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81. Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences :: Wayne State University Research on the short and long-term effects of chemicals on human, animal and plant life. http://www.wayne.edu/ict | |
82. EMedicine Emergency Medicine : TOXICOLOGY - Online Medical Textbooks And Physici eMedicine features upto-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical journals, online physician reference textbooks, and a full-text article database in 62 http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/TOXICOLOGY.htm | |
83. 7th International Symposium Concentrated on the science of eutrophication and hypoxia, as they affect both freshwater and marine fishes. http://water.montana.edu/symposium/ | |
84. Dr. Staci Simonich Research Lab Laboratory focuses on Atmospheric transport and deposition. Site includes research, publications, and photos. http://www.emt.orst.edu/simonich/ |
85. Toxicology Labs, Inc. Of Omaha, NE Testing services and expert testimony for drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse, from a board certified forensic toxicologist. http://www.toxlabsomaha.com/ | |
86. FDA/CFSAN - FDA Poisonous Plant Database A listing of papers of scientific information about the animal and human toxicology of vascular plants of the world. From the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~djw/plantox.html | |
87. MSU Toxicology The home page of the Center for Integrated toxicology at Michigan State University. http://www.iet.msu.edu/ | |
88. Environmental Diseases Expert Witness Services Internal Medicine Expert Case Stu Providing forensic examination, analysis, and expert testimony for environmental toxicology, pharmacology, drug and alcohol abuse, internal medicine, and nephrology. http://www.environmentaldiseases.com/ | |
89. MedlinePlus: Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health Topics Poisoning, toxicology, Environmental Health Topics. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/poisoningtoxicologyenvironmentalhealth.html | |
90. A Relational Database Of Hazardous Chemicals And Occupational Diseases Occupational medicine toxicology database to assist in the recognition of diseases caused by hazardous chemicals. http://www.haz-map.com/ | |
91. TOXNET: Toxicology Data Network Fact Sheet TOXNET® toxicology Data Network. Return to Web Version Printerfriendly Version TOXNET (toxicology Data NETwork) is a cluster of databases covering http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/toxnetfs.html | |
92. ALTBIB: Bibliography On Alternatives To Animal Testing Bibliography assists in identifying methods and procedures helpful in supporting the development, testing, application, and validation of alternatives to the use of vertebrates in biomedical research and toxicology testing. http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/altbib.html | |
93. World-Wide Web Resources - Toxicology Annual Review of Pharmacology and toxicology, from Annual Reviews. Institute for Environmental toxicology, from Michigan State University. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/toxicology.html | |
94. ULM College Of Pharmacy Along with a Pharm.D. degree, ULM offers the rare B.S.Pharmacy degree, as well as a B.S. in toxicology. http://rxweb.ulm.edu/pharmacy/ | |
95. HealthWeb : Toxicology: Associations Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and toxicologyThe Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and toxicology is staffed by clinical scientists with interests in a number of areas including http://www.healthweb.org/browse.cfm?subjectid=91 |
96. LIMCO International - Limnology Consultants of services and publications.......Consulting and research bureau specialized in aquatic ecology, sediment toxicology, biotests, pollution assessment and pollution control. http://www.limco-int.com/ | |
97. Reprotox, An Online Reproductive Toxicology Resource A leader in Reproductive toxicology information. Perform a keyword search online. http://reprotox.org/ | |
98. EXTOXNET - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork Fully searchable and selectively retrievable databases of pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information. http://ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/ | |
99. Interdepartmental Toxicology At ISU Nationally recognized toxicology research are the foundation of the Interdepartmental Graduate Major in toxicology at Iowa State University. Graduate degrees are offered at the master of science and doctor of philosophy levels. http://molebio.iastate.edu/~l_wild/toxhome.htm | |
100. Toxicology Graduate Program: U Of Rochester Graduate intake, areas of emphasis; neurotoxicology, immunotoxicology, osteotoxicology, carcinogenesis, and molecular, pulmonary, reproductive and developmental toxicology. Details of faculty at the University of Rochester Medical Center, New York. http://www2.envmed.rochester.edu/envmed/tox/ | |
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