting the results of fundamental and molecular studies investigating the genotoxicity of environmental chemicals. Guidelines for mutagenicity testing of environmental chemicals Results and Conclusions of Genotoxicity Testing Programmes the journal can store all the data from comparative and inter-laboratory studies. Abstracts of meetings the journal will publish the abstracts of meetings of the European Environmental Mutagen Society and any affiliated societies. Abstracts may be published both before or after meetings.

    114. Tamarac Medical, Inc.
    Located in Denver, Colorado. About this toxicology lab specializing in economical blood lead and cadmium testing for children and industry workers.
    We're sorry. This site makes extensive use of FRAMES. If you are reading this, your browser does not support FRAMES. We do not currently have a "FRAME-LESS" site available.

    115. Toxicology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    toxicology (from the Greek words toxicon and logos) is the study of the As Paracelsus, the father of modern toxicology said, dose determines the
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Toxicology (from the Greek words toxicon and logos ) is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. It is the study of symptoms, mechanisms, treatments and detection of biological poisoning , especially the poisoning of people. The chief criterion regarding the toxicity of a chemical is the dose, i.e. the amount of exposure to the substance. It's safe to say that almost all substances are toxic under the right conditions. As Paracelsus , the father of modern toxicology said, "dose determines the poison". Paracelsus, who lived in the 16th century was the first person to explain the dose response relationship of toxic substances. Many substances regarded as poisons are toxic only indirectly. An example is "wood alcohol" or methanol , which is not poisonous itself, but is chemically converted to toxic formaldehyde in the liver . Many drug molecules are made toxic in the liver, a good example being acetaminophen (paracetamol), especially in the presence of alcohol . The genetic variability of certain liver enzymes makes the toxicity of many compounds differ between one individual and the next. Because demands placed on one liver enzyme can induce activity in another, many molecules become toxic only in combination with others. A family of activities that engages many toxicologists includes identifying which liver enzymes convert a molecule into a poison, what are the toxic products of the conversion and under what conditions and in which individuals this conversion takes place.

    116. Page Not Found Or Moved
    The Centre, which has strong national and international networks, has been formed to blend multidisciplinary expertise to provide the highest standards of research in wildlife, invertebrate and veterinary toxicology, ecotoxicology along with services for industry, national regulatory and regional authorities.
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    117. Reviews In Toxicology
    Consolidation of publications in toxicology communications; biochemical, environmental, pesticide and in vivo toxicology and risk assessment.
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    Reviews in Toxicology

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    IOS Press
    Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Tel.: +31 20 688 3355, Fax: +31 20 687 0039

    Google Directory Science Biology toxicologySearch only in toxicology Search the Web Science Biology toxicology, Go to Directory Home Medical toxicology (5), Methods and Techniques (5)

    119. PRIMARY SPLASH PAGE: Center For Toxicology
    Graduate programs including superfund and toxigenomics, links to poison and drug information, and others at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicolgy,
    Center for Toxicology About the Center Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center The Superfund Basic Research Program The NIEHS Training Grant ... Information about the Center More information about our Arizona Board of Regents Center of Excellence. Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center An NIEHS funded center for environmental toxicology research. The Superfund Basic Research Program An NIEHS funded project studying problems associated with toxic wastes. The NIEHS Training Grant Provides financial support for the education of the next generation of researchers in toxicology. University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Center for Toxicology TOP
    Center for Toxicology
    University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Room 244
    PO Box 210207, Tucson, AZ, USA 85721-0207



    Last update: March 14, 2002
    Page Content: Tox Center Info
    Webmaster: Mike Kopplin

    120. Experts In: Toxicology
    Expert 722674, Developmental and Reproductive toxicology Study Protocol Design, Data Evaluation, Expert 108291, Neurophysiology/Environmental toxicology

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